arts ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ In the music department Poor space spurs remodeling By Amy De Vour Of the Print A sour note has rung through the music department. The problem of inadequate space has been described as Unmanageable”, according to Music Department Chairper­ son, LeRoy Anderson. Some of the main pro­ blems lie in the areas of rehear­ sal, library and locker space. The vocal and instrumental rehearsals are hampered by the lack of adequate sound retention and sufficient storage space in the rooms. Because of the different needs of the vocai and instrumental groups one room is not sufficient, Ander­ son said. The situation has been poor from the beginning. Ar- chitectually, the plans were made in regards to the gym. Consequently, the needs of the music department were overlooked. Despite input from the faculty, the design was not altered to accomodate the music department. Anderson related that the architects were “not in-tune to our needs.” The music department has adapted for several years, but because of the increase of music students, the situation has got­ ten progressively worse, he said. Fortunatefy, the problems have been taken into con­ sideration. Recently, Anderson designed a plan to remodel the music department. Included in this plan are two rehearsal rooms, adequate office space, an access hallway, locker area and a small restroom fecility. At present, many offices cannot be used during vocal or instrumental rehearsals. Several instructors must traverse to the main music of­ fice to correct papers or to make phone calls. The pro­ spective hallway would enable disabled students that use the elevator to enter the classrooms without going through the rehearsal room. Anderson also noted there is no “performance area.” Anderson receives many letters from vocal and instrumental groups who wish to perform at the college. Yet, according to Anderson, there is no ade­ quate fecility. The small, cement-floor theater in McLoughlin Hall cannot be us­ ed for activities such as con­ certs or musicals. Facilities Development and Planning Officer Don Fisher is currently compiling cost-data in hopes of presen­ ting it to President Hakanson for approval. But, this does not mean the remodeling will take place. Lack of funds is an im­ mediate problem. Summarized Anderson, “So far the com­ munity does not stee the need. What you don’t have you can get along without.” Staff photo by Jay Graham SERVING AS A temporary classroom, music students must rehearse in the hallway adjacent to the “rehearsal room”. Stones rock satisfaction into Seattle fans By Darla Weinberger Of the Print “Let’s spend the night together,” said Mick Jagger after the Rolling Stones per­ formed their opening number Uhder My Thhmb’ at the Oc­ Art lovers take note: the Mt. Angel Seminary in time to tober 14 concert in the Seattle Clackamas Community Col­ hear Saturday night Vespers, Kingdome. lege art department will host an explore the Alvar Aalto At 8 p.m. the Greg Kiln Oregon Artists Weekend junket Library, and see other points of Band, out of San Diego, Cal., to Mt. Angel Saturday, Oct. interest. Sunday morning, the opened for the Stones. I think group will breakfest in Mt. 24, and Sunday, Oct. 25. the intention was to start at The van will depart from Angel and set out on a leisurely mediocre and go to outstan­ trip back up the valley, stopp­ ding. The second act was the J. the community Center parking tot in front of the college at ing to visit at the homes of ar­ Giels Band, who were excell­ tists Jim Shull and Alan Meyer ing, and finally, at 11 p.m. the 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning. before returning to CCC early outstanding group appeared First stop is Aurora and a guid­ on their 200-foot pink stage. ed tour through the Oxbam that evening. Museum, followed by a leisure­ The cost of the weekend is The Rolling Stones! ly walk through town and lunch $90, including accommoda­ at a local restaurant. From tions (twin share) in Mt. Angel, there, the tour continues on to transportation, entrance fees, Woodbum, where Russian Old artists’ presentations, a special Believers are planning a han­ meal, and group escort. For dicraft demonstration for the more information, call Com­ “Black and white photography: group. munity Services at 657-8400, Getting Serious” will be The tour will arrive at the ext 208. presented from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 24 in Pauling 101. The focus will be on photographers not satisfied I with the present results of their When you hear the names black and white photography. There is a $6 fee. For registra­ tion, contact Community Ser­ vices at 657-8400, ext. 208. Woodward and Bernstein Art junket to visit seminary Jagger, wearing blue and. purple pinstriped pull-ons, ex­ pressed himself by more than words. He energetically ran, jumped and hopped across the stage and very soon everyone was just as or almost as hyper as Jagger himself. When Jagger climbed from one of the side panels on the stage into a white and pur­ ple utility crane and swung out over the audience and came back down onto the stage, it had been-the climax of the con­ cert. . With a sellout of 72,000 the Kingdome was filled with energy and tots of smoke. Out­ side scalpers were selling $16.50 tickets for $40 to $200 a ticket. T-shirts were selling for twice the cost as inside. And people were already lining up with sleeping bags for the 3 p.m. concert on Thursday. When the stones left the stage and the curtain dropped, people were on their feet yell­ ing, stomping and flicking then- lighters for the Stones to reap­ pear for an encore. The con­ cert wouldn’t be complete without ‘Satisfaction’ and that’s what they did, satisfying the crowd with total involvement for their final song. Unfor­ tunately, at 1:05 the Stones made their final bows and left the stadium with $2,000,070,000 in profit and another concert completed. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ artbrie fs artbrie fs artbrie fs artbrie fs artbrie fs ★★★ ★★★ what do you think of? Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Foreign Correspondent” will be shown Friday at noon in the Fireside Lounge for no charge. Writers, of course! And, that’s what we need at The Print Call us at ext. 309, or stop by Trailer B. Gain experience and college credit page 6 MODES OF ART offering 20 ARCHES OR PAPER ACRYLIC ^AINT REDI- ART OKS Offer Spires ' of Dphlelaon Hilltop Mall . 058-4127 0d ★★★ ★★★★★ The Scott Brown Trio, a contemporary folk music group in the tradition- of Peter, Paul and Mary, will appear in con­ cert tonight from 7-10 p.m. The concert will be held in the College Fireside Lounge. The free concert, will be the first of this year’s sponsored by the Associated Student Government ‘The Coffee House Series is a brief social hour in the evening. The shows have sing­ ing and a tot of joking. Sometimes the groups will get the people in the audience in­ volved,” commented Sam Crosby, ASG preskient “ft’s free and a tot of fun. The more people that come the better it gets,” Crosby added. Ed Borgeson will display his photography in the Pauling Center lobby for one week beginning Friday, October 23. A reception will be held Friday from 7-9 p.m. in thejobby. ★★★ Anthony Plog, well known studio trumpet player from Los Angeles, will appear for an afternoon clinic and evening concert Oct 28 at the College. His credits include soundtracks for movies such as “Rocky” arid many others. Also, he is featured on many records as a soloist. He is now the principle trumpet player in the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and has played with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. The afternoon clinic will begin at 2:30 p.m. in Randall Hall, ★★★ room 208. The evening con­ The CCC Brass Ensemble cert will be in McLoughlin will perform at noon, October Theater at 8:00 p.m. There will 27 in the Community Center be a $2 charge for the evening Mall. There will be no charge. concert. Clackamas Community College