CLACKAMÄS COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARCHIVES Vol. XIII, No. 2P Clackamas Community College Wednesday. May 14,1980 Language day : College dance members^can-can” for the audience during the College Foreign Language Day that took place here last week. The aroma of foreign ood and the distant sounds of foreign tongues were askew as the College and high school foreign language departments gathered in the sun* shine of the courtyard. Food, T-shirts and various handicrafts were on i" display and for sale and v d the College courtyard was clut­ tered with high school and college students alike, (an occasional instructor or two could also be seen testing the wares). Photo by Ramona Isackson Eric Etzel wants unified image for ASG By Tom Rhodes Of The Print t “Our main goal is to ensure a professional, unified image within the ASG and. the College community,” Eric Et- zel, newly elected ASG president, said of the student government’s; goals, for next |ear. Creating a professional and unified image is just one of the many goals the ASG is Striving for. I “One of the things we would like to do is establish and enfor­ ce no smoking areas throughout the campus,-” -Etzel continued. “Not many pay at­ tention to the few posted signs.” The plan is to secure no-smoking areas in Clairmont Hall, the Fireside Lounge and in.the cafeteria. “We also would like to. develop a no-smoking clinic for those who would like to quit,” he added. By June 1981, ASG hopes to secure permission to serve -alcoholic beverages at selected events here at the College. The ASG will research procedures and determine the channels required for approval. " “We developed a philosphy at the beach retreat,” Etzel said. “The outgoing and in­ coming officers decided on, ‘ASG is an organization for students to promote and provide leadership, activities and direction that reflect the needs and ideas of the students to develop responsibility, maturity and aid in personal growth.’ ” At the beach retreat, the ASG divided into two groups and each came up with its own philosophy on what student government was and what it can do. “We are going to be very busy next year,” Etzel com­ mented. “That is why I am pushing as much promotion as possible on the student officers and assistants.” Five jobs are currently open, including: ad­ ministrative assistant, assistant to the president, student ac­ tivities director, art director, subjects into the classroom, and media director. such as drafting, science and agriculture classes, Scott said. • “The administrative assistant The task force members will coordinate all ad- • Would like to see more com­ ministrative affairs,” Etzel munity classes and seminars on described. The administrative energy available for the com- assistant is also responsible for munity. . College related committees “The. meetings are open to such as the Security Commit­ anyone,” said Scott. “We will tee.1 As of Monday, which was be sending questionnaires to the last day to apply for these the staff and will have another positions, two people had ap­ meeting around the end .of plied for administrative June.” assistant. College task force to further energy education An energy task force is in the making at the College. ‘The task force, initiated by College J President John iakanson, is geared toward keeping the departments iware of what each is doing in inergy education,” according o Chuck Scott, math/scien- le/engineering division chair­ person. 'Scott, who conducted the est meeting of the group last Friday, said attendance was low but much was accom­ plished. “Economical ways to run the College haven’t really been discussed,” said Scott. y“We want to establish com­ munication between the depar­ tments and seek ways we can improve energy education for the students and community.” h Many departments have already brought energy-related hid available for spring Due to a ■ supplemental location of federal funds, new Honey for student financial aid s now available for. spring trm. “It’s a feast or famine «nation,” said Ron Hoodye, | the College financial aid bi­ ke. “This money is dnly Wlable for spring term.”' The funds, channeled through the Department of Health, Education • and Welfare, amount to $35,000 for the College Work Study program, $10,000 to $15,000 for the National Direct Student Loan program and $10,000 to $15,000 for the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The second position open is assistant to the president. “He’ll be my right-hand man,” Etzel No new funds are available said. The assistant will help Et­ for Basic Educational Oppor­ zel in writing the agenda for tunity Grants (BEOG). ASG meetings, draft a monthly Students must apply to ASG report and help Etzel receive the funds, Hoodye present it to the College Board stressed. He urged all students of Directors, and work on to stop by the Financial Aid Of­ special projects. The second fice to see if they are eligible. position officer will also work to More information is available maintain internal com­ in the Financial Aid Office in, munication. The presidential the Community Center. assistant Will also do some of the special projects assigned by CCOSAC, the Community College of Oregon Student Association and Commisions. “The main -purpose for this job is to help me when I am busy at a meeting or doing something else.” Etzel ex­ plained further, “When I star­ ted in office, I immediately had to do a great* deal of work. -Today, for example, I have two meetings at 3 p.m. that I have to attend.” Etzel attended one of the meetings and Neva Barker, newly elected ASG vice president, attended the other. The third position open is student activities director. The holder of this position will coordinate all student-planned activities. These include mini­ programs, speakers and can­ didate fairs. This officer will be responsible for everything from tickets to refreshments to clean­ up. “Why does Mt. Hood Community College have to get the President as a speaker?” asked Etzel. As of Monday, three had applied for the post. Art director (the fourth position) will plan posters and other forms of artistic promotion. The art director will work with the art department. So far, only one person has applied. Three people have applied for the final position open, which is media director. This officer will be in charge of all promotion, from .newspapers to radio and television ads.