The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 10, 1982, Page 2, Image 2

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Legislators long session
not totally negative sign
Although, the state legislature could
be within hours of making a final decision
on how to make up Oregon’s deficit while
this is being written, it has been the long
waiting period anticipating the outcome.
It was a struggle that had its first real
victory when Gov. Vic Atiyeh’s proposal
had been defeated, a win that could be
Maybe the fact that this first victory
seemed to come so easily, and quickly,
that the final victory has appeared so pro­
longed (although this ease and quickness
is not very true).
It was weeks in the preparation
stages, as the College’s ASG and Com­
munity Colleges of Oregon Student
Association and Commissions (CCOSAC)
worked diligently to set things in motion
for a successful rally at the state capitol.
Things were rolling on the rally weeks
before the general public ever knew
anything about it.
n ßour V our
Things looked great for awhile, as a
proposal was presented to the legislature
to impose a 5.2 percent surcharge. But
things once again turned to the grim side
as this was defeated to bring up a 3.11 per­
cent surcharge proposal. Unfortunately, if
this is defeated also, it would mean back
to Atiyeh’s plan (Thus nullifying that first
Even if the final verdict means large
cuts to community colleges, the time this
has taken the legislature can only be look­
ed at as an asset. First of all, it has given
community colleges the time to determine
how large cuts could be handled (if that’s
possible). Secondly, if the battle is lost, at
least time was available for the colleges to
band together to fight such a loss.
One other fact that can be concluded
from the lengthy legislative debate is that
the legislators have shown concern about
who is to be axed, and didn’t just make a
hasty decision.
Saturday cartoons not worth early rise
Okay, show of hands.
How many of you have recent­
ly awakened early on a Satur­
day to watch some morning
By J. Dana Haynes
The reason I ask is, I
recently found myself wide
awake on a Saturday and
decided to get up and watch
some TV. I admit to being
heavily addicted to them in a
younger day, and quite to my
surprise found myself grinning
with anticipation as I snuck out
of the bedroom to avoid wak­
ing my wife.
It was about 9:30 a.m.
and according to the TV
Guide, my choices were bet­
ween “Heathcliff and Mar­
maduke,” “Bugs Bunny/Road
Runner” and “Spiderman and
Now, funny dogs I can
take or leave (ditto singing
cats). And I collect comic
books, so I get a healthy dose
of Spiderman every month.
One of the great memories of
my life has been Bugs Bunny,
so that was my choice.
Within about five minutes,
the hardworking journalist and
erstwhile husband was gone,
leaving this little kid giggling
madly, holding a pillow over
my mouth to avoid waking my
wife (Note: I was unsuccessful.
Just after the first appearance
of the Tazmanian Devil, Peg
stumbled out of the bedroom,
mildly curious as to why I was
having an epileptic fit).
All too soon the half hour
was up, and the show was only
half over. But I was ready to
experiment a little with some
new stuff, so I checked the
Guide again.
My choices now were
“Goldie Gold and Action
Jack,” “Space Stars,” “How
To With Pete” and “The 700
Club.” Again I had little choice.
George Lucas not withstan­
ding, outer-space-oriented-
science fiction has never been a
fave of mine. Off hand, I
couldn’t think of anything I’d
like to learn How To (do) With
Pete, and I’ve made sort of a
hobby out of debauchery, so
the 700 club was out. This left
“Goldie Gold and Action
I’d never heard of this one
before, but the name conjured
images of adventurous
youngsters, in the tradition of
THE PRINT, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opi­
nions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily reflect those of
the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Govern­
ment or other staff members of THE PRINT.
office: Trailor B; telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309 or 310
editor: Rick Obritschkewitsch
news editor: J. Dana Haynes; arts editor: Tina Riggs
feature editor: David J. Hayden
sports editor: Wanda Percival
photo editor: Duane Hiersche; copy editor: Mike Rose
staff writers: Kristi Blackman, Amy De Vour, Laura Henkes,
Jay Lynch, Thomas A. Rhodes, Tracy.Sumner,
Darla J. Weinberger
staff photographers: Reid Carscadden, Duffy Coffman
cartoonist: J. Dana Haynes
business manager: Joan Seely
sales: Angie Rogantine
typesetter: Pennie Keefer; graphics: Lynn Griffith
. -______ advisor: Dana Spielmann___________ ■
page 2
that great cinemagraphic work
of art, “Johnny Quest,” so I
decided to give it a try. KA KA!
I don’t know who is
responsible for that mess, but it
was chockfull of amateur
animation (you know; the
same cloud passing by in the
background a few hundred
times. That sort of thing), and a
dumb plot (even by cartoon
standards, which I’ll admit to
being aimed at kids). It was
pure and simply boring, and as
far as I’m concerned, that is a
capital offepse in the cartoon
Agonizingly long minutes
later that show ended, and my
next choice was something call­
ed “Thundarr.” Booooring...
At 11 a.m., I teetered bet­
ween a healthy dose of “Daffy
and Speedy” and a Bob Steele,
Tom Tyler western, “Raiders of
the Range,” 1942. Of all the
fantasy fowls (Donald, Daisy,
Hewy, Dewey, Louis, Howard
and Destroyer Duck), Daffy
has always been my favorite:
He’s kind of the Hawkeye
Pierce of the feathered set.
Bob Steele is good, but
he’s no Randolph Scott, so I
stuck with Daffy and Speedy
and had a wonderful time,
thank you. That lasted for a
half hour, and left me with
“American Bandstand,”
“Blackstar,” and “Bullwinkle.”
I threw caution to the wind and
went with “Blackstar.”
It was noon now, and I
was willing to call it quits.
Buster Crabbe’s “Tarzan the
Fearless,” 1933, came next
and was wonderful.
So what is the moral? I
guess it would have to be that
someone in the television in­
dustry has decided that Star
Wars is the wave of the future,
and for a show to catch a kid’s
attention, it has to have lots of
explosions and space-baddies.
Apparently, it is thought that
kids really don’t want humor or
plots or characterization (again,
take “Johnny Quest”).
Remember Race Bannon,
Hadji, Bandit, and Prof.
Quest? To this day, Johnny is
in my top five list of favorite fic­
tion characters.
Someone in some office
somewhere had forgotten
Johnny Quest, and Bugs Bun­
ny’s snappy patter, and
Sergeant Preston of the Moun-
ties (and his faithful dog, King).
All they can remember are Star
Wars-clones, Star Wars-
parodies, and Star Wars-
meets-Archie’s gang.
More’s the pity. I’m not
sure, but I think a truly original
form of communication has just
bit the big one.
Readers write
no waste
However, the expenditure for
the Joe Meek sculpture is war­
In the first place, art is an
integral part of the curriculum.
Art plays a vital role in our
To the Editor:
lives. Purchasing a work of art
enhances not only our physical
Unfortunately, replying to plant, but serves as a living ex­
an editorial (in the February 3, ample for our art students. It is
The Print) that is half correct the same as books in our
leaves the critic at a disadvan­ library. Would the editor of The
Print have us do without books
Your technique of placing because they cost far more
two different expenditures in than the sculpture?
No, the Collegeneeds both
one package leaves the impres­
sion that all expenses at the books and art—administrators
are another thing entirely .
College are wasteful.
You were quite correct to
point out the extraordinary
payment to regular ad­
ministrators is not in keeping Dr. Donald B. Epstein
with the spirit of austerity that Instructor
the College must undergo. Social Science Dept.
for support
To the Editor:
To the students of Clackamas
Community College,
I would like to thank
everyone who helped with last
week’s blood drive. We set a
school record by donating 114
units of blood; an outstanding
The Red Cross, the ASG,
and myself in particular, ap­
preciate the involvement.
Thank you.
Samuel K. Crosby
President, Associated
Student Government.
Clackamas Community College