The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 27, 1980, Page 8, Image 8

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    Porter makes move for school board position
campus he is active in both
the Jaycees and Phi Beta Lam­
bda.. He is also an ad hoc
member of the College board,
and squeezes in 20 hours a
week as part of the campus
By Susy Ryan
Of The Print
ASG President Don Porter is
one of three candidates run­
ning for the Zone 7 seat on the
College Board of Directors.
The only student running, he is
up against incumbent Larry
Wright, vice-principal of Canby
Union High School, and Al
Harmon, also of Canby.
“After getting into the school
government here at CCC I
have found that there is a lot of
red tape and because of it it’s
really hard to get anything
done in the one year you have
as president. In the four year
term position of a school board
member, there’s enough time
to start and finish things. I’d
really like to see the results of
my accomplishments,” Porter
stated in a recent interview.
A business major, Porter has
one more year at Clackamas
As ASG president, his major
goals have been “seeking im­
provement on our current food
services and beginning an
alcohol fuel program,” of
which he is chairman.
before transferring to Portland
State University. He plans to
remain in the district.
Besides student gover­
nment, Porter is very involved
in other activities both here and
in the community. He donates
Porter wishes to clear up any
misunderstandings anyone
may have concerning his so-
called “campaign promises.”
“What I said last spring, was
four nights a month to the that I’d do everything in my
Clackamas County Volunteer power to start an alcohol fuel
Crisis Line at Marylhurst. He is program on campus, but by
a County Sheriff Explorer and being president, I am not in the
a state political intern. In position to make promises for
Molalla he belongs to the the simple fact that I am only in
Kiwanis Club and here on office one year and a lot of
proposals that are made are
researched for over a yean
before any action can be
In reference to a Mike Kollei
article in the Feb. 20 issue o
The Print, Porter says, “I an
very sorry that the gentleml
who wrote ‘The President Falls
Short on Early Promises’ die
not take more time in reseat
ching his material before pril
His main priorities if hel
elected will be more com
munication between the com
munity and the College al
more emphasis on the College
services available to the coji
Porter has also made num
erous speaking engagement®
organizations throughout the
Depression and how to cope topic of seminar
By Sherry Succo
Of The Print
What is depression? How
can it be solved? Where does it
lead? The answers to these
compelling questions, accom­
panied by tips on how to
recognize, understand, accept
and survive depression, were
offered by clinical social
worker, Jerry Juve, at the
seventh winter-term Focus on
Women seminar Thursday
Juve, who is employed as a
therapist at Clackamas County
Mental Health Cline, defined
depression not only as an
emotional disorder charac­
terized by either sadness,.inac­
tivity, difficulty in thinking and
concentration or dejection, but
also as a “composite of these
behaviors, attitudes and
“I perceive depression as a
process for getting into control,
opposed to being out of con­
trol,” said the straight-forward
therapist, “however, I believe
that the most common, serious
forms of what I term un­
necessary depression, can be
Juve shared with an alert
audience the four methods he
utilizes in treating depressed
individuals, and which he
believes, will help to minimize
the “unnecessary” process.
They are: 1) accept the
deDressive state; 2) neutralize
it; 3) maintain self-awareness;
4) know how to identify your
own needs as well as others.
Where can depression lead?
According to Juve, it can
definitely lead to suicide, which
he defined as “the end of a
continum of depression,” yet
which he constantly stressed,
“does not have to stem from
Suicide ranks as the tenth
leading cause of death in the
United States, and the third
among college students alone,
with 2,000 people attempting
suicide each year. These alar­
ming statistics were only a few
of the many revealed by Juve
in a lengthy discussion of the
aspects, myths and pre­
symptoms of suicide.
“Don’t try to come up with
solutions for a person who is
planning to commit suicide,”
ces (i.e. isolation), medical depression,” concluded Juvt
status, low communication “the problems have to bt
level, suicide plan, and the solved individually, with thj
reaction of “significant others.” careful application of patienl
communication and logit!
“There are no cure-alls for reasoning.”
Orators place high
in speech tourney \
By Matt Johnson
petitors included Reed Ca
pbell, Matt Johnson, Ste
Scovill, Tammy Rains, Pa
Student speech squa
traveled by car, bus and plan
for the event, which drew oJ
300 competitors. The Hilto
was a beehive of activity, wit
the hotel ballrooms, executiv
suites and guest rooms in us
on several floors for the meet!
Junior sweepstakes winnl
first in overall points, was th
University of Oregon witl
Oregon College of Education
second; Western Washington
third; Northern Idaho, fourth'
category, Humbolt State
University came in first; UCLA
University o
Wyoming, third; Lewis a!
Clark College, fourth.
Of The Print
One CCC student placed in
the finals and another in semi­
finals at the 1980 Western
said Juve, relaying the impor­ States Forensics Association
tance of communication, “just speech tournament at the Por­
listen to them and be a friend.”
tland Hilton Thursday through
Juve isolated several danger Saturday.
signs which can be recognized
The College squad, coached
in potential suicides, such as, by Frank Harlow, faced
various areas of stress, resour- students from 42 colleges for
the three-day tourney. Par­
ticipants traveled from two-
and four-year colleges from
California, Colorado, Idaho,
Many of the jobs are on a Montana, Oregon, Washington
one-to-one basis. One nursing and Wyoming for the event.
home needs volunteers to -
College orator Darren Mc­
come sit with patients for an Farlane placed in the finals in
hour or so and read to them, or oratory with a speech on the
provide some type of enter­ world food shortage, and Ber­
tainment. In one case, nice Lee placed in semi-finals
someone is needed to “bring in oratory with a unicorn
the outside world in,” by speech. Other CCC com-
speaking on a particular subject
that he or she has a good
knowledge of.
Many people are needed to
provide “respite” care for
families with handicapped or
Complete Exhaust Service
elderly members. Training is
*Lifetime guarantee on mufflers
available in the spring and is a
good opportunity for someone
*Duals & headers
who is involved with the nur­
*Trucks & motor homes
sing program here at theCollege
to get on-the-job training. “It’s
*AII custom work
a different learning experience ,
*Complete foreign car service’
when they’re at home in their
own environment than when
*Call for estimate
they are in an institution,” said
Williams says if anyone is in­
812 Molalla Ave.
terested in working to call hei
at ext. 317. In most of the
Oregon City
situations, no previous ex­
perience is necessary.
Clackamas Community Collefl
HRC recruits volunteers
By Leanne Lally
Of The Print
The Handicapped Resource
Center is looking for students
with energy, time and a need
for a little extra cash to work in
varous situations with elderly
and handicapped persons.
“We’ve gotten calls from
many agencies and private
homes for both volunteer and
salaried jobs,” said Deborah
Williams, HRC resource
“Most of these jobs are per­
fect for students,” said
Williams. “The hours are very
flexible, so most of the time the
students will find time on the
job to study .”
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