The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 28, 1981, Page 4, Image 4

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    Harlow to moonlight
as Greek restaurateur
By Thomas A. Rhodes
Of The Print
It sits empty. Nothing but
sheet rock rests between these
walls. But come March 6, the
sheet rock will be replaced by
chairs and counters, and this
room will be anything but emp­
ty as a new restaurant opens in
the Clackamas Town -Center
Mall. A restaurant co-ownedby
the College’s speech coach,
Frank Harlow.
The diner will be named
“Gyros, Gyros” (pronounced
year-ose, year-ose), and will
serve Greek fast food. That’s
right, Greek fast food. What
would lure Frank Harlow into
this form of entrepreneurship?
“My main motivation to start
Gyros, Gyros was to have a
good time,” Harlow said. “I’ve
wanted to so something like
Of course, money enters the
framework. “I need money in
order to buy a sailboat,” he
confessed. It seems sailing the
ocean blue is also one of his
great fantasies.
Harlow is in partnership with
a comrade named Bill Shreve,
former College public informa­
tion officer. The partners
started their initial investment
last April. Harlow made note of
, the high cost of rent at the mall.
“It was very expensive, but I on it, tomatoes and sliced
think it .wqs well worth the onions. It is then rolled up in
aluminum foil and sold for $2.
The father of one “little It’s a meal in itself,” Harlow
parct” (his name is Jeffry and 4 said.
is his age) seems to understand
Other dishes, such as the
the need for Greek “fast food” falafel (a vegetarian dish with
rather than Greek “dreadfully garbanz-a
slow” food. “You have to spanakopita (a spinach salad),
remember that we live in a and salads (without French
computer society where dressing) dominate the “Gyros,
everything is done quickly.
Gyros” menu.
People don’t like waiting for
But what Harlow really
anything, and that includes hopes will draw the big crowds
food,” Harlow said.
in is the restaurant’s “Saboom
Located at the north en­ Shake.” Harlow refuses to
trance of the mall near the ice release any information leading
rink, “Gyros, Gyros” certainly to the whereabouts of the in­
will offer unique dining, gredients of this concoction.
especially for those in. the meat-
Harlow feels that the price
and-potatoes crowd.. The
house specialty just happens to
have half of the house’s name
attached. So, if one wanted the
specialty, one would go into
“Gyros, Gyros” and order the
Gyros (which answers the
By David Hayden
$64,000 question, why is this
Of The Print
place named what it is?).
After the Dec. 30 report of a
“The Gyros is 35 pounds of
faculty task force subcommit­
beef cooked on a vertical
tee’s recommendation that
broiler that revolves slowly,”
faculty be compensated for stu­
Harlow explained. “We slice
dent advising, Dr. John
them (the meat—not the
Hakanson, College president,
customers) into little pieces and
presented a study analyz­
situate them on flat pita (any
ing the cost of compensation
pronunciation is correct) bread
Feb. 19.
that has tzatzki (a white sauce)
sometime next week. Althoui
minimum wage is what Hark
offers^moneywise, the bend
are enormous, “all the Grd
food you can eat and all the fi
you can have,” he promised
Cost prohibits‘advising’ pa
Today computers touch every part of our lives. Ohio
have special applications for the student:
range will appeal to the middle
class family. “We hope to be
appealing to a broad spectrum,
age wise,” he said.
“Gyros, Gyros” will probably
applications for jobs
The administration first ask­
ed instructors to begin pro­
viding students with guidance
fall term. At that time, no add­
ed pay or benefits were added
to current faculty' contracts.
continued Fitzgerald.
The situation has three poa
ble solutions: compensate
through an increase in salari
or benefits; suspension of sa
dent advising with the possible
The compensation study was
drawn up by Bob Wynia, assis­
tant dean of instructional ser­
vices, with the help of Art
Hames, director of counselng,
of slowly phasing it»-In |
departments can free faculi
workloads; or hiring addition!
staff to decrease faculfl
workloads immediately.
“If the administration were to
compensate instructors, the
study showed that it would cost
$89,000,” stated Fitzgerald.
“At this point, we’re waiting
for a decision from Hakanson,”
“It’s an important issue d
have to settle,” commenta
Hakanspn. “I’ve been gtudyiij
the reports and their finding
and hope we can settle tn
situation soon.”
Contract dickerin
slated for Feb. 1
ientific Personal Computers
‘May be used as a terminal
* Allow construction of personal databases \
* Accomplish data collection and analysis \
‘Handle word processing for term papers, thestes. etc.
‘Provide entertainment with a wide variety of games |
And there’s never a question of access. Your own computer is available, at your
fingertips, any time of the day or night. Fial Computer has OhioScientific Com­
puters starting at under $500.
11266 S.E. riST.AVE.
PH. (503) 654- 9524
With their current contract
expiring June 30, the College
board and the Clackamas
Community College Educa­
tional Association have ten­
tatively set Feb. 23 as the date
to begin negotiations on a new
The College will be
represented at the negotiations
by Bill Ryan, dean of college
services; James Painted, per­
sonnel officer; Lyle- Reese,
assistant dean of business and
public services; and Mike Mon­
tgomery, College negotiator.
As its representatives at the
negotiations, the educational
association will present Ira
Heard, audio/visual depart­
ment chairperson; John
Bohan, public service and
graphic arts chairperson; Kay
Davis, English as a Second
Language chairperson; Jean
Taylor, nursing instructor; and
Jack Hunter, Oregon Educa­
tional Association represen­
“Both sides are in the pro­
cess of preparing their pro­
posals,” commented Heard.
The curirent contract, which
covered'a two-year period, was
in negotiations for nine mon-
ths, from February to October,
1979. “We feel comfortable
that negotiations will go
smoother this time,” coni
mented Ryan.
“Our goal is to arrive at a set!
tlement that both sides can iivl
with,” continued Ryan. ‘Til
always felt that a successful set!
tlement has equal dissatisfacl
tion on each side; when yoi]
have that, it’s fair.”
Grad lands
garden job
Dave Jordan, a recent CCCl
graduate in horticulture, says.l
“even with the slump in the!
economy, somebody still has tol
water the plants and trees!
That’s what he does for a livl
ing, as a “corporate gardenerI
An Oregon City residenti
Jordan is the head gardener fot
the Lloyd Corporation and
oversees the groundskeeping
of 96 acres of Portland proper]
ties, ranging from apartment]
complexes to .vacant lots. He]
also supervises a crew of six]
and purchases all the garden]
ing chemicals and equipment. ]
$1,000 REWARD
For return or information leading
to the recovery of Navajo rugs and
Oriental carpets stolen from m)
home, 1/1/81. 657-6536.
Clackamas Community Colle?«