The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 07, 1981, Page 3, Image 3

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    College pushes public relations
By Tracy Teigland
communicates with the public
unless it needs to pass a tax
In an effort to boost rela- levy. Ralph Groener, a College
lions between the college and board member, suggested Pro­
local communities, the College ject Visibility as a means to cor­
Board of Education will meet in rect the problem. The Com­
Ihe library of West Linn High munications Task Force, a
fcchool, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m.
committee made up of College
According to the College administrators, faculty, and
public information office, three students, will work out the
recent election campaigns specifics of the program.
revealed that community
“The main goal of Project
leaders feel the College rarely Visibility is to get the faculty
Of the Print
communication on-campus.
According to Symes, they used
the old survey as a “yardstick.”
and students at the College to
have a sense of pride”; said Bill
Symes, a member of the Com­
Kevin McMurdo, director
of Project Visibility, said “Im­
proving internal communica­
munications Task Force. “It is
pointless to go out to the com­
munity until our own house is
tion is the first step in solving After the results were com­
our problems. If the public and pared, it was evident the Col­
staff are aware of what we do, lege staff feels the same about
they can accept it.”
internal communication today
Although, still being as it did in 1976.
developed, the first steps of the
Trying to establish a feel­
project are being taken, ing of pride in Clackamas
through such action as an off- Community College is the
campus board meeting.
main objective of the Com­
The Communication Task munications Task Force. The
Force also ran a survey Sept. task force believes once the
14 to see how the administra­
staff and the students show
tion, supervisors, faculty, and pride in their college, that pride
the support staff feel about thé will spread to our community.
in order.” He added, “The big­
gest problem is that the com­
munity isn’t aware of what we
do. We want people to come
on campus and see what’s ¿jo-
ing on,”
Handicapped access
discussion slated
The Linus Pauling Center
was discussed during a Han­
dicap Advisory Committee
meeting Wednesday when
lege were installed before the
lighter weight “closers” were
manufactured. Thus the elec­
tric doors are not necessary in
the new buildings.
they discussed possible pro­
Commented Don Fisher,
facilities development and
handicapped-student mobility planning officer, “The Pauling
at the college.
Center is within the codes that
The college currently the federal and state govern­
meets all state and federal han­ ment have set. Any more im­
provements will be done
dicap codes. The Pauling because we feel they are
Center doors are within the necessary to the students we
eight pound “pull” limit. Any are dealing with.”
Staff photo by Duane Hiersche further improvement will go
beyond the requirements of the
The outcome of the
codes. The electric doors found
rheeting will be updated in the
in the older buildings of the col- following issue of “The Print”.
addition, the maximum award
is $30 less than last year.
Although, with adjustments for
increased, expenses, the
awards are approximately the
same as last year.
“There isn’t a heck of a lot'
of impact this year - just a 5
percent GSL fee and a little less
BEOG money and the delay
on next years budget,” Fawcett
Experts will be on hand to
said, adding the predicted ma­
Hundreds of varieties of identify fruit, answer questions
jor changes in financial aid in fruits will be on.display and
on how fruit can be grown on a
the 1982-83 school year. questions on fruit will be
small scale, and explain cann­
“Congress has yet to decide on answered Saturday and Sun­
ing processes with displays of
the new budget cuts and until day at the Home Orchard
some 20-year old dried fruit.
then, the college must wait and Society’s Secdnd Annual Fall
roughly estimate the funds they Fruit Festival in Randall Gym.
The festival hours are 10
will receive,” he said. “This
More than 200 varieties of
year we ran out of money in Northwest grown apples will be a.m. - 5 p.m. on both days,
July; next year it may be June. on display, along with many with a $1 per family entrance
Students who apply early will varieties of fresh pears, grapes, fee. Proceeds will go to the
Greco Scholarship Fund.
do okay.”
and other fruits.
Financial aid feels pinch
■ By Tina Riggs
■ Of the Print
Trying to keep ahead of
■inflation is not an easy task
■especially for college students
■who are now turning to finan­
cial aid for help '
“Almost 50 percent of full-
■time students at the college
■receive some sort of financial
■aid,” commented Lee Fawcett,
■assistant dean of student ser­
vices. “The situation is getting
■worse, ” he\ added. Conse­
quently, recent .Federal budget
■cuts concern many students on
The largest impact of the
■ budget cuts, Fawcett ^id, is in
^the Guaranteed Student Loan
■Program (GSL). Although the
■changes were not drastic, the
■ federal government has put
limits on eligibility for the loans
and has initiated a 5 percent
fee to be paid by students to
help relieve the government’s
financial burden.
In the past, there had been
no eligibility cut-off by a stu­
dent’s income, but this year’s
applicants must have an ad­
justed income of $30,000 per
year or less. The adjusted iiy
,come takes into consideration
medical and living expenses,
tax requirements and number
of dependents. Despite this fact
the majority of students at the
college still quality/
Minor changes in the Basic
Education Opportunity Grant
(BEOG) willz affect a small
percentage of “borderline”
cases who will not receive the
grant this year, Fawcett said. In
Fruit fest planned