The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 15, 1981, Page 3, Image 3

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    Writers needed
I For the next two weeks,
[‘The Print” adviser Suzanne
Boss will bqaccepting applica­
tions for the three top posts for
hext year’s student publica­
tions. Openings are being filled
¡for “The Print” editor-in-chief
and business manager, and
editor for “Feature” magazine,
the quarterly review of arts and
political thought for the cam­
I The last date for Submitting
Applications is April 29. The
weeks following will include
candidate interviewing by a
publications committee!. After
the selection of editors* and
business manager, the new
staff will work with current
[position-holders in preparation
nor next year.
I Responsibilities for editing
|“The Print” (composed, by
¡some reports, of journalists
with holier-than-thou aspira-
Itions) include: editing letters,
[writing editorials, keeping good
[campus relationships with
[various departments, being
available five days a week for
consultation with reporters and
the adviser, and approving the
[final product each Tuesday
[night after paste-up. In short,
[the editor is responsible for the
total news product each week.
[ The editor candidates
should be prepared to spend at
least 15 houts a week in me of­
fice and on the job. For thè
time and effort, the editor will
receive a full tuition waiver and
$60 a month in expenses, in
addition to transferrable credit.
The commander of the arts
literary magazine
(“Feature”) will be responsible
for the total magazine product,
including staff, promotion and
make-up and design. For this,
the editor will receive a full tui­
tion waiver and transferrable
The last position of the trio is
“The RrinVs’’ business
A minimum of 10 hours a
week of on-the-job work are
expected of the business
In the March 4 issue of “The
manager who will assume the
responsibilities of the business Print,” a story was run on the
and advertising aspects of the on-campus Respite Center. In­
publication. These include the advertantly, two mistakes crop­
sale and design of adver­ ped up in the article.
First, “The Print” neglected
tisements, and distribution of
“The Print” on the campus and to mention that the Clackamas
in the community. The Respite Center is a project of
business manager also is Tri-County Respite Care.
Second, Tri-County Respite
responsible for the graphic
Care funds the project, sup­
reproduction of advertising.
Fdr this work, the newly plies adminstration and staff,
chosen business manager will and coordinates client par­
receive a full tuition waiver, a ticipation.
The editorial board of “The
15 percent commission on all
advertisements he or she* sells, Print” apologizes for any
and transferrable credits.
Focus on women
CCOSAC cadre
to gather here
Representatives of Oregon’s
13 community colleges will be
attending a Community Col­
leges of Oregon Student
Associations and Commissions
(CCOSAC) board of presidents
meeting' here on Friday and
Representing the student
associations of the 13 com­
munity colleges, CCOSAC
board of presidents is the policy
and decision-making body.
Each school is represented by
one vote on the board.
CCOSAC is the state-level
organization which acts as the
collective voice of the students
in Oregon’s community col­
CCOSAC’s main purpose is
to provide the organizational
means for the ideas and ex­
periences of mutual concern to
be shared by the member com­
munity colleges.
CCOSAC also provides
forums for communications
between schools, workshops in
thusiasm for ‘on-hands’ work, the fall and spring for student
even though I personally leaders, membership in an ad­
thought the panel discussion visory role of the Oregon
was terrific. I’ve always thought Board of Education, member­
ship on the Educational Coor­
that being a teacher is fun, but
dinating Commission Advisory
listenting to those women, I
Committee and commission
began to feel that mavbe I miss­
status to special interest groups.
ed something,” she said.
Oregon community colleges
The interest evoked by the scheduled to participate are
program led them to videotape Blue Mountain, Central
the panel for use by schools in Oregon,
the district. There have been Clackamas, Clatsop, Lane,
Linn-Benton, Mt. Hood,
many requests for other such Portland,
presentations, but nothing Southwestern
definite has been planned yet. Treasure Valley, and Umpqua.
She believes her main goal paign material, even though he
should be to get student is all but guaranteed the office.
government to work more
“You have to put out some
closely with students in an ef­ effort/* he explained. Clement,
fort to improve relations and who has been training under
have a better working govern­ present Business Manager Cin­
ment for next year. She doesn’t dy Vetter, believes he is
endorse any particular can­ qualified to take over when her
didates for any of the other of­ term ends. “I know how to do
the job.”
“I can work with them all,”
Clement sees his primary
Olney said. “I’m not even sure
concern and goal as overseeing
if I should vote for myself.”
the budget to “see that things
aren’t overspent of overex­
“I wanted competition,” said ceeded.” He is as yet unsure if
Chris Clement, running unop­
the budget will be affected by
posed for ASG business the state, local and federal pro­
manager. “I even tried getting gram cutting.
people tp run for the office, but
no one I knew wanted to run
About the reasons for the
against me.”
seeming lack of interest in
Clement, who spent this student government Clement
year gathering experience as cited two main factors, “Some
an ASG senator, still intends to people are too busy, and some
put up posters and other cam­ just don’t cate.”
Sci. seminar slated ïor high school girls
Ninety-two freshmen girls
from all but one of the high
■ schools in the College district
■ converged on CCC last Friday
I to attend a special “Women in
I Science” program sponsored
| by Focus on Women and coor-
I dinated by the Clackamas
I Science Department. The girls
I were able to listen to and work
I with several women scientists
I from around the Portland area.
After registration, they were
I treated to a panel discussion
I featuring five women in scien-
I tjfic fields. These included Joy
Riley, a meteorologist with the
National Weather Service;
Abigail Cook, an engineer with
the local Tektronics firm; Joan
Miller, an optometrist; Janet
Hohn, a botanist with the U.S.
Department of Fish and
Wildlife and Chris Pieratti, a
computer programmer for
Georgia Pacific. These women
gave brief descriptions of their
work, how they chose their
particular field, how they
reached their goal, oppor­
tunities for women in their
fields, and what is entailed in
Competition slim
for secretary,
bus. manager
By Tom Jeffries
I Wednesday, April 15, 1981
education to prepare for a
career in the field.
After the panel discussion,
the group broke up into in­
dividual classrooms around the
campus where the students
were able to work with a scien­
tist and learn first hand a skill in
her field. They were then fur­
nished with a box lunch.
Virginia Weber, CCC life
science instructor, moderated
the panel discussion and said
she was very pleased with the
outcome. “What showed up on
their evaluations was a real en-
Ginger Olney, current ASG
senate secretary and sole can­
didate for ASG secretary, ad­
mitted disappointment at
having no competition for the
office. “It’s just like 1 was
thrown in there. All I have to
do is vote for myself, and I win.
The students have no choice,”
she said.
“Students just don’t know
how to get involved,” she
claimed as the primary reason
for low candidate tum-out.
“Out of the eight candidates for
ASG office, only one wasn’t in
ASG this year.”
In regard to the posting of
campaign materials, Olney still
plans on “doing it all.” This
year was her first experience in
student government but she
found it much as she expected,
though she did have to learn
parliamentary procedure.
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