The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 21, 1981, Image 1

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    ■ ■lobai 2000’discussion
lieds light on problem
By Rick Obritschkewitsch
Of tM Print
JB. Gerald Barney, editor
^Kidy director of Global
^■ 2000 to the president,
eaded a panel in a discussion
f the report, last Friday night
t the Community Center, at
^■he discussion panel con-
^■of Barney, Linda Cook,
^■esentative from Creative
■■ve; Steven Aimes, a
^■r with Metro; Russell
conomics at Willamette
Jnivirsity; Verne Duncan,
)reon State superintendent of
■ instruction; and Jerry
ienPann, from the En-
^■ental Learning Center.
Vallace Johnson, religious
tudic^ instructor at CCC acted
is Aiiatof. '
^Barney’s report shows the
rotten the world faces com-
^■to the year 2000 and
■d. It emphasizes that if
^■aren’t taken for change,
^Kort states that “available
vidence leaves no doubt that
he world—including this
atign-faces enormous,
and complex problems
1 the decades immediately
begin Friday night’s
^■ion Barney outlined the
■■ns that the world feces,
he woblems include:
Board meeting
-‘The U.S. Bureau of
Census projects that the world
population will continue to
grow at quite a rapid rate—up
about 55 percent from 4 billion
in 1975 to 6.4 billion in 2000.
-Economic projections by
the World Bank point to 145
percent increase in the total
economic activity of the entire
world by the year 2000. The
real tragedy is that it is not
evenly distributed. When there
is a one dollar per capita in­
crease in the poorer countries,
there is a 20 dollar increase in
the richer countries.”
-“In regards to food, the
Department of Agriculture ex­
pects there should be about a
90 percent increase in food
distributed in the world by the
year 2000. But the countries
that will be needing the most
will be receiving the least.”
-‘The „ fishery, projections,
done by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administra­
tion do not indicate a solution
to the food problem. The an­
nual catches in 1970 are .not
expected to increase by the
year 2000.”
-*The forests of the world
are declining by 30-40 acres a
year. Forty percent of the
forests in the developing coun­
tries will be lost by the year
-‘The water projections
point out immediately that
there are regional shortages of
water around the world already
and those are expected to
become much more severe by
the year 2000.”
-‘The non-fuel mineral
projections suggest that there
are adequate supplies of non­
fuel minerals to meet all pro­
jected demands to the year
2000. Barpey cautions
however, that “of all the pro­
jections in the study, these (the '
mineral) are among the
weakest and least likely to be
-‘The energy projections
by the Department of Energy
were difficult. The Department
of Energy, on theoretical
reasons alone predicted
petroleum production will peak
by 1990, some claim it has
alréady peaked. Higher
petroleum price predictions
past the year 1990 were deter­
mined unthinkable by the
department. Unthinkable
prices, determined in 1979,
have already been met.”
-“Currently there are more
people in the world using wood
fiiel products than petroleum
fuel products,” stated Barney. “WHAT THE WORLD has is a population-food-energy-
‘The prices of wood have gone environmental problem,”said Barney.
up at least as fest as oil, and animals. By the year 2000,
Cook gave suggestions on
projections suggest that there one-fifth of all species now on how to solve some of the pro­
will be a 25 percent shortfrill by earth will be extinct, according blems outlined in the Global
or before the year 2000.”
to current projections.
2000 report. ‘Think globally
-Barney pointed out the
Barney stated, “there is and act locally,” she said.
three most serious en­ one key thing that needs to be ‘Think of the things all of us in­
vironmental problems as understood about the problems dividually can do, be conscious
deterioration of soil, at­ discussed in the Global 2000 of the way we use energy and
mospheric problems, and the report. The world does not resources, and in the way we
extinction of various species of have a population problem, relate to one another.
and does not have a food pro­
Are we building aliena­
tion,” Cook asked. “Are we
blem, and does not have an trying to build communication?
energy problem, or an en­ We have to accept that it is one
vironmental problem. What the world and everything we do
world has is a population-food- will affect everyone else.”
service by Dec. 15, which in computer sciences, and energy-environmental pro­
Outside of what can be
would reduce the college’s allow for future expansion, blem.”
done individually to solve the
Barney continued, “We global problems, there are
financial commitment beginn­ when necessary.”
frZa 5-2 vote, the Board need people to understand things being done on a broader
ing July 1,1982.
authorized College officials to problems in a far broader con­ scope.
Bill Ryan, administrative seek bids on the proposal.
text than they do today.”
Duncan commented, “We
dean of college services,
Funds to pay for the pro­
now have the students who are
presented a recommendation posal would come from the
A Creative Initiative
from the College’s computer capital projects (building) fund. slideshow entitled, “Between going to be living in the future
world. We are in the process,
task force seeking $300,000 to
In other action, the Board Two Worlds” which ex­ right now, of developing those
improve computer capability.
approved the appointments of amplified the problems that the minds that are going to be solv­
instructional Eugene Mazza, thermal energy world feces was shown.
ing those problems.
The main themes of the
capabilities in the computer technology instructor, and
“ff we don’t, we will have
sciences are insufficient,” Ryan Stephen Roberts, automotive show were that the future those devastating effects that
belongs to those with a fitness we talked about,” Duncan add­
explained to the Board. “This
proposal wUl meet current ad­ to be used in the evaluation of for change and survival for ed. “Our first graders this year,
ministrative needs, provide for the College president were also one cannot be guaranteed will be 40-year-olds in the year
unless there is survival for all.
increases in student enrollment approved.
2015 ”
* (cont. on page 5)
Job Corps, computers acted on
^■solutions to renegotiate
contact with the U.S. Forest
and to upgrade the col-
igeMomputer capacity were
^^Kd Oct. 14 by the
I^^Knas Community Col-
:ge Board of Education.
"■nee 1969, the college has
J^Hhted with the U. S.
'og^fcervice by providing in-
j^Ms for the Job Corps pro-
¿^■■vhich this fiscal year
981-82; cost the college
The Board requested that
^^■administrators submit a
^^Bcontract with the forest
The Print interviews Joe Uris
page 3
Rolling Stones jolt Seattle
page 6