The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 15, 1981, Image 1

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    20 years of leadership in Crosby's corner of ring
locWng homs
“The Print” is not going to, as a
for the top job, ASG presdent. \ paper, endorse any candidates
for any positions. Instead, we
will allow the reader to decide
on which candidate to choose.
Next week, “The Print” will in­
terview vice presidential can­
didates. On page three this
issue, the candidates for
business manager and
secretary, both running unop­
posed, are subjects of inter­
views. ASG elections start April
22 and continue through the
Of the three candidates run­
ning for prexy, Sam Crosby, a
former All-Navy boxing cham­
pion and Vietnam War
veteran, is the oldest at 40
years of age. “I have 20 years
of leadership experience,”
Crosby said.
Because the average age of a
student at the College is 26
years old, Crosby believes that
many of the social activities
should be aimed at a wider
fn keeping with tradition,
■he Print” is devoting its en-
tire front page to the three can-
am Crosby
spectrum. “I would like to see
more activities for all ages and
groups and a tighter monetary
control over these activities,”
he said.
Crosby believes one of his
biggest attributes is his ability to
get along with people on a one-
to-one basis. “I can get along
with just about anyone, and, in
fact, have gotten some people
personally involved with
ASG,” he said. “I feel I can
establish a good rapport bet­
ween students and faculty/’
Crosby has been away from
school for nearly 25 years and
was living in Seattle when an
instructor he knew invited him
down to take a look at the pro­
grams offered at the College.
He majors in business ad­
The former Navy man feels
that money should be spread
around better. “The money
that we have as a student body
could and should be distributed
better. At times, we spent
money unwisely.” He cited ac­
tivities that barely made
money, if at all, and recom­
mended a better use of capital.
Crosby sees ASG as a voice
of the students at College
board meetings. “The presi­
dent doesn’t have a vote at the
Board meetings, but they will
certainly listen to him.”
After he leaves the College,
Crosby would like to get into
corporate management. “I was,
half controlling owner of a cor­
poration when I came to the
College,” he said. “I really
think this is a great school,”
Crosby said, “and we (ASG)
can do almost anything we
want, within reason, if we ap­
proach it correctly.”
For 25 years, Crosby was
constantly moving, from Viet­
nam to Seattle. Now, he would
like to settle down, and relax.
“I’ve moved all my life, and I
just want to stay put,” he said.
Schweizer stresses quality
eadership behind ideals
After two years involvement
I the College campus and
ents, Joe Schweizer is seek-
| the position of ASG Presi-
Schweizer, 20, of Tualatin, is
mird-year engineering major
jClackamas’ He has yet to
pose which college he’ll
hsfer to, but plans to work
ward a mechanical engineer-
I degree with a minor in
eign languages.
1 feel I’m prepared for the
I” Schweizer stated. “The
I thing I’d like to do is to
re a commitment.”
I think we need to strive for
government,” Schweizer
began. “We need people who
want to get the job done, not
just a tuition waiver. If I felt so­
meone was just taking up space
in ASG, we would discuss
whether ASG is really what
they want to be involved in. I
want to be a president that ob­
tains as much student involve­
ment on campus as possible. I
have to establish contacts and
know presidential respon­
sibilities. I’m looking forward to
working with the College presi­
dent, Debbie Baker and the
student activities staff, as presi­
“If we can stress quality in
leadership, we can work
“I just want to help people. I Neva Barker.
want to see some of the actions
Now, he feels he’s ready for
of the ASG put into the hands the center chair. “This sounds
of the people.” Thus does can­ hokey,” said McAllister, “but
didate Walt McAllister explain I’m going to run it on Boy
his bid for the presidency. “I’ll Scout principles. Loyalty,
try my hardest. I’m not going to honesty, etc. I’m not going to
provide any garbage. No hand out a lot of bull.”
slogans, no promises. Just try
McAllister explained that in­
my hardest.”
volvement and activities will
McAllister is not a newcomer take most-favored-status in his
to CCC politics. He is an active possible administration. “Get­
member of the 1980-81 senate ting people involved is what it’s
and has been involved in com­ all about,” said McAllister. For
mittees too numerous to count. examples, he pointed toward
Earlier this year, McAllister dances and coffeehouses. “I’d
made an unsuccessful attempt like to see more low cost, high
at the vice president’s job, after quality dances and activities.
the resignation (under fire) of The activities director-I choose
’alt McAllister
Ism 1111111 jo
16 (M)
Joe Schweizer
McAllister proposes to put
power into people’s hands
toward a cohesive campus,
Schweizer said, “One that will
pull the smaller groups, clubs,
theater, sports and “The Print,”
into a campus community J’
When asked about the role
of ASG, Schweizer replied, “I
feel it’s an educational oppor­
tunity to learn leadership roles
and display leadership
qualities.” .
Schweizer continued, “ASG
receives 15 percent of student
tuition which goes to pay for
club expenses, travel and cam­
pus events. It provides the
c (mpus entertainment, and
assists in sending organizations
to conferences and competi­
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will be the most proficient per­
son I know. That’s where I’m
going to put the most organiza­
McAllister claims to be in­
terested in the campus
minorities. “It’s hard to be con­
scious of all their needs. I think
a lot of the ‘needs’ have been
met, now we’re working with
the ‘wants.’ But I won’t make
promises to anyone unless I
can keep it.”
Asked why anyone should
vote for him, McAllister said,
“Because I’ll be working for
you. I’ll be doing what you
want. I’m flexible, but not