Floral Design: The technique behind the beauty .¿Expressions of concentration, determination, and pride flash on their faces. Pieces of greenery cuttings, plastic flowers, shears and knives cover their once organized work tables. The students step back to scrutinize their creations. They fiddle and pick until the arrangement looks to their liking. A final touch. At last it is completed. A satisfied sigh escapes one students lips. The class is Commercial Floral Design. Marylou Adams, the class’instructor related, “In one of my classes I had a policeman. He did very well at designing, so well he quit the police force and became a florist!” The students are taught various table designs. They concentrate on individual style, and technique and form. They are also instructed on salesmanship. Floral Design is the first part of a two-part segment. The last segment deals with weddings and funerals. Upon completion, the student is awarded a certificate. This enables them, if they so choose, to get a job designing in some area of the floral industry. Of the 12 students in the class four students work with florists. Three students are current Future Farmers of America champions and are taking the class to further their knowledge. The remainder of the students are par­ ticipating for their own personal gain or enjoyment. After the arrangement are completed, the class and its instructor critique each project. Adams said, “You are not being criticized, you are being complimented.” Adams feels this time is very important because it enables the students to see their work from different aspects. The critique helps students gain the confidence and insight needed to be a successful designer. Adams is very pleased with the program in the class. ‘This is only their third arrangement, and theyVe great,” she related. The rapport between Adams and her students is very good. A friendly, first-name relationship is formed by the end of the class. Adams takes special pride when referr­ ing to her former students. Several of Adams’ students have continued in floral design or started a business of their own. An instructor for four years at the college Adams exclaimed, Tt’s great!” One area Adams feels could be improved is in finding a permanent 'class room location. Every week the classroom is either the hydraulics room or the garage shop in Clairmont. Much class time is spent transporting floral material. But, this inconvenience doesn’t hamper Adams’ spirit. Smiling broadly, Adams summarized, T go home and I stay awake for hours. It’s a really neat high!” FLORAL DESIGN INSTRUCTOR Marylou Adams explains the good and strengthening aspects of this student’s table arrangement. ADDING HER FLAIR for creativity, this student styles her snap dragons with satisfaction. ADAMS ASSISTS THIS student with the important guidelines of flower arrangement; balance, spacing and facing. / THE LOOK OF concentration is evident on this student’s face as she nears the completion of her floral arrange­ ment. Photos by Jay Graham - Story by Amy De Vour