The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 03, 1980, Image 8

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Xmas time
Christmas is just around the
comer and for those who still
College students should
have yet to get their Christmas
tree, the John Inskeep En­ begin applying now for a varie­
vironmental Center will be sell­ ty of new scholarships and
work opportunities announced
ing trees for just that purpose
beginning Saturday. Instructors today by The Scholarship
can get an early pick of the” Bank, a nation-wide scholar­
ship search service for college
crop on Friday.
According to Steve Danz,
director, several of the new
“The Nursery Rhyme Suite”, programs are a work program
a Reed College Master’s sponsored by The Scholarship
Degree Project, choreograph­ Bank for two hundred students
ed by Jane Rickenbaugh, is a throughout throughout the
series ,of reflections and U.S., including one or two at
reminiscences of childhood. this campus; a series of new
The Suite is a collection of programs for female students,
dances and a montage of especially those returning to
musical pieces and theatrical campus after some years away;
events. The score is composed and new scholarship programs
by Debra Porter with costuming for students in law, education,
by Cerinda Survant. Judy political science, medicine and
Massee serves as artistic ad­ social work.
The principle dancers are
Leru Bevens, Cynthea
For those students who
Hayakawa, Josie Moseley,
Donna Steger, Clayton would like to get involved in '
‘Gillespie,Tom Dencoff, Stirra student government but don’t
Tregarth. George James will be know where to begin, there is
currently an ASG senate posi­
featured guest artist.
The conert will be held at tion open.
Students who wish to apply
Dancer’s Workshop, Dec. 6<
and 7 at 8 p.m. with a 2:30 for the opening, once held by
Sunday matinee. Tickets for Dan Hansen, should attend
evening performances are $3 Thursday’s ASG meeting in
for adults, $2 for children; CC 101 at noon. Those runn­
matinee, $2.50 for adults and ing for the office will be voted
$1.50 for children. For further on by the ASG members at that
information contact Jane time.
Rickenbaugh, 659-375?.
Science building
Holiday danct
December 18
Having a marsh in the cour­
The annual Christmas dan
There is a community service tyard of a new building is not will be held on Dec. 18, fr<
program at the College which, everyone’s Idea of good 9-12 p.mT iri the Commun
because of its name, creates a design. But, for Clackamas Center Mall here at the C
variety of responses. The pro­ Community College’s new lege.
gram is called “Rent-a- Linus Pauling Science Center,
Kairos, a local area band
Grandparent.” The purpose of the biological pool is a natural. slated to play at the dance, f
the program is to match retired
Designed by landscape ar­ cording to David Buckley t
seniors with temporary and chitect, Andy Rice and CCC special activities director here
part-time work. The seniors science department faculty the College, ‘‘Kairos is a prof
earn extra money. The com­ members, the marsh will serve sional band, who plays moi
pany gains an experienced en­ as an “outdoor classroom,” ac­ in the Portland area.” He ai
thusiastic worker.
cording to Chuck Scott, ed, “It’s our wish to keep |
Come July, the program will : science division chairman.
quality of the bands and dam
assume a new name—“The
up so that the people will kf
“Students will be able to coming.”
Senior Job Center.”
observe the natural evolution
Tickets will not be sold in i
of a pond into a marsh, with all vance, but they may be p
the trimmings including silt, chased at the door. Prices i
cattails and other boggy-area $2 for students and $3 for nl
Three separate galleries' of
materials,” Scott said.
the Portland Art Museum
He added students and
transformed into individual’
faculty, especially in biology
works of art by artists Christine
and bdtany will be responsible
Bourdette, Tad 'Savinar and
Tired of , losing * money
for maintaining the marsh and
Peter Teneau, will be on view
for collecting new plant those expensive school bool
from Nov. 21 to Dec. 28.
There is now a new alternate
“Spatial Exercises: Construc­
The Book „Exchange. 1
tions by Bourdette, Savinar
The marsh, which is part of
and Teneau” opens with a the larger $4 million science Book .Exchange is a new i|
public celebration at the building currently under con­ and according to Activil
Director Debbie Baker,
museum on Friday, Nov. 21,
struction, consists of three should work out very well.”
from 6 to 9 p.m.
small pools divided by a series
If you have any books j
Each of the three artists has of pedestrian walkways.
would like to sell or trade,
been given the space of one
“The intention is to develop
gallery to work with. Using the a fully-functional water eco­ are looking for , then this it
empty room as the foundation system,” said Rice, who is be the place. Just fill out a li
for the finished work, the artists responsible for all college land­ index card down at the A
office. They file this away v
will build constructions or en- scaping projects.
others and then students v
vioronments which will alter
“It actually started in a are interested in what you h
the viewer’s perception of the bathtub,” he.quipped.
or need, dicker with you.
gallery. Plans are used to vary­
ing' degrees as the construc­
/-------------- ------------- --------
tions unfold, but the exact ap­
pearance of the completed
Campus Pop«bock bestseller
William Inge’s lively comedy­ works will not be known until
opening night.
1. Sophie’s Choice, by William Styron. (Bantam, $3.50.
Has the outrageous price of
Star-crossed lovers and the nature of evil: fiction.
gas got you down?Tri-Met pro­ Thursday, December 4, in
The working methods and
ving less and less dependable? Portland Civic Theatre’s Blue final products of the artist differ
The Dead Zone, by Stephen King. (NAL/Signet, $3.50
Why not join the 90 or more Room.
substantially. Teneau and
Terror tale of man who sees into future: fiction. “
College students who have
Bus Stop stars Greg Tamblyn Bourdette intend to make large
decided on carpooling?
A Woman of Substance, by Barbara Taylor Bradfc
scale constructions that exist as
(Avon, $2.95.) Successful woman & her children: fictii
If you would like to offer as Bo, an infatuated cowboy in one unit within their respective
your services in carpooling, or pursuit of vivacious nightclub galleries.
4. Class Reunion, by Rona Jaffe. (Dell, $2.75.) Four
just hitch a ride with someone,
cliffe grads and how they fared: fiction.
you will need to fill out a little Holland in a role made famous
Two lectures are scheduled
questionnaire pertaining to by Marilyn Monroe in one of
Number of the Beast, by Robert A. Heinlein. (Fav
to coincide with .this exhibition.
your location, time of arrival her first major movies.
cett, $6.95.) Space journey to other universes: fiction,
On Friday, Dec. 5 at 8 p.m.,
and departure and if you have
9. Petals on the Wind, by V. C. Andrews. (Pocket, $2.
a car or need a lift. These cards strands the couple overnight in Linda Cathcart director of the
Children take revenge in horror sequel: fiction.
can be found at the ASG win­ a roadside diner with a group Contemporary Arts Museum in
dow or at the table next to the of weary travellers, each with a Houston, will talk about “in­
7. Still Life with Woodpecker, by Tom Robbins' (Bant
story of his or her own.
stallation and environment”
registration line.
$6.95.) A sort of a love story.
A warm-hearted and funny art. The lecture, sponsored by
So you’ve decided to join the
carpooling crowd. That’s fine, winter’s tale, Bus Stop offers the Contemporary Art Council,
8. Shibumi, by Trevanian. (Ballantine, $2.95.) Intrigues
but you will need some advice delightful entertainment for a is free to the public. Bourdette,
the perfect assassin and perfect lover: fiction.
to keep things running
9. The Great Shark Hunt, by Hunter S. Thompson. (Pop
lar Library, $3.50.) Roasting of America’s seamy side.
Agree on driving ar­ and Saturdays through at 8 p.m.
rangements, fees, and regular January 17.
10. What Color is Your Parachute? ,by Richard N. Bolle
Tickets: $5 for adults, $4 for
payment dates. Make sure
(Ten Speed Press, $5.95.) Career and job guidebook
everyone realizes this is a car­ students and senior citizens.
The College is currently
For reservations and 'more
Compiled by The Chronicle of Higher Education from information
pool, not an errand service.
information, please call undergoing a whole new con­
cept in registration. Besides the
’■Old method that we are all so
familiar with, there has been an
addition in the way of the com­
New & Recommended
Ba’hai is a relatively young puter.
Registration begins for credit
classes at the College beginning faith, and only one person was
This term they are combining
Been in the Storm too Long, by Leon F. Litwack. (Vintac
Dec. 1 in the Community running the club. There was both methods to double check
$7.95.) Meaning of freedom to emancipated Southern biacl
Center. Daytime registration one other member in the club, the' computer’s accuracy. Jf
hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., but that just wasn’t enough as things work out well, then next
Cannibals and Missionaries, by Mary McCarthy. (Av<
Dec. 1-Jan. 9. Evening neither had the time to run the term the old method will be
$2.75.) Insights on terrorism aboard hijacked airplane.
registration hours are 4-8 p.m., dub.
dropped in favor of technology
Dec. 1-4 and Jan. 5-8. Classes
and progress. All the. folks
Double, Double, Oil and Trouble, by Emma Latham. (Pa
et, $2.50.) New York banker-detective foils oil caper.
mant until next term, according down at Student Registration
begin Jan. 9.
For additional information, to Bill Sheckler, a returning stu­ would like to thank everyone
Association of American Publishers
contact Counseling Services at dent who has been involved in for their patience and coopera­
Ba’hai for seven months.
tion. Yup.
657-8400, ext. 266.
Dance at Reed
Spatial exercises
Losing money?
Seat open
Bus Stop