briefs___________ Environmental courses set Two eight-week programs on environmental issues will be offered at the Environmental Learning Center Pavilion star­ ting this week. A Master Conservers’ Pro­ gram will be conducted by Jerry Herrmann, ELC director and Dave Burtner, county ex­ tension agent, Tuesdays from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. The session is designed to familiarize potential resource persons with the energy crisis and offer solutions such as solar heating, wind and hydro generation. There is no fee. Registration is through the County Extensio Office at 655-8631. “Landscape Design for Man and Wildlife,” taught by Herr­ mann, will run Wednesdays from 7-10 p.m. The course will include identification of Oregon natives and relevant ornamen­ tal plants, basic needs of wildlife and how to provide them in suburban and rural •AwWi:-:-:’:’: The College Child Develop­ ment Center is acéepting children, ages 3 to 5 years old, for the winter term program. The Center, open to both the College and the communi­ ty, offers morning or full-day child care services Monday through; Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. . Three full-time staff members provide a “well- balanced curriculum,” said Myra Lunn,'center director. Activities at the center in­ clude arts and crafts, music and dance, science, nature study -10:30 aun.- :• R< •? X-i :•:< XX ;>:• £ r S ? Child care open Wednesday :ì •< situations, plan studies and development. Participants will also learn design and lay-out procedures for the home or rural proper­ ties, and propagation and nur­ turing of wildlife through nest boxes, bird houses and other features. - The fee is $19. For addi­ tional information and registra­ tion, contact the ELC at 657-8400, ext. 351. MW X< XX X-'; XX X> XX X; 1 Whole Qraln Baking Workshop, 96101 Thursday -Noon-- and language development skills. The children learn about cooking by baking cookies, making cereal, homemade yogurt and blender drinks. Field trips to OMSI and around the campus are also included in the program. Fees are $4.50 mornings and $8 full-days. For additional information, contact Myra Lunn at 657-8400, ext. 378. Business Business ownership courses for those wishing to start or im­ prove their own businesses will be offered this term at the Col­ lège. Women Business Owners Orientation Program meets Mondays from 6:30 - 10 p.m. in Barlow Hall, room 204. The 11-week seminar, taught by Jerry Leedbam, a small business specialist at the Col­ lege, will survey financial plan­ ning, legalities, taxes, person­ nel management, market anlaysis and advertising. Par­ ticipants also will be encourag­ ed to formulate their own com­ Friday plete business plans. Instructional materials will in part, be provided by the Small Business Administration. Men Business Owners Orientation Program meets Thursdays from 6:30 -10 p.m. in Barlow Hall, room 130. The course covers the same elements as the Women’s pro­ gram. Each course is four credits. For additional information, contact the Registrar’s Office at 657-8400, ext. 256 or Jerry Leedham at ext. 232. Insurance Students wishing to buy acci­ dent or comprehensive health insurance for winter term may do so until Friday through the cashier’s office. Two plans are offered, one providing -accident-only coverage and one offering ma­ jor medical coverage. The comprehensive plan “provides extensive benefits at low cost,” said Bonnie Hartley- Linse, student health nurse. “I “9 a.m.“ -1p.m.- Master Farmer Class, CC 134 Open Recreation, Weight Room, Randall Gym “Who Needs Depression’* seminar, CC 117 Open Recreation, Weight Room, Rendall Gym Tlmber Theft Conference, Board Room A -7pjn.~ -7:30 pjn.- Intramurals Five-man intramural ba ball action will start on Fel For anyone interested in ting or joining a team, sigi sheets are available in Ran Hall and the Commu Center. Sign-ups for intramural t tennis also will be coming soon. Monday Saturday ASG Meeting, CC101 -7 p.m.-- encourage all students who not otherwise fully insurec take advantage of it.” premiums vary depending the number covered bji policy. The second plan prov coverage for school-time cidents only. The premiui $3 per student per quarter. “With today’? high met posts, it is essential to can health policy to eliminate worry of unexpected mec brils,” said Hartley-Linse. Brochures outlining the policies are available in Community Center or at Student Health Center Trailer A. •■Noon-- Open Recreation, Randall Gym, Weight Room, until 6 p.m. Him, Fireside Lounge Tuesday -11:30 a.m.-- Mini-program, Communi Center Mall -10 ajn.- , -6 pun.- Coffee House, Fireside Lounge College Board Meeting, Board Rooms A and B Women’s Indoor Soccer, Randall Gym Landscape Design for Man and Wildlife, ELC Pavilion -7 p.m.- Abdominal Thrust Class, Small Dining Room Volleyball Tournament, Randall Gym -9 p.m.- ASG Dance, CC Mall Wednesday Sunday --Noon- Mini-Program, Communit Center Mall -7 p.m.- Volleyball Toumment, Gym 1 Randall Print Opinion Survey wvwwwwwwvvvvwwwvwvvJ To better serve the College community, The Print is asking for a few demographic and editorial questions of its readers. Your participation in the survey is important to help make your paper more relevant and more concerned with the College community. When finished, please drop the surveys in the envelopes at the Student Activities window, by the checkout stand in the library or in Trailer B. for your help and concern. 1) Do you consider The Print’s coverage of the ASG to be satisfactory? Is the coverage of the ASG fair?- 2) Does The Print cover campus news adequately? How could The Print improve its news coverage? 3) Do you find The Print’s Feature page satisfactory? In what way would you change the Feature page? 6) Does the Arts page satisfactorily cover campus, local and regional art events? Would you like to see more feature stories or more events stories? 7) Are campus sports given enough coverage and space? 8) Overall, do you think The Print adequately covers the campus com­ munity? Would you like to see The Print publish special sections such as a Winter Recreation or a Stress Survival Guide? 9) Are you a full-time student? How old are you? 4) What is your opinion of The Print’s photo coverage? Would you like to see photos run larger? Would you prefer to see more photo pages? 10) How much time do you spend reading The Print? How often do you read The Print? What sections do yoii always read? What sections do you rarely read? 5) Do you think students are adequately involved with the Opinion page? In what way could the Opinion page better serve the collge com­ munity? 11) Do you have any other comments, suggestions or ideas? Page 8 Clackamas Community Collegi