McTeague guest at ASG meeting Dave McTeague, democratic Congressional can­ didate for the newly formed Fifth District spoke at last Thursday’s ASG meeting, naming education and peace as the most important issues in the upcoming elections. McTeague feels student loans and aid need to be restored. “I would not have made it through school without student loans. It is pretty basic,” McTeague said. JHe said without restoring aid, we’re “Keeping people away from education.” On the peace issue, McTeague spoke about the situation in Central America saying, we are told “it is some kind of East/West confrontation—that is a big lie.” McTeague further stated that it is the same kind of situation we had in Vietnam. “We need to have an all volunteer military until there is a national emergency,” McTeague said, speaking on the draft. McTeague is very outspoken against republican candidate Denny Smith, label­ ing him an .“ultra-right can­ didate.” McTeague also called Smith a “champion of the New Right.” In his fight against the New Right, McTeague uses the slogan, “Fight back to save America.” McTeague said, • “I have the most active record” in. the Democratic running. He is cur­ rently Oregon’s Democratic National Committeeman, and was a delegate to the National Democratic Conventions in 1972, 1974; and 1980. McTeague also worked as a Legislative Aide to Senator Office along with many other students of the College. Staff photo by Duane Hiersche Jan Wyers in 1979, and Bob Vian in 1977. McTeague was also on the State Senate staff in 1973. McTeague has been living in Salem since 1969. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a bachelors degree in political science in 1977. McTeague plans on atten­ ding the “Candidates Fair” at the College, scheduled for April 19. The fair is sponsored ASG. ‘Spiritual economics’ discussed By Tracy Sumner Of The Print “The Economic Crisis from a Spiritual Perspective” was the theme of a lecture given by Dr. Dan Popov last Wednesday in CC 101. The discussion was sponsored by the Baha’i Club of Clackamas Community College • Popov, holder of a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, stated that the world economic crisis of today is being used by God to point mankind to Himself arid greater unity with each other. “The economic crisis isn’t the beginning of the end, but the end of a beginning,” he said. “If you really look at the world today, you can see it really makes sense and isn’t just chaos: God is, in control and He’ll use every situation to His advantage.” The Baha’i faith began in Persia in 1844AD when a young man known as “the Bab” or “Gate” announced that he was the fulfillment of prophecy and was to prepare the way for the appearance of the revealer of the word of God, who would usher in an age of peace for all mankind. Thirteen years after the death of the Bab, Baha’U llah, while in exile in Baghdad in 1863, announced his own revelation, and now is known as the founder of the Baha’i religion. need for “interdependence of all mankind” and eventually one governing body for the en­ tire world. “Eventually it will be called for,” he stated. “We can’t go on the way we are much longer.”, Constitution revisions proposed to be faced is whether or riot the whole student body should vote on the changes,” Schweizer said. According to the constitu­ tion, any action which changes The alternatives being sug­ the intent of any article therein gested for the constitution in­ must be voted upon by the stu­ clude elimination of the offices dent body. Schweizer felt that of Business Manager and such a vote would not be Publicity Director. Also, the necessary in this case. number of senators will be Business Manager Steven dropped from 20 to 10 and the Vohs disagrees. “These positions will become ap­ changes are major. They must pointed, rather than elected. be voted upon by everybody/* Joe Schweizer, assistant to he said. the president and member of Schweizer explained that the revision committee, said any vote would have to take the alterations will go before place before the second week the ASG at tomorrow’s noon of spring term. That is when meeting. ‘‘The biggest question applications for the ASG ex- The Constitution Revision Committee of the Associated Student Government will pre­ sent its proposed changes at tomorrow’s ASG meeting. NAVY VETERANS Bell Bottoms are back! So is the Pride and Professionalism you once knew. Become a part of it again. You may qualify for Sea Pay, Special re-enlistment bonus and other benefits. For more informa­ tion: CALL 1-800-452-5554 (Toll Free) NAVY IT’S NOT JUST A JOB, IT’S AN ADVENTURE. Wednesday, March 10, 1982 ecutive positions will be open. “It would be unfair to let people apply for a position and then eliminate that job,” Schweizer said. “If we put it up for a vote, there would be only two weeks before we could do. it; finals week and the first week of the next term. That’s just not enough time to present the in­ formation to everyone.” The revisions comrriittee consists of Schweizer, Vice- president Susy Ryan and Senator Emma Nelson. Neither Ryan nor Nelson were' available for comment. Of the committee, % only Nelson plans on returning to the College next year. Dr. Dan Popov Staff photo by Duane Book exchange set Studerits who feel they’re being ripped off by selling their books back to the bookstore and only getting half of what they originally paid should try using the new book exchange that is being sponsored by the Associated Student Govern­ ment. Students will get a chance to price their books at what they think is reasonable and be able to sell or exchange that book with another student. “We adapted the idea from Chemeketa Community College,” said Paul Nastari, ASG Senator. “The program is really well-liked at Chemeketa and we decided to give it a try here at Clackamas. /‘Students interested in the exchange should bring their books to the Student Activities office March 15-18 to be sold or exchanged,” he explained. The dates for buying or ex­ changing the books will be March 29-April 1 and April 5-8 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. “We’re trying to allow students a chance to sell back their books for more money than the bookstore gives back and also to save the students money,” Nastari said. “The students who decide to use the book exchange won’t be able to sell their books back to the bookstore and also the time to pick up their money and un­ sold books will be April 12-16. r /ASG is trying to show the students we’re doing something for them,” Nastari commented, “the Book Ex­ change will be more beneficial for all students in the long run.” For more information on the book exchange, interested students should contact the Student Activities Office.. page 3