1 1 r i ■ EVENTS CALENDAR! gsSgsS» Wednesday, Nov. 3 i Career Market < 11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. CC Mall Thursday, Nov. 4 Movie: 1 “Lawrence of Arabia” 1 - 3:00 p.m. Fireside Lounge 1 HI i B HI i i Friday, Nov. 5 RSVP Orientation 12 - 5:00 p.m. O C 121 1 1 J Saturday, Nov. 6 ■ ItPR Class i i 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. B 1 ■ BR A and B ■ L 1 1 1 1 1 1 !■! k i ligi 1 1 t J- Sunday, Nov. 7 Open Recreation ■ itSS 6 -10:00 p.m. Gym Voters OK Atiyeh, Smith, nix Measure 3 By Doug Vaughan Of The Print Oregonians chose to stay the course yester­ day as they re-elected Victor Atiyeh for governor and Denny Smith fpr Congress. The Governor will serve his second term as he beat out Libertarian Paul J. Cleveland and Democrat Ted Kulongowski. Prior governmental experience for Atiyeh included his membership in Oregon Legislature for 20 years. From 1959 to 1965 he served in Oregon’s House of Representatives. Thereafter he was a member of the State Senate for 13 years. During those 20 years he was the House Republican Floor Leader, Senate Republican Floor Leader and Senate Republican Leader. During the campaign Atiyeh pledged no radical schemes, no wild plarts and no irrespon­ sible actions to Oregonians. In his past term as governor, Atiyeh controlled state spending, reformed Oregon’s welfare system and devised a Tax limitation bill beaten By Kristi Blackman Of The Print The Tennis match between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ on Ballot Measure 3 ended yesterday at the polls when the public voted against the passage of that bill with a very close victory margin. Oregon’s education system slid past the risk of losing special programs that would have been axed by budget cuts had this bill passed. Additional budget reductions would have been a major blow to Clackamas Community College who at the present state has been forced to continue operating on a low budget and also serve the community at the same standards. Governor Vic Atiyeh Denny Smith Photos courtesy of the Enterprise-Courier business approach for economic development and jobs. He is also'setting up an anti-crime pro­ gram that will increase the certainty of criminals being caught, convicted and punished. Also holding his ground was Republican candidate-for Congress Denny Smith. Smith was re-elected to serve his second term in Congress by edging out Democratic opposition Ruth McFarland. Prior to his first term in Congress, he was the chairman of Eagle Press Newspapers, an string of community newspapers in the North­ west. He was also a co-pilot and engineer for Pan American World Airways. Smith served his first term in Oregon’s first district. He is now the representative for the newly formed fifth district. Smith kept his pledge to stay in touch with Oregonians by holding nearly 60 town meetings. His present goal is to work for a balanced budget and preserve the integrity of Social Security. CONGRESS District 3-Wyden 4,333 STATE RACES Governor-Vic 20,385 “We have problems with property tax relief. We have to do something about it . . . ” . Governor Atiyeh Clackamas Community College is grateful to the many voters who, by voting no recognized the potential harm passage of Ballot Measure No. 3 would have created on the delivery of im­ portant public services to the community. The college appreciates the trust the voters have placed in its ability to serve the community. Clackamas is a valuable resource in the district. To many it represents a chance for per­ sonal growth and success. The college is com­ mitted to preserving that atmosphere of hope by providing programs in the most cost efficient manner available. The College will not have to eliminate pro­ grams that are outside of the essentials which would endanger the survival of the college. COUNTY RACES (CLACKAMAS) Atiyeh Commission er-Dale Harlan 14,911 District 5-Smith 11,920 Labor Commissioner- Mary Roberts 17,189 Superintendent, Public Instruction-Verne Duncan 15,534 SN: OL0055 T r e a s u rer-Thelma Hooper 14,037 Surveyor-Thomas Milne 14,864 Clerk-Robert 18,602 Reily BALLOT MEASURES 1 (Tax base increse)-No 23,938 2 (Lengthen time for veto, approval of bills)-No 17,817 3 (Tax limitationl- No 12,490 4 (Self-service Gas)-No 18,934 5 (Nuclear freeze)-Yes 18,064 6 (End LCDC)-No 17,002