The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 04, 1981, Page 3, Image 3

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    Russo-U.S. scholastic
systems compared
Staff photo by Ramona Isackson
B)r. Elena Zeltyn, a native Siberian, has taught language in
Both the ILS. and U.S.S.R., and discussed their dif­
ferences on campus last,week.
|0ne-to-One effective
I “One to One” is a program
B Besiqned to privide a child aged
If to 15years, with a compa-
^Bion to share 'with, talk to, and
^Bo places with. The companion
Ms a volunteer who' is willing to
^Be an “older brother'or; sister/
^Bomeone who will aid in
building up a child’s confidence
^By giving him or her the per-
^|onal attention that is much
^Seeded in the growing years.
| “Many of the kids are from
^Bngle parent homes or group
■omes,” explains Joanne
^Bruesdall, student and the
^Boordinator for CCC’s “One to
^Bne” program. “Some of the
^Bids may be handicapped,
^Bome are teens, many of the
^Bids have had minor behavioral
^Broblems at home - or at
I Truesdall explained that it
^B not an adoption service as
^Bich. but a program that would
^Brovide a child with an older
^Bompanion, someone who
Bkes kids and would befriend
^Bem. “We’re looking for
^Bolunteers who would be will-
^Bg to spend a minimum of six
^Bours per month with a child,”
^Bid Truesdall. She also ex-
^Blains that the volunteer’s
'Sours can be extended as long
'Is the person plans to be con-
|B#stent about the time spent
^Bith the child. “All we ask
^Blough is that you spend the
^Binimum amount of hours per
^Bionth and maybe a phone call
■r two to the child.”
B A one-year commitment to
^Be program is also asked.
^Buesdall explained that a one-
^Bar committment really isn’t
■>o much of a burden since the
^Bne spent with the child is ar-
^Bnged according tq the
^Blunteer’s schedule. Also,
^Biting the summer months the
^Bds are on vacation and it’s the
^Blunteer’s option to keep in
touch or not. -
Anyone interested in becom­
ing a volunteer may contact
Truesdall in the Handicapped
Resource Center, (across from
the Harolds Daniels Room in
the Community ' Center.) In­
terested volnteers may phone
her at 657-8400, ext. 317.
You might also ask her about
One to One alternative pro­
grams such as “planned day
activities” for those who are.
unable to make a year commit­
ment, but would like to spend
some time with these children.
The. comparisons and con­
trasts that exist between the
educational systems of the
U.S. and U.S.S.R. were
discussed by Dr. Elena Zeltyn
last week, at a presentation in
the McLoughlin Theater.
Zeltyn, a native born Siberiari,
is on a speaking tour courtesy
of the Oregon Council for
American/Soviet Friendship.
Zeltyn explained to an au­
dience of 20 that the dif­
ferences in the two school
systems begin early. “In the
Soviet Union, we have a com­
pulsory 10-year education for
evervone, from ages 7 to 17,”
said Zeltyn, who is a graduate-
of the Moscow State
Pedagogical (Languages) In­
stitute. She taught English at
the Moscow Institute for
Foreign Diplomats and is cur-,
rently teaching Russian *af the
American/Russian Institute in
San Francisco. She has been
there for two years now, and is
in the States on a diplomatic
“exchange” program.
“I am a citizen of the
U.S.S.R. Although I like your
country very much,, I would
nevet give up my citizenship/’
said Zeltyn.
Working in the United States
of. America and the Union of
Soviet, Socialist Republic has
given Zeltyn a very close look
at the similarities of the coun­
tries.“! think the Americans
have a great deal in common
with ¿.Russians... Unfortunately,
the relationship with the United
States and ihe U.S.S.R. has
been deteriorating, but I think
that things will get better. The
Soviet Union has always pur­
sued a policy of peace, and we
respect the United States a
great deal,” she said.
Zeltyn teaches five levels of
Russian at the Institute in San
Francisco to about 35 students.
She also teaches Russian
literature. Prior to that, she
taught English for several years
in,Moscow. Said Zeltyn, “Inthe
Soviet Union, the curriculum is
universal. There are 15
republics in the U.S.SiR., and
Russia is only one of them.
Russian is not the official
language. The native tongue in
each republic is official. Russian
Each school in the Soviet
Union teaches the native,
tongue, Russian and a foreign
language. There* are 57 dif­
ferent languages spoken within
the Soviet Union, and-110 na­
tionalities. There are also
“foreign languages” institutes
wherein most basic subjects are
taught in English, Spanish, or
The Soviet Union has an ad­
Dr. Zeltyn expressed reser­
vations about life in
America, “In some ways, I
feel restricted in this coun­
Vox populi: survey results
sci. creationism rebuked
Darwin and his theory of
evolution took a heavy beating
in The Print’s public ’opinion
survey regarding Scientific
Creationism, a new teaching
idea proposing that evolution
and its process were created by
a divine being-but gives no
religious instruction. This is
taught alongside Darwjp’s
Of the 10 people who
responded (not bad for the first
survey), six ¿hough that Scien­
tific Creationism (S.C.) should
be taught in Oregon public
schools. Reason such as “Let’s
get all the facts,” and “
should, be mentioned along
with Darwin’s theory,” and a
recommendation that it be
taught as an elective course,
were given.
Of the three who thought not
(one felt that the definition
given was inadequate), reasons
such as, “At least not as a
science-could be taught in
comparative religion,” and
“There are no facts to back up
_ creationism, only beliefs.
Wednesday, February 4, 1981
Beliefs should not be taught,”
were given.
As Tot the setond question
(Is ' S.C. A violation of the
amendment separating church
and state?), seven people
didn’t think so, and three did, a
more than 2-1 margin. The
reasoning included: “Neither
are proven fact—both are alter­
native theories to solve the pro­
blem...” “ is not because
Humanism has also been
classified as a religion...” “¿.it
does not involve actual
teaching religious-but how the
earth came to be...”, “.. .1 don’t
think there is a clear separation
between church and state as it
is...’”, and “ should be
permitted to learn all theories
and make his own decision...”
Those taking the opposing
viewpoint expressed: “... it’s
based on a belief (religion),”
and “.. .throwing something as
obscure as ‘a divine being’
would only be muddled and
more confusing to the students.
How would the teacher avoid
religious instruction and still'
vanced university system..
There is" no tuition, room and
board is free, and 50 percent ot^
all “regular education” students
(ages 7 to 17) go on to higher
education. There is also a wide
range of trade schools.
The Siberian linguist said she
likes Americans well enough,
but is not yet comfortable in this
country. “In some ways, I feel
restricted in this country. What
I find really disturbing here is
that I’m not free to walk the
streets of San Francisco. It feels
so good to go home on vaca­
tions and walk around after
midnight and not worry about
any crime... Mugging, you
et al...
In a letter to College staff,
Don Graf, chairman of Citizens
in Support of Clackamas Com­
munity College, outlined a
broad based campaign costing
$3,264 to pass both the opera­
tional levy and the building levy
which will be brought before
aistrict voters Feb. 17.
The first effort of the cam­
paign wilbbe to telephone ap­
proximately 20,000 voters who
have supported the College in
past elections. Graf hopes to
have 200 to 250 volunteers
phoning for two to two and a
half hours Feb. 15 and 16.
, Second phase of the Citizens
Committee’s plan involves Sen-
'drng 18,000' maili’ngs, printed
as a donation by the Oregon
Education Association, to
As its third step, the Citizens
Corrimittee is asking the Col­
lege staff to finance the $1,265
cost of printing and mailing
10,000 letters to fall term
students from the Clackamas
Community College Education
-• An estimated 350 College
students will be directly affected
if workstudy funds are cut.
“They haven’t been cut yet,”
said financial aid counselor
Ron » Hoodeye,
something’s going to have to be
done before, spring quarter/’
“The problem íá' simple. We
just don’t have- the bucks.
Every year we over spend our
workstudy funds. Because
there’s always been quite a few
students on workstudy who
dropout, the situation has
always been taken care of.
However, this year there
weren’t as many as expected to
drop, and now we’re in a
bind,” said Hoodeye. “There’s
a lot less money, everyone is
teach the second portion ade­
The third question read: “If
S.C. is labeled unconstitu­
tional, do you believe that
labeling it so is, in itself, un­
constitutional, due to the
government closing off and
other teaching possibilities
than Darwin’s theory of evolu­
Those who raised their
hands in affirmation said:
“...governments aren’t to im2
pose their beliefs on us...that is
not their purpose.../11 “...Dar­
win’s theory itself has too many
holes init as it is...,” “...the
government is teaching only
one view, which would be the
The Northwest Red Cross
one it wants people to
learn..." “,. .evolution is only a Blood Service will hold a
theory...,”’“...that would be “blood drive” on campus Mon­
forcing tire teaching of atheism, day, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in
which is a religion also...,” and the Community Center.
Anyone who is interested in
“ prove creation false you
must first prove God does not donating blood should contact
exist, this is not an easv task.” Sam Crosby in Student Ac­
This is an age-old argument tivities. Crosby, who is the
that will probably go on for Senate liasion to the ASG, is
i the on-campus -coordinator.
another 2,000 years.
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