The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 09, 1980, Image 1

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    may face tuition increase
y Matt Johnson
[The Print
To combat rising operating
>sts, College President John
akanson is expected to
commend an 11.1 percent
ition increase for the 1980-81
hool year at tonight’s meeting
the College Board of Direc-
Dr. Hakanson gave advance
lotice of the request to Don
’orter, Associated Student
Sovernment president, in a
nemo last week. In the memo,
le said he would recommend
liking full-time tuition from the
urrent $135 per quarter to
>150 for up to 21 credit hours,
’roportionate increases in out-
rf-district and out-of-state
uition are also expected to be
The increase is needed,
iakanson said in the memo,
iecause of the rapid rise in
iperating and constructing the
College departments are
ilready feeling the squeeze of
rflation. In a memo to all
College staff members on Mar-
:h 28, Hakanson said, “One of
he best ways to increase the
mount of income we’ll have
or next year is to not spend
money this year that we don’t
ibsolutely have to.”
Two measures took effect
March -31 to curb College
spending for the remainder of
the 1979-80 fiscal year. The
first ordered, “No more pur­
chase orders are to be issued
unless an emergency situation
will result from their not being
issued.” All purchase orders
are now required to be cleared
by Bill Ryan, dean of college
services, and the appropriate
dean. The second measure
directed that staff vacancies not
he filled “without clearance
bom the President’s Office.”
The need for the belt-
fightening measures surfaced
budgeting process for the next
pear. “Upon comparing asked-
for expenditures with best­
guess income, it immediately
'became clear that there is a
great difference between the
two,” Hakanson told staff in
the March 28 memo. He ad­
ded that “something less than
one-third of the decision
packages” requested by
dividual departments can
funded for the next year.
In response to a question
how the proposed tuition
crease would affect veterans
enrolled here, or other students
on a flat rate of income,
Hakanson- said the increase
would affect students on a fixed
income. He said the increase is
needed because of the rapid
rise in operating costs, due to
The Linus Pauling Science
Center, now under construc­
tion, should not be affected
much by the budget crunch.
The building has already been
budgeted for, Hakanson said.
The extra revenue generated
by the tuition hike is expected
to total from $150,000 to
Despite the increased tuition,
CCC may still be a bargain, ac­
cording to Hakanson. “We’re
very close to the lowest in
tuition cost in Oregon,” he
said. The proposed increase
would put CCC’s tuition at $15
per credit hour, for a maximum
of $150 for 10 to 21 credits. In
comparison, Mt. Hood Com­
munity College charges $16.50
per credit hour, Portland
Community College charges
$16 per credit hour and Linn-
Benton is $13 per credit hour,
with a maximum of $156.
Although the tuition increase
will not directly affect students’
financial aid, “Federal spen­
ding may be cut back in finan­
cial aid and government
loans,” Hakanson warned.
The board meeting, to begin
at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Barlow
Hall, room 204, will determine
if students here will be feeling
the effects of the inflation next
year at registration time.
Deadline nears
With the filing deadline less
fen a week away, four
Petitions have been turned in
candidates for Associated
■Student Government offices.
I Students Anthony Taylor,
[fecent (Max) Maxian and
leva Barker are competing for
|fe office of ASG vice
Resident. Cindy Vetter is.
kesently running unopposed
|w the position of business
manager. No petitions have
been filed yet for the offices of
ASG president and secretary.
Interested students can pick
up petitions at the Student Ac­
tivities Office. These must be
filed by April 15.
The elections will be April
22-25, and results will be
published the following week in
the Today Bulletin.
WELL IT GOES LIKE THIS—College president Dr. Hakanson speaks in favor of a
tuition increase. Photo by Duffy Coffman.
DVIC helps end violence
By Leanne Lally
Of The Print
“I feel that it is a disease that
needs to be controlled,” said
Jim Houser, assistant director
of the Domestic Violence Inter­
vention Center (DVIC) here on
The crew of five has, in six (
months, reached an estimated
580,000 people in the com­
munity with information about
domestic violence. Now, as a
further community outreach
project, the DVIC members are1
presenting a seminar geared to
“breaking the cycle of violen­
“Violence is a cycle,” said
Houser^ “we learn of it when
we are born. We learn it from
our family and others around
us. It’s a learned response.”
Houser'says what he and the
other four members are trying
to do is to inform people that
there are other alternatives to
violence. “We show them that’
this is not the way to handle
something,” said Houser.
The seminar will be presen­
ted April 21 at 10 a.m., noon
and 2 p.m. in the Fireside
Lounge. There will be slides,
role playing, and speakers.
“Myself, possibly Larry Smith,
and Sharon Blake, an ex-
battered wife and DVIC mem­
ber, will be on hand to speak,”
said Houser.
The DVIC crew has been
quite busy informing people on
where to go and what to do.
They speak at many of the area
schools and have advertised on
the radio and television alerting
people to the problem of
domestic violence and where
to go for helü.
Houser is proud of the ac­
complishments of DVIC and
encourages anyone who would
like to help or needs help to
contact the DVIC, located in
the Orchard Center, ext. 204.
Cafeteria to expand,
improve food service
By Leanne Lally
Of The Print
Plans are now being made to
expand the seating area in the
College cafeteria and to im­
prove the service area.
According to Bill Ryan, dean
of college services, a feasibility
study will be done in May. A
proposal to expand the seating
area in the courtyard will be
looked at carefully. By en­
closing the courtyard, many
feel that the cafeteria can seat
an extra 100 hungry students.
Norm Grambush, food ser­
vice supervisor, is very happy
about the proposal and has
quite a few ideas for improving
the service area.
“I’m hoping that we can
have everything done in the
summer,” said Grambush, “I
don’t think it will be too easy to
do all of it during the fall term.”
Some of the improvements
Grambush has in mind are both
time-saving and delicious. He
hopes a revolving dessert case
will be added, the beverage
area will be made into a
“scramble area,” a “create-
your-own-sandwich” area will
be instituted and more exten­
sive ice cream service will make
sundaes available to sweet­
toothed students.
“I think the board can see
that we need it,” said Gram-
going up as much as it has, we
have to improve to meet the
students’ needs.”
Richard Weiss, ASG vice
president and strong force in
improving the cafeteria, said'
that what has been decided is
“the best thing we can come up .
According to Ryan, after the
feasibility study is done and the
board approves the expansion
plans, it will call for bids and let
construction begin. Today, a
student survey is being conduc­
ted to find out exactly what the
students would like to see done
to keep their stomachs happy.