The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 20, 1982, Page 6, Image 6

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Wild and woolie ‘Theatre of Sheep’ plays Portland
By Vicki Archila
Of The Print
In a time when the records
industry is in a slump, and all
the radio airwaves will give you
is packaged commercialism, it’s
nice to know that there are
local bands that haven’t suc­
cumbed to the record com­
panies, Where can you hear
good music, and not have to
pay $8 for a mediocre show?
Local talent is happening, and
in the mist of all this, there is
“Theatre of Sheep.”
“Theatre of Sheep,” a
local act on the scene since Ju­
ly 18, is stirring up a lot of at­
tention since their debut, open­
ing for “Richard Hell and the
“Theatre of Sheep” con­
sists of five members, all in their
early 20’s. Rozz Razabek on
vocals and sax, Leslie
thesizer/keyboards, Jim
Haskett on guitars, John Clif­
ford on bass and Brian
Wassman on drums. All
members except Wassman are
from Portland. Wassman is
from Los Angeles, where he
grew up in Long Beach.
Razabek’s late teen’s and early
20’s were spent in San Fran­
cisco, playing local clubs,
listening to Glitter Rock, such
as Bowie and The New York
Dolls’. This is where he got
much of his inspiration.
Razabek’s last band in San
Francisco was a heavy metal
group called “Metal Church.”
He was unhappy playing with
them, unhappy with the “rock
scene,” so one day, he recalls
when they were sitting around
watching Batman reruns “One
of them was real stoned, and
trying to be profoupd said,
‘Man, all the world is a stage,’
and at that point I was so fed
up, and wanted to quit the
band so bad, I said, ‘and we are
a theatre of sheep’.” He walked
out on the band, and came
back to Portland to go to
Portland Community College.
He went to college with
Clifford, and started jamming
with Haskett on the side. The
three got together and they
made a cassette without a
drummer, using instead a
rhythm machine. Wassman
later showed up on Razabek’s
doorstep, and became their live
drummer. They then met
Arubuthknott, who at first was.
the guitarist, and had Haskett
sitting in on keyboards. He
decided to stick with the band,
and switched places with
Arubuthknott. Then everything
fell together. Razabek writes
the lyrics, which are politically
inclined. Pill City, for example
was written about the San
Francisco scene.
THEATRE OF SHEEP: Leslie Arubuthknott, Rozz Razabek, Brian Wassman, John
Clifford and Jim Haskett.
“Theatre of Sheep’s”
music is hard to define. They
are a high energy new-wave
pop band, playing dance orien­
tated rock (D.O.R.) music,
with heavy emphasis on the
synthesizer. They have been
compared to “Echo” and the
“The Bunnymen,” “Human
League,” “Flock of Seagulls”
and “Duran Duran.”
The goal of the band right
now is to stay together for two
years. “If you stay together two
years, you’re pretty much
assured some sort of a future,”
Razabek said.
I highly recommend cat­
ching this band. If you enjoy
dancing or just tapping your
foot, and having a great time,
this band can provide just that.
“Theatre of Sheep” will be
playing at the Lung Fung
Dragon Room Wednesday,
Oct. 27 and at a Halloween
party at Pine Street Theatre
Saturday, Oct. 30. Also,
Razabek will be doing a solo act
of material he has written that
doesn’t fit in with the band. He
will be at the Met Tuesday,
Oct. 26.
The movie’s acting is some
of the best I’ve ever seen,
especially by the relative
newcomer Amy Madigan.
Madigan said that she
thoroughly researched Moore’s
experience and spent a lot of
time with Moore before filming
so that she could really express
what Moore really went
through. Her performance is
genuine, very realistic and
especially moving.
Beau Bridges plays the
guard with whom Terry fell in
love. Bridges’ performance is
also quality acting and very
genuine. But somehow he
comes across as too clean cut
of a fellow to play someone
who does such a rotten thing as
he does. After Moore found
out she was pregnant, he quit
his job and never saw Terry
again. According to Director
Larry Peerce, he cast Bridges
as the guard because he fit so
closely to the age and descrip­
tion of real guard.
This film was not made
solely for entertainment, but
rather to tell a story. A story of
one women and her struggles,
and how unfair our judicial
system can be sometimes.
Love Child is a stong movie in
its acting, the story, and its
emotional impact. I wouldn’t
have missed it, and you
shouldn’t either!
‘60 Minutes’ spawns movie
By Troy Maben
Of The Print
In 1977 Terry Jean Moore
and her 17-year-old cousin
decided to hitchhike from
Orlando, Fla. to New Orleans,
La. After being picked up by a
young man, Terry’s cousin
pulled a gun and tried to steal
the car. At the same time
Moore took $5 from a wallet in
the car.
Soon after, Moore was ar-
ed robbery and sentenced to
15 years in prison.
This was followed by an
attempt to distract the guards,
being put into solitary confine­
ment, setting fire to her mat­
tress, and being sentenced to
an additional five years for ar­
After sentencing, Moore
was sent to the Broward Cor­
rectional Institution in Florida.
Blue Pacific Records
108 Molalla Ave.
Oregon City, Oregon
All tapes & records fully guaranteed.
There, Moore fell in love with
one of the guards and soon
found herself pregnant. She
hid her pregnancy long enough
so by the time prison officials
found out, it was too late to
force her into getting an abor­
Moore won her right to
keep the baby and publicity
came her way. Within six mon­
ths of her daughter’s birth,
Precious, Moore was released
from prison.
Moore was shown on a
segment on “60 Minutes,”
where she was seen by film
producer Paul Maslansky.
Maslansky immediately went to
work on her story and started
turning it into a major motion
The result of Paul Maslan-
sky’s project is the new movie
“Love Child.” This film opened
at many theatres in Portland
last Friday.
(Oct. 20-23)
Wed.-Terry Robb Band
Thurs.- Rural Delivery
(Live music every night)
Happy Hour= 4-7 p.m + Mcn.-Fri.+ 95* Well Drinks
Ladies Night = 7-close + 9? e Well + 75‘ Wine+50' Beer
Fridays = Ladies Free + $1 script for gents
Saturdays = $1 script w/cover (Good on food and drink)
page 6
19195 S. Molalla
Clackamas Community College