The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 08, 1982, Page 3, Image 3

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    Finals Schedule
A Christmas message
By Wanda Percival
Of The Print
For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting
life. John 3:16
In the present economic
state I’ve seen many people,
some close friends, go under in
despair, devastated by the
economic standing of our na­
tion, driven to crime, drugs,
alcohol and suicide. “No hope”
remained for a meaningful life.
A major cause? Political leaders
and individuals who have fallen
into the trap of greed set by
Satan himself.
O let the nations be glad
and sing for joy; for thou shalt
judge the people righteously,
and govern nations upon
earth. Selah. Psalms 67:4.
People are searching for a
strong foundation on which to
build their life, and I believe
that at one time or another
everyone considers religion as
a source of strength and
welfare. What stops them from
turning to Christianity is the
“hypocrites” in the church.
But the wisdom that is
from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, and easy to
be intreated, full of mercy and
good fruits, without partiality,
and without hypocrisy. James
In spite of hypocrisy the
economy and personal
finances are an area of life that
everyone, believers and non­
believers needs to be concern­
ed, but the limit is drawn where
the need becomes greed. The
“things of the world” are based
on money and most people in­
cluding political leaders will
resort to anything before seek­
ing a spiritual truth.
Yea, they are greedy dogs
which can never have enough,
and they are shepherds that
cannot understand: they all
look to their own way, every
one for his gain, from his
quarter. Isaiah 56:11.
This greed caused by
financial and economic strife
could be eliminated if people
would take a stand and live ac­
cording to the inspired word of
God. It sounds difficult and is at
times, but God is faithful to
those who believe.
One no vote
for armory
To the Editor:
I am concerned over re­
cent plans by the National
Guard to acquire at no expense
five acres of College land for
use as an armory. This is not an
appropriate educational
development for our college for
two reasons:
1. This land giveaway
does not reflect a carefuly
thought out approach to col­
lege development. If approv­
ed, we will gain some
classroom space and a large
hall for occasional use but we
will in the process have made a
commitment to the Guards for
use of our space forever with
no thought to our overall
development. In short this plan
reflects a reactionary approach
to long term college develop­
2. A military building and
training program is not or
should not be consistent with
the Colleges’ rightful mission of
education and job training.
There is a tendency all over
America right now for pro­
grams initiated by the Pentagon
to be implemented on college
campuses. This includes
pressure upon registrars and
student aid offices to force
students to register for the draft
and an ongoing pressure to
develop an expanded
R.O.T.C. program. All of these
developments point to a recent
increase in the militarization of
life in these United States.
Such a trend is not in the best
interests of our nation or its
The people of our state
seem to feel the same way in
that they voted for the Nuclear
Freeze. The last thing we need
is a building and activities on
our campus that will lead to
political polarization and con­
frontation at some future date.
For these reasons I urge that
Clackamas Community Col­
lege reject the attempt of the
National Guard to get five of
our acres for nothing.
Joe Uris
Instructor, Social Science
College gets
no-nuke plea
Dear Fellow Inhabitant of
As a way to reach “peace
activist” students and faculty on
all campuses in the country, we
are asking the cooperation of
Student Body Presidents to
pass this letter along to those
most interested, and hope that
the Student Body Presidents
will, themselves, want to be ac­
tive also.
Our invitation is for those
actively interested in achieving
world peace to participate in
the most exciting breakthrough
for disarmament of the cen­
And I say unto you, Ask,
and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it
shall be opened unto you.
Luke 11:9.
The difficulty people find
in making such a commitment
to the Creator, yours and mine,
requires personal suffering
regarding finances, pride and
social status which we are not
willing to endure. In viewing
the end mark of eternal life the
difficulty grows easier to bear.
For what shall it profit a
man, if he shall gain the whole
world, and lose his soul? Mark
The gifts so freely given by
God to man were not given
because man deserved them,
but because our God is a loving
God. These gifts have been
brutally abused by man, by
believers and non-believers;
we’re all at fault. But driving
toward our destination we can
hold fast to a statement made
by Evangelist Mike French,
“Keep your eye on the goal
and not the problem. God has
not brought us out of bondage
for destruction.”
8 M
7:30 T
10 M
11 M
12 M
10:30 T
1 M
1 T
3 M
2:30 T
The key to overcoming
financial strife in our economic
state is faith in God. Faith isn’t
knowing that God can,
everybody knows he can, but
faith is knowing that God will.
Charles M. Sheldon wrote
a book titled, “In His Steps” in
which a Pentecostal minister
asked his partitioners to ask for
one year (before taking any
personal, political or business
action) what would Jesus do?
In spite of the personal suffer­
ing and social loss, hundreds of
people took their stand for
Jesus Christ, and the influence
over their community was
great. The lives of many were
changed and the influence
brought conviction into the
The Print would like to
thank Sara Wichman, Fall
Term’s interim advisor, for all
her immeasurable help
throughout the quarter.
Ms. Wichman leaves us
tury! First, a few words of in­
Even as demonstrations
against nuclear weapons
brought hundreds of thousands
of people to the streets in New
York and elsewhere this year,
the deployment of more
bombs, the design of new high-
technology weapons, and the
acquisition of nuclear and other
devasting capability by more
countries, all went on with a
A total reversal is re­
quired. People and nuclear
bombs cannot co-exist on
Earth. Time has, in fact, run
out! We cannot safely wait for
diplomatic agreements on
equality of over-kill before
there is even a freeze, not to
mention “equal, verifiable stag­
ed reductions,” while the race
actually goes unchecked to
design and deploy even greater
over-kill, and put more ner­
vous fingers on nuclear trig­
gers. Action must go forward
immediately to purge Earth of
all nuclear weapons, as well as
other weapons of mass
In response to this necessi­
ty, a major and very exiciting
breakthrough was made in
September by a Provisional
World Parliament meeting in
England. The Parliament
enacted world legislation to
outlaw nuclear weapons
universally, along with other
weapons of mass destruction,
and to create a World Disarma­
hearts of the “big wigs” in
society causing them to
reevaluate their actions and act
to the glory of God.
Right now, I challenge
everyone on this campus who
professes to be a Christian to
make this pledge and ask, what
would Jesus do? Then act
honestly according to your
answer. Show people that not
all Christians are hypocrites
and how God works through
faith. Give those around you a
thirst and hunger for the things
of God that they’ve never ex­
For God so loved the
world . . .
next week to pursue a career as
a writer. She begins work im­
mediately on her first book,
and we wish her the best of
With gratitude the Staff.
ment Agency. A global cam­
paign is now being mounted to
obtain ratification of this world
legislation, while the World
Disarmament Agency is being
prepared for its role in supervis­
ing disarmament. Meanwhile
the Parliament, which was
organized under the Constitu­
tion for the Federation of
Earth, has authorized several
Provisional District World
Courts, where legal actions
may be initiated soon, the first
now being prepared in Los
Ratification of this World
Legislation is both a way to
rapidly build up worldwide sup­
port for the entire action, and
at the same time carries into ac­
tual force the process of disar­
mament by every ratifying
body--including universities,
communities, cities, states, cor­
porations, professional associa­
tion, businesses, unions, chur­
ches as well as national
legislatures and individuals.
The details about ratification
and implementation are given
in the text of the World
Legislative Bill Number One,
which is enclosed.
Here is the action which
can be carried forward by
students (and faculty) on your
-Publish the enclosed ad
(NO NUKES -NOW!) in your
college or university paper, and
post on bulletin boards. Then
call meetings for discussion.
(Give a campus address also
for response to the ad.)
Legislative Bill Number One, to
outlaw nuclear weapons and
create a World Disarmament
Agency, for ratification and im­
mediate implementation by
your college or university:
Ratification by the student/
faculty council or councils, by
general campus referendum,
and by individuals. Use the
ratification form at the end of
the Bill.
-Off campus, take the
leadership in presenting World
Legislative Bill Number One for
ratification by the town or city
council, by churches, by cor­
porations and businesses, by
professional associations, by
labor unions. Get the ad
printed in various papers and
bulletins. Use your imagination!
Please send all ratifications
to BANISH (a division of the
World Constitution and Parlia­
ment Association) 1480 Hoyt
Street, Suite 31, Lakewood,
Colo. 80215. All ratifying
bodies will be notified how they
can participate in electing the
members of the Board of
Trustees of the World Disarma­
ment Agency.
For Peace and Humanity,
Philip Isely
(Secretary General)
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