The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 10, 1982, Page 4, Image 4

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    About Life...
The search
for success
By Laura Henkes
Craig Lesley
pounded our need and desire
for success. It seems only pro­
per then that we haVe the op­
portunity; to learn a little bit
about this phenomenon.
Myna Somers and Devon
Burris will give students the op­
portunity to learn more about
the success phenomenon
Thursday night, from 7-10
p.m. The seminar, which will
be held in Board Rooms A and
B at Barlow Hall, will cost $3.
. Let’s take a sneak preview
of what this is all about. First of
all, what does the term ‘suc­
cess’ really cover? Typically,
success is thought of as the
gaining of prosperity or fame.
However, after consulting the
American Heritage dictionary’s
first.definition, “achievement of
something desired, planned, or
attempted,” the outlook
becomes much broader.
Basically, each person has
to define success for himself.
This is becoming a very impor­
tant personal involvement,
especially considering today’s
social structure.
There are many obstacles
to success, but perhaps the
most discussed is fear of suc­
will be defining what a western cess. Some people respond to
writer is, into the community,” rewards. But from a business
continued Lesley. “At the same standpoint, Burris and Somers
time we’ll get a look at how we surmised, the person who does
view the region.”
respond in this manner will get
The second lecture of the fewer ‘strokes’ the higher up
Speaker’s Series will feature the ladder he climbs, because
Dr. Glen Love, professor of the level of responsibility in­
english at the University of creases. Other times there is a
Oregon on February 17 at 7:00 fear of losing friendship or the
p.m. in the McLoughlin possibility that friends may see
one differently.
Subtle implications that
success is imperative are evi­
dent even in the first year of
life. From the time a baby first
struggles, trying to turn himself
over to his side or stomach,
when he strives and sometimes
fails to crawl or push himself up
on his little hands; or when he
feels the teeter-totter effect of
balancing himself with his first
steps; he experiences success
and failure.
As he dares to look ahead,
mom and dad, grandma and
grandpa, and maybe even
brothers and sisters, are there
encouraging success with a
smile and open arms. We are
taught early that success is
crucial and will be rewarded
and that failure will not be rein­
Perhaps the development
of . our social and cultural struc­
tures since early times has com-
Professor turns novelist
By David J. Hayden
Of the Print
For Craig Lesley, english
instructor, there’s more to a
career in education than just
teaching. He’s recently become
involved in two major projects;
the writing of a novel and the
subsequent publishing of two
parts of it, and pulling together
the Speaker’s Series currently
running at the College.
Lesley, a native Orego­
nian, grew up in Central and
Eastern Oregon. He’s a
10-year veteran of the college
who received a B.A. from
Whitman College, a M.A. from
the University of Kansas and
M.F.A. from the University of-
During a two and a half
year break from teaching he
received a grant to attend a
program at the University of
Massachusetts. The program,
“Teaching writing and literature
in the two year college,” was
the first national program of­
fered by the National Commit­
tee for the Humanities for com­
munity college instructors in
In the process of writing
his novel, Lesley has had two
parts of it published as short
stories, both were recently
nominated for national awards.
One, “Off The Main Road”
deals with a person named
Kachia, the central character of
both stories and the novel, and
the general conditions of a
Montana reservation. It was
published in “Northwest
The second short story,
“Hoopsnake” is about the reu­
nion of a father and son’ and
was published in “Writer’s
Forum 7?’
In speaking about the
emergence of the Western,
writer Lesley cojnmented,
“New York has finally recogniz­
ed the writer with a western
point of view. There have
always been great western
writers, but now, because of
their commercial success,
they’re being recognized.”
Lesley’s second major
project has been the Speaker’s
Series, “Writer’s Visions of the
Western Landscapes.” dur
goal has been to bring the pro­
minent writers, the ones that
by Reid Carscadden
One of the most important
topics which will be discussed is
locus of control--the arena in
which you get your reinforce­
ment or strokes from, accor­
ding to Somers. This involves
internal goals versus external
goals. People with ah external
locus of control get their
‘strokes’ and set their goals ac­
cording to the responses of
others, thus placing control of
their lives in the hands of
everyone but themselves. With
an external locus of control, it is
vety easy to blame others for
failure. .
Having an interned locus of
control means that the' in­
dividual sets goals for himself
and is therefore responsible for
himself. Input and feedback
from others would ‘be Con­
sidered and evaluated, but the
individual would be in control
of and determine the final deci­
sion. Somers and Burris added
that even feeling control,
though in -reality not being in
control, effectively establishes
an internal locus of control and
positively effects performance
in the world:
In other words, the,'fact
that a person in this complex,
modern world has options, and
is in control of his future, is
crucial to his performance and
Locus of control is effected
by cultural and social factors.
An example might be that
women are typically taught to
respond to their families and to
In their research, Somers
and Burris have also found that
women and minorities^ in
general, have the lowest inter­
nal locus Of control (and a very
high external locus of Cohtrol).
Middle class men have the
highest internal Ipcus of con­
trol. Locus bf control is
something which can/ be
taught; and Somers feels that
discussion arid exercises will be
an important part of the
seminar, Discussion of accep­
ting recognition and what a
person has to gain and lose by
being successful, are some of
the other areas which will
broaden the scope of
awareness and provide some
options on a subject area that is
so important in our everyday
ASG meeting focuses on special session
and write the legislature to let
them know we can’t afford any
more budget cute.”
Prouty said that ASG
should be prepared to justify its'
In" last Thursday’s expenditures because of the
Associated Student govern­ tight money situation. “We
ment meeting, Karen Prouty, a need to decide why we allocate
member of CCOSAC (Com­ money for things so we can ex­
munity Colleges of Oregon plain to people why we spend
Student Associations and money the way we do,” she
Commissions) reported on the said.
In other ASG business,
status of community college
funding with the state two new senators were elected,
Art Director Daphne Stone’s
Prouty said the news from resignation was accepted, and
Salem was not goiod. An in­ Phi Beta Lambda and Molalla
come tax surcharge was High School once again made
defeated, resulting in almost requests for money.
Jerry Hale and Evan
definite cute in all areas. “If the
surcharge would have passed Alleman were elected to fill
the special sessionof the senate positions of terminated
legislature would be over now. ASG members, Kadri Taher
“It’s not too late to prevent fur­ and Will Smeback.
Art director Daphne
ther budget cute,” Prouty said,
M\Ne need to make phone calls Stone’s resignation was ac­
By Mike Rose
Of The Print
page 4
cepted. Stone’s reason for
stepping down was that the
position was taking up too
much of her time, which
adversely affected her grades.
Molalla High School re­
quested funds from ASG to
support project “Close Up,” a
program that gives high school
students an inside look at the
national government. The
money was requested to send a
group of high school students
to Washington DC tó attend
seminars and 'workshops.
Molalla High made the
same request last term, but it
was defeated.
Business Manager Steve
Vohs said that he didn’t see
any need for further discussion
of the matter since the request
had been examined last term.
However, ASG President
Sam Crosby said that funding
the project was consistent with
the purpose of ASG. “If we did
not want community support
we wouldn’t hold the annual
log jam in another city. These
high school students may be at­
tending the College in the
future,” he said.
A. motion was passed to
move the request to the Ways
and Means Committee.
Matt Johnson, a PBL
representative, requested $68
from ASG. He said the money
would be invested in a PBL
fund raising taco .sale. The sale
will get PBL “out of the red,”
Johnson said.
He explained that PBL’s
funds were depleted by a con­
cession stand fund, raiser that
lost money. The request for
noney was moved to the Ways
and Means Committee.
Vohs suggested that ASG
send an open letter to The Print
repudiating some student
remarks in an article about last
week’s open meeting.
In the article, an-unnamed
student called ASG,an “enter­
tainment committee” and
another said he was at the
open meeting “juSt to listen to
the BS.”
Vohs also commented'
that he was concerned about
ASG’s paper wastage. He said
ASG should fry to cut down on
paper consumption for conser­
vation and economic reasons.
Other announcements in­
On Feb. 20 ASG will host
the CCOSAC Board of
Presidents meetirig.
A former “Moonie” Chris
Edwards willTecture April 15.
The lecture is titled “Crazy for
God” and will concern the
nightmare of cult religion,
Buckley said.
kamas Community College