arts Strife takes backseat to earthly pleasures Dancers can reveal many moods DRAMATIC AND FLIR­ TATIOUS-The Clacka­ mas Community College Modern dance Repertory abandoned its dramatic, expressive image at the Foreign Language Department’s sidewalk cafe May 7. Donned in bright colored satin and garters, the female dan­ cers smiled coquetishly, and kicked up their heels to the can-can. (below). Last Friday the reper­ tory joined dancers from Reed College. The two groups composed a video tape, performing “Lynch Town,” “which is an early modern dance classic,” according to the College repertory’s advisor, Jane Ricken- baugh. This video tape is available for viewing in the College audio-visual department (above). Photos by Ramona Isackson. Thoughts of world-wide disasters, shortages and holocausts were momentarily placed in the back of everyone’s minds by the more pleasant thoughts of wine and cheese as the OSU Wine and Cheese Festival made its ap­ pearance Thursday in room CC 117. The purpose of the festival was to give information on processing cheese and the creation of a truly fine wine. The audience of 40 wine and cneese lovers was also instruc­ ted on the art of serving the two together. Dr. Floyd Bodyfelt, dairy processing specialist, spoke on the subject of cheese. Saying “Oregon does not have the most exciting cheese manufac­ turing,” Bodyfelt described Oregon’s best cheeses: “A lion’s share of the cheese is cheddar or spin-offs of Ched­ dar.” He then explained the process of making cheese. “Every batch of cheese is dif­ ferent,” Bodyfelt said. “There are three kinds of cheese out: mild, medium and sharp. Mild hasn’t been aged for more than Rubber Ball closes By Tod Bassham Of The Print Don’t Complain Get Involved Volunteer For Kennedy ’80 Call 239-0505 three months, medium iron four to eight months, and shar from nine months on.” Although not a bigol Bodyfelt admitted, “I have on bias in life; that is processe cheese.” He explained, “It’s a achievment of science ovd conscience.” Bodyfelt ende his speech with a servin suggestion. “If you want a gre< hamburger,” he said, “put bill cheese on it.” The second of threl speakers was Joe Coulomb« of the North Willamette Chai ter of Oregon Winegrower: “Like the cheese industry making wine is a natur« process,” Coulombe said. “It’s an earth-to-bottle process.” Coulombe warned hi audience, “To make money ij wine growing, you need tc grow at least 25 acres.” He ac ded that one should have 40 to 800 vines per acre. After Coulombe spoke or what he called his favorite sub! ject, wines, Nancy Ponzi! combined the two pril speakers’ ideas and spoke tc the audience on wine anc cheese served together. The lights. The sound. The butterflies in your stomach. The heady rush of applause. The waves of people foaming onto the shore of the stage, spreading up and around into the smiles broadening our faces as we bow... Ah, there’s nothing like a life in the theater! The College’s hit show, “Roger and the Red Rubber Ball,” closed May 2 af­ ter three tremendous perfor­ mances. Who cares that our only audiences were third and fourth graders: ignorant, screaming peons? it was still a good show. Wasn’t it? Of course it was. Thinking negatively never does any good. Confidence and discipline are the mainsprings of an actor’s art. If you doubt yourself, then you undermine your own foundations. But then, of course, there is con­ structive criticism. How does pne tell the difference? When the director screams and throws his chairs at us, is this constructive criticism? It was a good show, though. It had to be. They clapped, didn’t they? They clapped. What the hell kind of value judgement is that? A bunch of “actors” bumping around on al stage making idiots of them­ selves just so a few pre-) pubescent egomaniacs can clap their pimply paw? together? Who appreciates the struggling artist today? Who) appreciates the sacrifices, the hours of hard work, the years; of training required just to find th right inflection, the perfect expression? Who can say they I truly appreciate “Roger and) the Red Rubber Ball”? We work and work and work! chasing after an imaginary,! elusive perfection. Directors call us temperamental, and I then force us to wear make-up and weird clothes. Tortured by | the struggle to put into form | our chaotic-impulses of beautv ] we go to wild parties in a schizophrenic attempt to stimulate our flagging] creativity and, simultaneously,] to act out ou. death fantasies] in an orgy of drinking; all to] what end? Just to hear the] sound of hands slapping] together? Yes. The lights. The sound. The butterflies in our stomachs.] The heady rush of applause;] the waves of people foaming onto the shore or the stage;] spreading up and around into] the smiles broadening our] faces as we bow... MUFFLER PROBLEMS? SPECIALIZING IN BIG RV S. TRUCKS & FOREIGN CARS NEXT TO TRADE WELL • • • • FAST WSTALLATION LOW. LOW PRICES LIFETIME GUARANTEE HEADERS A DUALS Tatapbooa Quoi»««'*] Cbaarfufty O'*1 656-3631 812 MOLALLA - ORE. CITY Clackamas Community Collet inches D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer Density