The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 27, 1981, Page 4, Image 4

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A few tips from a music lover
By Tom Jeffries
myriad of retail outlets in the
area. Such places as Fred
As any dedicated music Meyer, G.I. Joe’s and K-Mart
lover is aware, the cost of normally wait a month or two
albums has skyrocketed to the until the first rush of sales is
point of being prohibitive. As a over before putting a new
confirmed music lover and album on sale.
album reviewer, I have
If the album you feel you
developed a few tips on getting must have has been out on the
the most for your money when shelves for quite awhile, you’re
it comes to purchasing your in even better shape. Just pro­
favorite music.
wl around the discount racks of
The first and foremost point any of the retail outlets or
is, if you don’t have to buy, obscure little record shops. An
don’t. Don’t rush out and im­ amazing number of good “old’’
mediately grab your favorite albums can be discovered
group’s new release. Wait simply by spending a few
awhile. Chances are, it will still minutes digging. I am a con­
be available for months to firmed believer of this, and it
come. Check into other has contributed to one-third of
possibilities first.
my collection.
. If you have a cassette
Some of the albums that can
recorder, you’re one up on the be found include, Alice
game. Find someone you Cooper-Lace and Whiskey,
know who has the album and “From the Inside” and
see if you can borrow it. Laying “Greatest Hits”; nearly all of
out $4.50 for a good Dr. Hook and the Medicine
90-minute cassette, such as a Show’s old albums, including
Maxell UDL-90, beats paying “Greatest Hits”; Queen’s
almost double that amount for “Jazz” and their first album;
an album. Especially since a Rod Stewart’s “Blondes Have
90-minute cassette is -capable More Fun” and “Greatest
of holding one full album on Hits”; Donovan’s “Greatest
each side.
Hits”; Frank Zappa’s “Joe’s
If you don’t have a tape Garage, Acts I and II”; Fabian’s
player, don’t panic. Bide your “Greatest Hits”; Beatles “Rock
time. Chances are, if the album ’n’ Roll Music,” Volumes I and
you desire is a new release, it II and “Introducing the
will go on sale at one of thè Beatles,” and lots more.
Of The Print
Or, if your tastes are more
classically inclined, you can
Beethoven, Bach or Strauss.
For disco fans, you can find un­
told numbers of albums Reggae
enthusiasts can find Bob
Marley and the Waiters, if you
look hard enough.
The trick is in taking the time
to prowl. There are many dusty
little record shops all around
Portland that have excellent
collections of “old” albums at
discount prices.
If there are a couple of
albums you want, but none of
your friends have them to bor­
row,* you can always make a
deal. Find someone who is in­
terested, have them buy one
and you the other and tape
each other’s. You’ve still saved
50 percent.
The essence in getting as
much music for your money as
you can lies in .waiting. If you
can control yourself, for a cou­
ple months, or have an after­
noon to spend prowling, you’ll
find you can make your album
collection and wallet a lot easier
to live with.
Recording students applauded
It began as a somewhat
casual idea. Neither of the two
young music students ever
thought that a recording of
their’s ■ could ever win an
award. But, to their surprise,
The album, featuring the
CCC 1980 Jazz ensemble, is
entitled “Award Winners,” and
so they are.
Cunningham and Megrath
accredit most of the recording’s
success to the jazz ensemble
and a fine ‘ instructor, Bill
Grant Cunningham and Don
Megrath were presented with a
first-place award for “Best
Engineered Studio Recording” Oskay. The project for the
at the recent Spring Jazz Night Recording Techniques Class
took approximately 10 hours to
Photo by Ramona Isackson
Student artists
display works
By Tina Riggs
Of The Print
The Fireside Lounge has
undergone an interesting
transformation this week. In­
stead of the usual barren brick,
a combination of oil paintings,
ink drawings and ceramic
sculptures decorates the walls.
That in itself is not so in­
teresting considering that there
have been art shows in the
lounge before.
What makes this show uni­
que is that these works were
created by the College’s very
own students, John Brittinham
and Thomas J. Miller.
Norm Bursheim, art depart­
ment chairperson, is very im­
pressed by the current show
and its artists. “I don’t usually
get too excited about these
shows, but this is much better
than I expected,” said Bur­
Already scheduled for next
year are two student art ex­
hibits. From now on, the shows
will, be in the new Pauling
Center. Jack Adams, College
art instructor and painter of the
mural in Barlow Hall, has
worked with John Brittingham
over the last'few years. Adams
has noticed improvement in
the maturity of Brittingham’s
work and believes him to be a
very hard worker.
Les Tipton, another art in­
structor, commented, “Tom
Miller is a very good draftsman.
He also is very dedicated.”
' The paintings themselves are
a good reason to drop into the
lounge, even if you don’t hap­
pen to know the artists. Miller’s
paintings are very colorful and
the detail is well developed.
Although Brittingham tends to
use more subtle colors, his
paintings and inks are thodght-
provoking and often mystical.
The show is definitely worth
seeing if you haven’t already.
Some of the pieces are for sale
and range from $15 to $200.
Stated Bursheim, “This show is
exceptional. The values placed
on the paintings are very
legitimate. They are worth
every penny. ”
complete. The students were
competing with large colleges
and didn’t expect to win. The
equipment was considered
sparce compared with the
other colleges, but that didn’t
stop Cunningham and
Megrath. When queried about
plans for the future, Megrath
said laughingly, “Maybe we’ll
do a sequel!”
Jazz Night entertains with style
which conjured up visions of
Busby Berkley cher us lines, to
two uptempo funkier tunes by
Tim Lang, composer for the Ice
called Stark “extremely
talented,” and mentioned the
fact that Stark was not original­
ly a pianist. Although still a sax
and guitar player, Stark switch­
Soloists featured were Russ
stage band performed tunes for
a crowd of about 75 in the Schmidt of flugelhorn and
trumpet during “Chicago
Fireside Lounge.
Band director LeRoy Ander­ some excellent licks from Steve
son declared himself well-
Strain and Allan Rushing on
sax, guitar solos by Tad Gaulke
satisfied with the results of the
evening. “I thought it went very and Dave Steiner, and some
impressive, improvisation from
well,” he said, “all things con­
ed to piano when the stage
band found itself without a
pianist at the beginning of the
year, Gilgam said.
The Concert Choir opened
the night with a variety of
tunes, including a gospel
number and Billy Joel’s
The band played six tunes
from the bouncy “Chicago,”
“Everybody Has A Dream,” nual Jazz Night Concert in the Fireside Lounge.
which featured Yvonne Trout­ ABOVE—This acrylic painting is one of many student art­
man as a soloist.
works being displayed in the Fireside Lounge.
Blues and gospel were
among the genres featured at
the College’s semi-annual Jazz
Night last. Wednesday. Both
the Concert Choir and the
Bob Stark on piano. Stark
drew praise from CCC piano
instructor Harry Gilgam, who
Saxophone soloist “wails” out a jazzy piece during the an­