The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 03, 1980, Page 2, Image 2

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■ ■ Clackamas Community College
This editorial policy has
been unanimously approv­
ed by the Editorial Board of
The Print, Effective im­
Editor announces editorial policy
When I first received the job
as editor of The Print, many
questions had to be answered.
Most of the questions came
from myself. Questions like:
What" are your goals of the
paper going to be? What will
you cover? What will be your
editorial policy? How will you
cover events? If someone gives
you $15 worth of banquet
tickets, are you obligated to
give them $15 worth of adver­
tising space regardless of other
events that need to be
covered? Should you require
the editorials pertain to the Col­
lege or can they be bn any sub­
ject the writer wishes?
Questions like those needed
to be answered. The biggest
question that" has to be
answered at the end of the fall
term is Is The Print a college
newspaper? Or is it a public in-:
formation sheet whose only
purpose is to say that
everything is terrific here at the
This question has been
haunting me for the past few
weeks. Exactly what is our pur­
pose? According to the Canons
of Junior College Journalism,
‘A good newspaper reports,
interprets, and comments upon
those events and the ideas
which it deems significant or of
interest to its readers. The stu­
dent newspaper serves the stu­
dent body, the administration,
the faculty, and at least in-
directly, the community in be ignored. They are activities
which it operates.”
of the College, and are of in­
Naturally, special interest terest to the readers. However,
groups slip into the trailer and an election mistake which may
would like a story on a certain have cost someone za vote or
subject. That is the right of . two or three or one hundred
course, of college organiza­ must be given a higher priority.
tions. However, special interest It is not the obligation of this
groups outside of the College paper to write only about the
come in and almost demand positive or negative events of
that articles be written concem- the College but to write about
ing their organizations. the newsworthy events pertain­
Because it interests them, ing to the College.
naturally it will interest the
Immediate events take
readers of this paper.
precedence over past events. If
Our reason for existence is to someone is at the College right
report the news of the campus. now, it takes precedence over
If the U.S. invades a foreign a week-old event. We cannot,
country, it is not our obligation as a paper, bow down to a
to cover it as a news agent. The special interest group by writing
coverage of that event is left to
the Oregonian and The Jour­
nal. The only way this paper
could cover an event like that
would be on the opinion page.
On the news pages, thé Col­
lege comes first.
But what events in the Col­
lege should be covered?
Should the tax base being
defeated be covered while the
pumpkin carving contest goes
uncovered? Whatever interests
the readers the most, in our
judgment. If the student body
of this paper is tom
on every little thing they can do purpose
the news pertaining toH
no matter how insignificant. It cover
all comes down to,, of course, the College and its readers.■
The only space that ’ is nofm
The goal of the paper is to restricted to College-oriented ■
cover as much as possible the events can be located on them
events of the College. That is editorial page.
The 'Print, a member of theB
the reason for the “This Week”
calendar. But it is more than Oregon Newspaper Publishers ■
covering coffeehouses, film Association, aims to be a fair«
series, dances, and extra­ and impartial journalistic«
curricular events at the Col­ medium covering the campus ■
community as thoroughly as I
That distinguishes The Print possible. Opinions expressed ini
from a public information The Print do not necessarily!
sheet. If we focused only on reflect those of the College ad-1
dances and such, we would ministration,
have to ignore the people at Associated Student Govern-'
the Timber Lake Job Corps, , ment, or other The Print staff
and many others. The prime members.
TN UMR. . . J
“Shot down in flames”
Amway critic misinformed
together by Amway Corpora-
The Amway distributor has«
option of attending many«
tion to jpelp Amway distributors
present their business and sales rallies and training«
recruit others to join them in a meetings. As with any direct«
legitimate business opportuni­ sales organization, they are in-«
ty. It has been tested legally tended to build enthusiasm and«
are a lot like a high school pep I
and been proven to be an
1 know personally that«
honest and workable plan. It is rally.
Tupperware Sales meetings are I
riot used to “sucker” anyone as
By R.W. Greene
the same.
inferred by Ms. Prouty.
There are many Amwayl
In Amway there are two ma­
in this area who
jor ways of earning income*, by
your .own retail sales, and by make a full time living selling
earning a percentage bonus on AmWay products and helping
the combined retail sales of others in their line of ■sponsor­
The smell of success in the compete with each other to see preciative audience. They have your business and the business ship sell Amway products
rock and roll world can be as which of a small coterie of recently been subjected to a of those you recruit into the There are many who sell oni
seductive as a whiff of cocaine. Portland bands they can hype barrage of hype about their business. Ms. Prouty failed to part-time basis. They have bui
potential, and it is a tribute to
Things like tact, honesty and into stardom.
point out the former entirely. their businesses with a good a
The trouble with this them that none of it seems to
restraint head out the window
Of course you need people ( titude, hard work, and an e
when the stuff comes around, overblown sense of vision is have gone to their collective under you to make a sizeable cellent line of products.
and the eyes remain glazed that it can get in the way of a heads.
Don’t boycott tc
bonus. What you do helps the
Johnny and the Distractions
long after any hope of getting good band. Case in point is
person above you just the same line, high-quality, tested p
the stuff is gone. The symp­ Johnny and the ‘Distractions, played a satisfying two and a as in any job.
ducts and make a judgm
toms are apparent in the rock which played recently at the half hours of rock and roll, suc­
When one joins Amway they against Amway based on <
magazines of Portland, which College to a more than ap­ cumbing neither to pretensions ' do. hot sign a contract or enter person’s opinion.
nor self-importance, but in­
into any obligation to anyone -ERLENE WITHAM
stead laying out a solid and
Letters may be writtei
except to purchase their pro­
tight show. Their strength is
ducts through the person who The Print by anyone pro
their originality. Johnny’s
sponsored them. They agree to ed the writer includes tl
guitarist estimated that 95 per­
adhere to a code of ethics name, address, and t
cept of their program is com­
drawn up by a national board student number (If a
posed of Johnny’s own tunes,
of Amway distributors. They dent). Letters must
THE PRINT, member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
which steam with passion and
are not obligated to sell any typed, double-spaced,
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial joumalistc medium
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opi­
amount of products. Some turned into The Print <
If nothing else he is en­
nions expressed in THE PRINT do not necessarily reflect those of
distributors never sell retail and in Trailer B before 3
thusiastic onstage. Looking like
the College administration, faculty, Associated Student Govern­
only purchase products Monday.
ment, or other THE PRINT staff members.
a somewhat overgrown Van
Any letters longer
wholesale for their own per­
office: Trailer B
telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309, 310
Morrison, his dancing, pranc­
400 words are subjc
editor: Thomas A. Rhodes
sonal use.
ing; and occasional grovels
assignment editor: Matt Johnson; news editor: David Hayden
editing. Short letter
The initial investment Ms,
amaze you in their sheer
arts editor: Michael L. Rose; feature editor: Steve Lee
be given preference
energy. With 2200 watts* of
sports editor: Rick Obritschkewitsch;
chase “a lousy chalkboard, a Print reserves the ri
photo editor: Duffy Coffman
clean sound out front, excellent
staff writers: Linda Cabrera, Edward M. Coyne, Amy DeVour,
couple pieces of fancy chalk edit for spelling,
musicians behind him, and the
R.W. Greene, J. Dana Haynes, Tamara E. Isackson, Tom Jeffries
and an empty notebook.” That matical errors, ai
exuberant imagination he has.
staff photographers: Ramona Isackson, Sue Hanneman,
is totally false. It purchases a kit reduce the length of 1
Lisa Anderson
for rock and roll, Johnny ought
■of training materials, a but without changi
typesetter: Kathy Walmsley; graphics: Lynn Griffith
to be going far.
meaning intended
cartoonist: J. Dana Haynes
Pretentious? No. Just one of notebook full of full color
advertising & business: Dan Champie, Mgr.; Scott Ronck
letter-writer will b
descriptive pages of Amway
the best bands the College has
adviser: J. Faraca
suited prior to pub
products telling what they do
recently heard.
If the edited versioi
and how to present and
greatly from the ori
demonstrate them.
Page 2
elections were not handled as
well as everyone thought they
were, shouldn’t that take
precedence over an ice cream
feed to help lure voters to the
booths? '
Not that these events should
, *
To the e Editor-
Editor— (
As a CCC student, and an
Amway distributor, I feel com­
pelled to respond to the opi­
nion expressed in “Shot Down
in Flames” in the Print (Nov.
She (Karen
Prouty) briefly sketches the
Amway Sales and Marketing
Plan, an approach- that has
been carefully tested and put
Johnny’s good despite hype