The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 27, 1981, Image 1

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    Clackamas Community College
Wednesday, May 27, 1981
Vol. XIV, No. 27
ASG president recalls glories, failures
By Thomas A. Rhodes
Of The Print
Upon walking into ASG
[President Eric Etzel’s office,
lone immediately notices a four-
Ifoot tall bunny with glasses sit­
ting in one. of his chairs. On
Etzel’s desk sits a small, brown
triangular nameplate that reads
“Sam Crosby.” What is this?
Has President Etzel decided to
change his name to something
less autoesque, or has there
been a military boup led by
Vietnam Vet. Sam Crosby,
who will be taking charge next
year? Fear not, for it is the end
of the year for Eric Etzel and he
is preparing to pass the ex-
calibur to Crosby.
Etzel looks upon the past
year with both pride and regret
as his accomplishments and
disappointments dot his
memory. -“It’s been a real
rewarding year,” the outgoing
president said, “an educational
Elaborating, on his point,
Etzel proudly admits that the
goals set by the government
last year were at least touched
on this year. “All the goals set
by thé executive cabinet, which
I feel is my largest responsibility
other than to the senate, we
have made strong effort to
meet all of them.” These goals
included a professional image
for the College and getting the
entire student government
working toward a goal. .
“I’ve only been here for two
years, and this year is one of
the first that we actually had
students on every committee
working, functioning and ac­
complishing things,” Etzel said.
“We didn’t when I was a
senator.” |
Among his other base hits,
Etzel lists making sure that
other student government
members are working. “I feel
Eric Etzel
that the most rewarding has
beeh to make sure all the stu­
dent government people are
involved in a project, be it
follow up on the suggestion
box,” he said. “We always get
Suggestions on the food ser­
vice, such as ‘The food stinks,
the prices are too high, and
why did they do all the con­
struction?’ With that many sug­
gestions, we’ve tried to work
closer with Norm (Grambusch,
food services manager), to try
to improve it.”
Etzel and Company are cur­
rently attempting to get in­
house phones set up around
can’t get people to stop smok­
ing, but you can put up signs
saying ‘Thank you for not
smoking!’that kind of thing.”
One of the last things the
ASG has looked into is the
possibility of getting a set of
guidelines adopted that so­
meone could follow so they
could serve alcohol at op­
campus events. “If any group,
such as the theater depart­
ment, wanted to serve wine at
their plays, they would have a
guideline to follow, and it
would be the same guidelines
as an off-campus group such as
the Territorial Days has.” Un­
fortunately for Etzel, the board
nixed the proposal.
That seems to be the respon­
sibility of ASG, according to
Etzel. “The role of ASG is to
work with the Student Ac­
tivities Office in providing ac­
tivities for students of all ages,
be it the Big Band Ball, a cof­
feehouse or a speaker,” he ex­
plained. Etzel also sees ASG. as
the liaison between students, to
explain to them why something
can or cannot be changed. It
must also provide an educa­
tional experience for those in­
volved. “I‘ve gained quite an
education from it,” he said.
the campus so students can “It’s natural that I would want
communicate with instructors that for everyone else, like all
and others on campus. “The the other people, to develop
student in the Community leadership qualities and to
Center, can correspond with a develop yourself.”
teacher in the Art Center or a
Einstein once said, “For
teacher over in Cla|rmont or every action, there is an equal
visa versa,” he explained. “The and opposite reaction.” So,
College board is ^currently with student government, dark
discussing Ft.”
times are incorporated with the
Joe Schweizer, assistant to good. “We really didn’t have
the president, is currently any problems with personal at­
working on another goaf the tacks from the paper,” Etzel
ASG previously set, which is a said, commenting bn this year’s
no-smoking area in both the dealing with “THE PRINT.”
cafeteria and the lounge. “A lot “I’m biased, like any depart­
of complaints have come in ment that would like to see
about smoking,” he said, “You more of what they’re doing,
and portray a better image. A
few articles hurt and sting, but
that keeps you on your toes,”
• he said.
One of his main problems,
according to Etzel, is that he is
now ready to spring into action
as ASG President. “I finally got
all my files fixed perfect, I’m
finally ready to really go, and
now it’s all finished.” A few
things haven’t been ac­
complished will be sent to next
year’s ASG with heavy recom­
mendation from this year’s.
To cap his year on a pleasant
note for the 20-year-old Agri­
business major, Etzel was one
of the four Oregon winners for
the Cenex Foundation
Scholarship, worth $600. It
will be used to offset educa­
tional costs. Etzel is attempting
to obtain a degree in agri­
marketing and ecnomics. He
will be attending OSU next fall.
“The money will come in han­
dy, there,” Etzel commented.
Etzel has been interested in
agriculture since he lived on a
farm. “I was born and raised on
a farm and I live and farm with
my grandfather when I’m not
going to school.” Included in
Etzel’s possession is some bar­
nyard fowl. “I have my own
cattle and sheep, as well as
some crops.”
What will Eric Etzel, the man
with the rabbit in his office, be
doing five years from now?
“My hope is to get a job with an
agriculture firm,” he said, “in
public relations or sales.” His
plans for a student government
office—at OSU—are light. “I’d
like to get involved lightly next
year, but I’d certainly like to
check it out,” he said.
“Oh, by the way, I wanted to
see if you might be able to put
something in this week’s paper
regarding........ ” Well, there he
goes being president again.
Epstein to teach course on state minorities
By J. Dana
Of The Print
Dr. Donald Epstein will offer
a course this summer entitled
“Racial and Religious
Minorities in Oregon.” The
one-week course (June 22-26)
will focus on Black, Indian,
Jewish and Mennonite com­
munities throughout the state.
“Each of these four groups
was a pioneer,” said Dr. Eps­
tein, “As early as 1952,
established communities for
these groups were here.” <
The class is only one week
long, but will run all day, com­
plete with lectures from guest
speakers. “The only require­
ment is attendance. If a student
misses even one day, he won’t
get any credit,” said Epstein.
This is the first time he has
offered the minorities class.
Last year’s special summer
course “was straight Oregon
History. We discussed Indians
then, and the cfass said they
were interested in more
minorities,” said Epstein.
This year, the class will be
held in CC 117. Last year,
however, it was held in the
McLoughlin Theater, and the
class ‘’sold out.” “We should
draw fairly well,” said Epstein.
“The class is primarily for
teachers, but students and the
public are encouraged to take
the course, he added. Oregon
History is a required course for
4th graders, 8th graders,and
one year of high school.
Teachers from the greater
Portland area take Dr. Epts-
tein’s course during the sum­
mer to refresh their own
. Said Epstein, “Regular
Oregon history and literature
are regular, permanent courses
here at the school. My class just
adds a little to that.”
This summer’s class will in­
Monday: Native Americans,
a look into the history, culture
and contemporary problems of
the American Indians. Guest
lecturer will be Professor
Stephen D. Beckham. Said
Epstein, “Dr. Beckham is an
acknowledged expert on In­
dians in any court of law. The terites and Mennonites in
day after his lecture, he’ll be off Oregon. Alan Epp will lecture
to Washington to speak before on the Aurora Colony.
“A lot of people don’t realize
Tuesday: Blacks. Epstein will that there was a Mennonite
focus on their culture and community in Oregon, or that
history, and their conflicts with there was a Zionist pioneer set­
whites. The lecturer will be tlement in Oregon, called New
author Elizabeth McLagan.
Odessa. That’s why I’m offer­
Wednesday: Jews. Dr. Eps­ ing this class.”
tein will be the lecturer. “Last
Friday: The entire class will
year, I applied for a grant from partake of a field trip to Aurora.
the . Oregon Committee for It will include a visit to the Ox
Humanities and was able to Bam Museum, an optional lun­
spend a lot of money on lec­ cheon at the Aurora Colony
tures. This year, I didn’t ask for Inn (“Amish
food is
the grant, and I’ve much less marvelous,” according to Dr.
money,” Epstein said.
Epstein), and a discussion and
Christian "evaluation of entire course.
Religious Minorities and Sects,
“I’m very excited about the
which will look at Amish, Hut- course,” said Epstein.