The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 27, 1981, Page 8, Image 8

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‘Log Jam’
ax throw, tug of war, beer keg
throw, cigarette rolling contest,
tobacco spitting contest, and
Event planners have con­
In the spirit of the Estacada sulted with directors of the
Timberfest and other logging Estacada Timberfest to assure
festivals held throughout that proper safety precautions
Oregon, the Associated Stu­ are built into each event.
dent Government at the Col­
“This is a day for fun and
lege is hosting its first Log Jam family,” said Tom Simmons,
on Saturday on the College event director. “Some of these
. events are quite physical, and
The activities begin at 10 we want no one hurt.”
a.m. and are scheduled until
There is a small fee to con­
dusk. The event is open to the test entrants.
public, with no admission
Refreshments will be
available and live music is plan­
More than a dozen contests, ned throughout the day.
open to teams and individuals, Trophies and prizes have been
include a greased pole climb, contributed by local merchants.
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Color Enlargement
From your color negative or slide
Offer good through June 3 at CCC Bookstore.
For the ax throwing event,
participants are required to br­
ing their own ax (with a 34”
maximum handle length and
and 7” double bit maximum
size). In the stock chain saw
event, participants are required
to bring their own stock chain
One ton
goal for
Food Bank
The College food drive
begins this week, with a set
goal of one ton of food col­
ASG Senator Julie Lundy,
I who is ramrodding the drive,
| said, “There will be a contest
I between the departments, to
I see who can bring in the most
I canned food.”.
The prize will .be a poster
I that, according to Lundy, “...,
I the winning department will be
I blessed with for a year. It’ll be a
I nice poster, something natural,
1 I think. No black light
I monsters.”
The collected food will be
I given to the Tri-County Com-
fl munity Council Food Bank, a
■ non-profit organization that
| distributes the food to various
agencies throughout the
greater Portland area. “Thirty
or forty thousand people in the
Portland area face hunger
every month, and there are go­
ing to be so many more people
needing food,” said Barry
Barth of the Food Bank.
Lundy hopes that, with a
favorable response from the
students and faculty this year,
the food drive will become an
annual event. Barth explained,
“Hunger is a local problem,
and it’s not just the residents of
Bumside, either.”
Food barrels have been set
up all over the campus, accor­
ding to Lundy.
Budget blues
The continuing voter man­
date to hold down property
taxes has State School
Superintendent Verne A. Dun­
can worried about the health of
community college and public
school budgets.
After the May 19 levy elec­
tions, which saw Treasure
Valley, Southwestern Oregon
and Central Oregon communi­
ty colleges losing levy bids,
Duncan said, “I was worried
before the elections, and I’m
even more concenred now.”
“Most voters want property
taxes held down regardless of
state and federal cutbacks to
education,” he said.
Duncan said the “domino ef­
fect” of the state and federal
cuts has caused local boards to
ask votgers to raiser taxes just
to maintain programs.
Clackamas was able to pass
a three-year operating levy in
February, but only after
previous attempts were tu
down by voters.
Reg. set
Registration for summer
term credit classes at the Col­
lege begins June 1 for returning
students and June 2 for new
Daytime registration hours
are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.^ June
1-26. Evening registration
hours are 4-8 p.m., June 1-4
and June 22-25.
Students interested in taking
just one or two classes can
register by telephone]
Telephone registration hours]
are: June 8-11, 10 a.m. to 6
p.m.; June 12, 10 a.m. to 4|
p.m.; June 15-18, 10 a.m. tJ
6 p.m.; June 19, 10 a.m. to 4]
p.m. Students should call I
657-8400 and ask for the]
“registration hotline.”
Classes begin June 22. Most I
classes, offered on an eight-]
week term, end on August 13.|
Some classes, which operate!
on an 11-week or 12-weed
term, end in early September!
Students should consult the!
summer term class schedule for!
information relating to specific!
A schedule of summer!
classes has been mailed tol
district homes. For additional!
information, students may call
the office of admissions at the!
1) A music critic
2) An art critic
3) A play critic
4) A staff illustrator
5) A staff photographer
In order to gain the identity of a
magazine, we need these people to
form a staff for the first issue (to be
published next fall). Its theme:
America, its past, present. If in-
terested, call Thomas A. Rhodes
Editor ) at 657-8400, ext. 309, or at
Rhapsody: A state of the Union
through art and literature.
as Community College
|4 1
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