IW W7. Vol. XIV, No. 23 Elderly housing on campus proposed By David J. Hayden Of The Print Staff photo by Duffy Coffman WHAT BETTER PLACE FOR SILENCE?—Actress Tina Riggs practices pantomime in the campus library, much to the chagrin of fellow student. See page 5. A preliminary proposal to build a 200 to 300 unit elderly housing project on the College campus, but without College funds, has been presented to College President John Hakan- son and several members of the College Board. The Union Labor Retirement Association, which presented the proposal, is a nonprofit cor­ poration which provides elderly and handicapped people with subsidized housing. The project is being developed in coopera­ tion with the College and Jack Bowerson, a national award­ winning Portland architect. “The ULRA currently has three retirement projects in the Portland area,” commented Hakanson. The previously constructed projects are located in Westmoreland, Nor­ theast Portland and Northwest Portland. If built, the housing project would be the only one of its kind in the United States. The College had developed a similar proposal to be built with Oregon State Housing Division funds. When it became evident that funds would be unavailable, the idea was shelved. After learning of the College’s proposal, the ULRA approached the College with similar concept of its own. “If the Board considers the project worthwhile, the first step would be to draw up an agreement between the Col­ lege and the ULRA to explore the possibilities and to develop a plan,” Hakanson said. The biggest advantage the proposed project would offer the College is the opportunity to train students in their field of study. The complex could pro­ vide training for nursing students, in a small on-site infir­ mary, business management students, in a retail store, and food service management, in a cafeteria. A second possibility the pro­ ject offers is the development of a specialized major for elder­ ly housing complex directors. One of the biggest problems facing the project is funding. In the past, ULRA has been com­ pletely funded by the Housing and Urban Development Department of the federal government. “I think a good, viable project, especially one with the dimensions of this one has an excellent chance of sur­ viving the budget cuts,” Jim Orbergaard of the ULRA said. “No College funds would be involved,” Hakanson said. “The College would contribute the use of approximately five to six acres of land for a definite period of time. After the lease has expired the ownership of the building would transfer to the College. The most probable use of the building would be to continue to employ it as a retirement home. If. I were here 40 years from now, I cer­ tainly won’t mind an additional College income of $1 to $2 million a year,” he said. See related story, page 3. Food Bank grasps for one ton of deposits By J. Dana Haynes Bank well known, are are going to to be be so* so many more is is not not well known, acc accor­ going many more Bank people needing food. Maybe ding to Barth and Fredman. “I' The College, in conjunction the high schools’ second Wind don’t think people realize that with the Tri-County Communi­ drive will be able, to get two hunger is a local problem. And ty Council Food Bank, will host million pounds of food this it’s hot just the residents of a canned food drive, with a year, but that won’t be Bumside, either,” said Barth. The Food Bank does not projected goal of one ton col­ enough.” lected, the week of May 25. ASG Senator Julie Lundy The Food Bank is a non­ 'will spearhead the food -drive. profit organization, that, since “There’ll be a competition bet­ 1975, has supplemented the ween the departments, activities of emergency food English, sports, etc,” said Lun­ centers throughout the general dy. Collection barrels will be metro area. The bank provides salvaged or surplus food to placed at various Spots around such non-profit groups as St. campus. “There have been Elections were held April Vincent De Paul, Oregon food drives on campus before, 22, 23 and 24 to choose the Gospel Ministries, Molalla Ser­ but I don’t think they were executive cadre of the 1981-82 vice Center and others. organized by the Tri-County ASG. A total of 374 students At last Thursday’s ASG Food Bank. We’re hoping to turned out, and elected Sam meeting, Food Bank represen­ get some real enthusiasm Crosby to the office of presi­ tatives Barry Barth and Betty behind this,” Lundy said. dent, Susy Ryan, vice presi­ The campus food drive dent, Chris Clement, business Freedman presented the idea of an on-campus drive, and could become an annual event, manager, and Ginger Olney, stressed the need for im­ “if we get a good response this secretary. This election garnered the mediate action. Said Barth, year. We hope to do a fairly “Thirty or forty thousand peo­ good ‘promo’ on this,” Lundy largest turnout of voters in the College’s history. Crosby ple in the Portland area face said. The importance of the Food received 174 votes, to 124 for hunger every month, and the Of The Print distribute non-perishables to needy families, but supplies other organizations. Barth ad­ mitted that providing food is merely a stop-gap measure, and doesn’t help in the long run. But, he explained, “It’s great to wofk for long-range goals, but meanwhile people are starving. We’re talking about people’s most basic need.” ASG election report Crosby, Ryan win in landslide opponent Joe Schweizer and 61 for Walter McAllister. Susy Ryan walked away with the vice presidency with 218 votes, to 54 for Mike Clanton and 95 for Kevin Kelton. Chris Clement and Ginger Olney both ran unopposed for their respective positions. Cle­ ment received 330 votes, Olney captured 335. Current President Eric Etzel said, “I’m very proud of the work by those involved in this election. I’m not disappointed by .the turnout. To the best of my knowledge, it’s the most voters we’ve ever had.” -1. The president-elect and his cabinet will be installed into their offices at the May 7 ASG meeting. At that time, the ap­ pointed positions of the Ex­ ecutive Council will be approv­ ed or disapproved. They in­ clude adminstrati ve assistant, media director, art director, ac- tivities director.