The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 15, 1981, Page 7, Image 7

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Women’s tennis
begins unbeaten
By Wanda Percival
singles and first doubles, where
she teams up with Philpot.
The third singles position
| Clackamas Community Col­ currently is being filled by
lege’s women’s tennis team has another newcomer, Bonnie
Hsix returning players this Dillman. Dillman is a 1978
■season, aiding in what Coach graduate of Oregon City High
■Gladys Michael considers pro- School, a three-year letterman
■bably the most highly skilled and second team all-league
■team she’s ever had here, and player.
■a 4-0 record so far this season.
Lisa Liechty, a 1979
I Debbie Birdsall, Diane Krax-
graduate of Molalla High
Jberger, Lisa Liechty, Shari
School, was CCC’s undefeated -
jPenberthy, Wendy Young and
fourth singles player last
jLaura Howard have all return- season. She also placed se­
led, giving the Cougar women
cond at state and regionals in
added strength. Two strong ad­
ditions include Bonnie Dillman both singles and second
doubles; Liechty is joined this
and Pat Philpot,
by Debbie Birdsail, also a
I “We’re stronger this year
1979 Molalla High School
because most of the players
graduate, to compete in se­
have had competitive ex­ cond doubles.
perience in high school or with
“There’s an increased
jus,” said Michael.
I Playing at first singles is CCC
pewcomer Pat Philpot, a 1980
graduate of Molalla High
School. Philpot played at state
all four years of high school, By Rick Obritschkewitsch
and was on the second-place Of The Print
team for the 1980 Timber
The goals have been set
Valley League competition.
high, :but the chances of the
I Kraxberger, a 1979 graduate Clackamas golf team achieving
of Canby Union High School, them is very slim, unless the
pas returned5playing at second players make some ; > drastic
Of The Print
KEEPING CONCENTRATION—Lisa Liechty, who was undefeated while playing ten­
nis for thé College last season, concentrates on a shot during a recent practice.
strength in our team and I’ve
seen great improvement in all
the players,” said Michael.
“There’s some real deep talent
all the way down the line-up.
We’re probably one of the top
two teams in the state and,
hopefully, we’ll make the top
three in the region.”
Michael and Assistant Coach
Mary Budnick, a former CCC
tennis player herself, have
coached the Cougar women to
a 4-0 record, defeating
Multnomah School of the Bi­
ble, 7-3, Umpqua Community
College, 5-4, Mt. Hood Com­
munity College, 5-0, and Lane
Community College, 6-0.
CCC women traveled to
Salem to compete against
Chemeketa Community Col­
lege Tuesday and returned
home to host Blue Mt. Com­
munity College Friday at 3
Golf team: Improvement needed
changes in their playing within they weren’t able to come up champion, is the only
the next few weeks, according with a single victory. Their Clackamas player who has
lowest team score was 322, been able to stay in the 70s in
to Coach Jim Hudson.
The Cougar golfers started when they played against the pre-season meets. Hudson
league action in the League Oregon College of Education expects Hixson to repeat the ti­
Match hosted by the College and Mt. Hood C.C. It was still a tle this year.
Other sophomores include
Tuesday, but in pre-season third-place finish, behind - the
only ' two oth<?r* team's-'com-4 Brad *Whltw6rfifd arid-< Joe
Dominique, although Domini;
Most recently in pre-season que has never competed in col­
came from tho
the Hkoc
likes of Mark action, the Cougars took third lege golf before this year.
Among the freshmen are
Sanford and Allen Cloud. San­ in a field of nine teams in the •
ford took one of the men’s Mt. Hood Invitational ending Dean Dodge, Cottage Grove
singles and then teamed up with 328. Among the teams High School’s number-one
with Allen Cloud to win one of who ended up on top of the golfer last year. Dodge is just
the doubles competitions. Un­ College were Linn-Benton and now recovering from an injury.
Other freshmen are Ron
fortunately, without Martell, Mt. Hood. Both of these teams
one of their top players, the and Clackamas are included in Hurst, Rex Putnam High
sets were just not rolling in as the same league, in which School’s number-one golfer
last year, and Greg Redden,
there are only four Colleges.
they should have.
Summing up in one word Red Bluff High School’s
Without the two forfeits, the
team played even with Lane, what kind of team the Cougars number-three golfer for three
and came to a tie at two mat­ have this year, Hudson stated, years.
The team’s goals have been
“mediocre.” Although, Hud­
ches apiece.
son does feel, “there’s the set at gaining the Region 18
Championship, and then plac­
Despite this setback, Buckley possibility of improvement.”
So far this season, Dan Hix­ ing in at least the top 15 teams
still has high hopes for the
season with six matches to go son, defending Region 18 in the nation.
before the state finals, where a
new slate is to be covered. “As
the season progresses, we’ll im­
prove/’ h^ said, “and I would
like to see the team qualify for
These specials are for
j you only. Please show
the regionals.”
Men netters dropped by Lane
L When test-selling author
kJosepth Heller was accused by
Henry Kissinger of being anti-
semetic because of his book,
I‘Good as Gold,” Heller
responded, '“But I’m Jewish!”
When someone accuses'men’s
tennis Coach David Buckley of
sporting a tacky mustache, he
might respond, “But I’m a ten­
nis coach!”
Unfortunately, that would be
an awfully
awfully thin
thin excuse
excuse if
if the
tennis team loses, which is
what it did last Saturday to
Lane Community College by
the score of 4-2. “We had to
forfeit two of our matches
because one of our players
(Charlie Martell) came down
with an illness, and I found out
too late so he couldn’t be
replaced,” Buckley said.
The team’s two victories
¡ Men’s Basketball
League Selections
Second Team
Charles Redeau
Honorable Mention
Avery Penney
Steve Rullman
Team Honors
Most Outstanding
Charles Redeau
Most Inspirational
Avery Penney
Best Defensive Player
Dan Hixson
The tennis team consists of
five netters. Charlie Martell,
a man in his early 30s, hails
from Mulino and sports an ag­
gressive game. Mark Sanford,
a 20-year old from Medford, is
currently playing at the top of
his game, according to
Buckley, and has good reflexes
and sound ground-strokes.
Allen Cloud, from West
Linn, is feared for his ground­
strokes. Oddys Trillo, from
Venezuela, belts a top top­
spin, forehand and backhand.
Trillo is 19. Arron Osmont is
considered a beginner, and is
out on the court with the rest of
the team hacking away.
ednesday, April 15, 1981
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