sports Grapplers take dual meet crown Staff Photo by Duffy Coffman COUGAR GRAPPLER STRUGGLES to rise over his opponent during a recent dual match. Women victor on the road By Jay Lynch Of The Print The Clackamas Com­ munity College Women CagerS Friday obtained their first league win away from home by defeating SWOCC 65-61 in Coos Bay. Cindy Johnston led the way with 17 points followed by Denise Wheatley and Terri Kel­ ly with 16 and 15, respectively. Terri Kelly also contributed nine rebounds. The Cougars led from the opening minute. The CCC defense stopped SWOCC’s Stacey Evonivk for the first 20 minutes. Evonivk, who is the league’s top scorer, ended up with 25 points, primarily from the second half when the out­ come of the game was relative­ ly clear. The big difference came from the free-throw line. CCC converted 15 in 23 attempts while SWOCC was only 3-4.. Saturday, the team travel­ ed to Eugene and defeated Lane CC 78-69. The Cougars filled up the nets at a. blistering 57 percent led by Sharon Lar­ son’s 11 for 14 and 27 points, Additional scorers in dou­ ble figures were Cindy Johnston with 18, Denise Wheatley .with 14 and Terri Kelly with 12. Johnston and Kelly each dished out six assists and Kelly dominated the boards with 14 rebounds. The Clackamas effort offset a fine showing by Lane’s guards, Deanna Allen and Dawn Bredeson, who combined for 34 points for the hosts. These wins give the Clackamas women a league record of 7-5 and a fourth place standing, Friday, the Cougars host Umpqua, a team which has already defeated CCC twice and is in first place in the league. Coach Nancy Mikleton thinks that with a continued team effort and fewer turnovers they could come out in good shape. Cougars gain double victories By Jay Lynch Of The Print The Clackamas Men’s Basketball team came away winners Friday when they took on Southwestern Oregon Community College on their home floor. The Cougars dunked SWOCC 82-65 behind the combined efforts of Dave .Carlson and Jim Hill. Carlson tallied 22 points and 11 re­ bounds and Hill added 19 pints and eight rebounds. Guards Tom Jones and Carlson played “excellent,” ac­ cording to Coach Royce Kiser. Kiser also commended Dan Hanson for setting up the of­ fense. When play, got a little “ratty,” Mike Raines also add­ ed some quality minutes giving the starters some rest. Saturday the Cougars in­ vaded Eugene and Lane Com­ munity College and came away with a 62-60 victory. Rex Thomas sank two clutch free- throws to ice the win. Coach Kiser felt the game was dominated by Tom Elk'ins who came off the bench to score nine points. Tom Welle scored 12, Dave Carlson scored 10, and Dan Hanson and John Welle both had eight points to offset a 22 point per­ formance by Lane’s Darren Rice. The Cougars play host to Umpqua Community College on Friday,at 8 p.m. CCC STUDENTS These specials are for you on­ ly. Please show copy of this ad and your student body card for these prices. Steelhead Rod Ski Jackets Casting Reel 81/a ft. OLYMPIC $24.95 Value $10.00 Any în°bsrnt'eS % list price ^keSeUSA Athletic Shoes Allinstock $35.00 10% OFF The Cougar grapplers took the title of dual meet champions 'in Oregon last Wednesday night as they defeated Mt. Hood CC on thé home mats and downed Linn- Benton CC. However, they fell to Big Bend and North Idaho over the weekend. Mt. Hood has been a tough team for the Cougars to beat this year, but Wednesday night there was nothing holding them back as they took a 22-18 victory over the Cougar rival. Troy Wentworth took a 13-4 decision over Marty Neyman in the 118 /division while Mike Bolf at 134 defeated Tony Wilson 5-2, and at 142 Nathan Winner pinned Chuck Lumpkin in 4:52. Other Cougar victories came to tim Tilander at 150 taking an 11-2 advantage over Pat Milligan and Joe Giacomlni finished 10-3 over Scott Lancaster. The victory over Mt. Hood placed the Cougar squad in the dual meet championship posi­ tion. The Mt. Hood encounter didn’t tire the Cougars though as they went on to defeat Linn- Benton 49-6 the same night with victories for Nathan and Mark Winner. As the Cougars hit the road for the weekend -they Intermediate skiing Intermediate cross­ country ski lessons will be 'taught February 27 to March 1 by Keep Listening Wilderness Trips for Women. The three day weekend is aimed toward women who want to improve their cross­ country downhill techniques. Basic skills will be reviewed and new skills taught, with com­ mand of the telemark turn be­ ing emphasized. In addition to instruction, OREGON CITY SHOPPING < I NTI K OPEN M »All V Keep Listening Wilderness Trips for Women will provide meals and lodging in a Mt. Hood càbiri Saturday and Sun­ day nights/ Febniary 27 and 28. Participants must furnish their own ski equipment. The cost of the- weekend is $80. The registration deadline -is February 24; ; • For more information write Keep Listening, PO Box 14743, Portland, Oregon 97214 or call (503) 239-6896. Brighten Your Sweetheart’s Day With A BALLOON BOUQUET 9 Balloon “Mini”...... .......... . ............... $8.95 15 Balloon “Maxi” ............ ................. ,$14.95 ’Choice of helium or potted arrangements withll” balloons. ’Delivery charge extra—One day notice please! ’Order now from People-ln-Motion-Oregon City’s Balloon Bouquet Headquarters. Ski Hot Wax Bring in your skis $l.50 a pair LARRYS came out the underdog as Big Bend slid by with a 23-21 vic­ tory. Rob Bolf took a 6-4 deci­ sion at 126 while Nathan Win­ ner scored 16-5 and Mark Win­ ner scored 12-0. Cougar coach Norm Berney said, “We were road weary after 300 miles of travel and even with a very poor ef­ fort team-wise we were leading going,into heavy-weight. Our wrestler was leading the match when he was arm rolled for a fall to give Big Bend a 23-21 decision;” The Cougars trip to Cour d’lane Saturday didn’t prove quite as successfuf for the grap­ plers either as they fell 31-10 to North Idaho. “I don’t feel that this was indicative of how our team can wrestle because against Mt. Hood we had an outstanding team effort,” Berney said. At 142 Nathan Winner took an 8-0 decision, but the other Cougar grapplers couldn’t get it together,” The Cougars will go into conference action without Rob Bolf at 126 who has a separated shoulder. He may also be Out .for regional action. “We need to compete at an exceptional level this weekend at conference in order to, beat the favorite Mt. Hood,” Berney said. 655-6238 ^PEOPLE- in -MOTION wear a t - shirts * Southridge Center. Oregon City