The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 04, 1981, Page 2, Image 2

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The jester’s advocate
Hell-bent for cookies
By Mike Rose
Of The Print
January 23, 1981 was one
of those overcast, wet days, the
kind that remind you of lost
love and intestinal flu. “This is
why I’m a.journalism major,” I
told myself, ‘‘for the excitement
and adventure of the hell-bent-
journalism.” It’ll be a tough job
but, hey, Hunter Thompson
does this kind of thing all the
time. Of course, he takes
strange chemicals to steel his
nerves. All I had was Bazooka
Bubble Gum. A bubble burst
and some of the gum got.stuck
tp my glasses. The Bazooka
Joe comic strip stunk. Life
Cookie crunchers, rug rats,
house apes, ankle biters, brats
by any other narrie,. they’re still
kids. I was just in time to get
packed into a Ford van, armpit
to armpit with three- and four-
year olds. The photographer
who was supposed to back me
up didn’t show. The van door
slammed shut and the engine
turned, over. The child
trip to
of the child development aides.
“Hi, jogger!” the children
echoed? “Goodbye, jogger!”
they said as the van passed by.
“Why me?” mumbled “The
Print” reporter.
We went by the fire station,
some apartments and some gas
stations. “We’re going to see
police cars!” said one little boy.
“I Want to go home!” said a lit­
tle girl. “Look at the water
tower,” said the aide. “I bet
there’s a lot of water in there!”
“Last time I get suckered into
covering something like this”
mumbled The Print reporter.
The group was brimming
with enthusiasm as the van
pulled into thie lot beside the
Oregon' City Elevator.
Picking u^wgmen
as easy as 1-2-3
credit hour courses^aM^.
To The Editor:
The excitement began a few
moments later. “Look children,
had absorbed enough informs - a logger.-Hi, jogger!” said one
tion over the last few years tQ at
Te§?st refe’to thdie^ale gender
as women rather than girls or
gals. I hope that during his stay
on campus, Mr. Jeffries will
have an opportunity to attend
some of the very fíne classes,
workshops, and forums By Rick Obritschkewitsch
relating to all aspects of human Of The Print
relations so that he may learn
The streets are lined with
how to meet some of the peo­ people, the trees are full of
ple who do hot seem to be
yellow ribbons, and the
reaching out to him. Good hostages, since being released
luck, Mr. Jeffries. I hope you from capitivity in Iran, are be­
will enjoy more' positive ex­ ing given all kinds of special
periences as your sensitivities treatment, My question is,
The January 21st issue of
“The Print” is a fine example of '
the diversity .of. thts campus as -
reflected in the student body,
various life styles, belief
systems, and course offerings.
In just one issue, we are treated
to articles on scientific crea­
tionism, the intense personal
experiences of women tetum-
ing to college after years as
home-workers, a seminar on
living together, a course in
mountain climbing, and last but
not least, an article on how to
“pick up women” (as in, please
pick up the litter or please pick
me up a six pack). Since I
strongly subscribe to the value
What did 'these 52
of diversity and open forum, I Myra Lunn
r Americans dp that makes them
was thankful that the author
heroes, that many . other
Americans haven’t done
previously, to receive little or
no recognition? Is it just
because there were so few, as
To The Editor:
appreciate it if “The Print” opposed to the great number of
You have a problem and I’d would put a little more effort in­ Americans who have been held
like to help you solve it. For to accurate coverage. Our se­ in P.O.W. camps during the
some reason, your coverage of cond and third runners, Beth various wars that the U.S. has
the women’s x-country season Kokesh. and Debbie Simon, been involved in?
didn’t amount to as much as were hardly mentioned
What do U.S. war veterans
we hoped it would. Some very thorughoqj the season and
good photos were taken of a Beth was referred to as get for their efforts? A G.L
couple of races, but somehow “Becky” when she was men­ Loan. But what do our great
hostages get? Many airlines are
they were put in the wrong ar­ tioned.
ticles. Once, Carolyn Raimon- ,
We’re not trying to nit-pick allowing them free trips, they
di’s photo (an excellent shot), or make our team as important are receiving royal treatment
was put in “The Print” with the to you as it is to us, but we sug­ while they stay at West Point,
comments, “Raimqndi finishes gest you send a reporter down and the list goes on and on.
well at the Mt. Hood Invite*- once a week during, track
tional” (or something to that ef­ season to talk to a coach for
There have been many who
fect). Raimondi was injured meet results. I feel it would served in wars, and were held
during the Mt. Hood Invit. and save you a lot of time and help in P.O.W. camps for years,
the photo was from the you to obtain the goal of your whereas the hostages were
Clackamas Classic.
Newsprint, to supply readers held for fourteen and a half
Our women’s (and men’s) with accurate NEWS.
months. So what makes those
teams put a lot of time and ef­ Thank you for listening,
held in Iran so special? Is it the
fort into our season and we’d Nancy Reynolds
fact that most of them are of-
“Smell the paper mill,
children?!” the aide said. It
would have smelled even
neater if the wind had been
blowing from -the land fill.
There was a magnificent view
of Oregon City from the cliff.
Spectacular things like the
river, a flag pole and Howard’s
Water Beds came into view. I
could have heaved a rock at a
guy crossing the street from
there and squashed him like a
. Oh, jeepers! At last came the
highlight of the trip, riding the
Qregon City passengei
¡elevator. I was so excited that!
almost wet myself. Many of thi
kids said the elevator ride wa<
the best part of the trip and’
agreed with them. I have livei
in the area for some time, but
had never gotten arolind ti
rising the elevator. I had no
been so thrilled since I got a fla
in Scappoose.
After the elevator ride, we
walked around in Oregon City
Coast to Coast Hardware! Ar
insurance company! A dentisfl
office! Oregoq City, Oregon Ci’s a hell of a town?'We san
a lady getting her hair cut ant
two parked. police cars! Wi
waved at some policemen ant
they waved back!
We went into a bakery ant
saw a nice lady named Rutl
decorate a cake. They told u
not to put our fingers in thi
food. We saw a big mixer and,
freezer and a big oven-not likt
the kind you have at .home
They would not let us go dowi
the basement because w
could fall down and get hurt
Then we got a cookie. Oh m
At 11 a.m. we headed back
Alex liked The police cars,
Elizabeth liked the elevator.
Simon talked about firemen
and, rpade siren noises.
Hostages undeserving
of a heroes’ welcome
She loves us not
Page 2
fleers, or is it simply that they
were held during a cold war?
Think about it, would they be
receiving so much attention if
there were no officers, or if
they were just a few being held
among hundreds, if not
thousands of others, during a
war of weapons? The answer is
no. Why would we treat them
as .heroes? . We never have the
thousands before.them.
When was the last time you
heard about those who were
held in P.O.W. camps? It’s
been a long time, if at all.
Those who are heroes in this
hostage ordeal are those who
gave their lives last Séptembei
in a rescue attempt, and the
Algerians who aided in th
negotiations for the fini
release of the hostages, and we
can’t forget all thé American
who had a hand in the negotia
fions, going all the way backte
former-President jimm
It’s not that we shouldn’t b
happy about the hostages
release. We should welcom
them back with open arms. Bu
let’s make heroes out of thos
who deserve it.
THE PRINT, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opi­
nions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily reflect those of
the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Govern­
ment or other staff members of THE PRINT.
office: Trailer B; telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309 or 310
editor: Thomas A. Rhodes
assignment editor: Matt Johnson; news editor: J. Dana Haynes
arts editor: R.W. Greene; feature editor: Steve Lee
sports editor: Rick Obritschkewitsch
photo editor: Duffy Coffman
staff writers: Linda Cabrera, Amy DeVour,
David Hayden, Tom Jeffries, Mike Rose, Susy Ryan
staff photographers: Brenda Feltman, Ramona Isackson, Sue
typesetter: Kathy Walmsley; graphics: Lynn Griffith
cartoonist: J. Dana Haynes
advertising and business: Dan Champie
adviser: Suzie Boss
Clackamas Community Colley