sports Cougar netmen ‘squeak’past Umpqua, J.B1 Umpqua fought back to tie the score at 75 apiece with Of The Print about two minutes to go. Williams was then When Royce Kiser took over Johnny as the men’s head basketball fouled and hit on the front end coach in the spring of 1979, he of a one-and-one to give the brought with him a history of Cougs the advantage in the winning basketball teams. The waning moments of the game.' The Timbermen then ability of some people to suc­ ceed where others have failed brought the ball down the occupies somewhat of a “grey court, hoping to take the lead, area” in the realm of sports. but were unable to capitalize. But Kiser has apparently been Dan Hixson was fouled at the able to succeed with the CCC other end of the floor hitting basketball team where others both free throws and stretching have failed, as the Cougs are the hometowners’ lead to 78- winning, including a pair of 75. league victories last week, one With 10 seconds to go, Um­ over Umpqua Wednesday, 79- pqua canned a medium range 77, and another over Judson jumper to cut the lead to one. Darren Slusher was fouled on Baptist Friday, 52-48. The Cougs went into Wed­ the following in-bounds toss nesday’s contest with Umpqua and went to the line to shot sporting a 2-2 league record one-and-one. Slusher connec­ and in need of a win to main­ ted on the front half of the tain hopes of a berth in the charity effort, but Slusher’s second attempt caromed off. A post-season playoff picture. The contest was close desperation 50-foot shot by the throughout the first half with Timbermen fell short at the the two teams deadlocked at buzzer and the victory was the intermission at 42. Thè preserved. Kiser was pleased with his beginning of the second half remained fairly consistent with team’s performance against the first until the 12:17 mark of Umpqua. “We played a good the final stanza when the ball game. Our rebounding was Cougs opened up on an eight­ good and we played pretty good defense for the majority point lead, 64-56. By Brian Rood of the game,” he said. Individually for the Cougs, Johnny Williams and Dan Hix­ son tallied 13 while Bobby Bar­ ber and Bernie Pliska added 12 each. Williams was the leading rebounder for the Cougs with 10 caroms. Traveling to Portland on Friday to take on the Judson Baptist Crusaders, the CCC netmen entered somewhat of a different game, a rather low scoring, patient type contest. But the Cougs adapted to the change and grabbed their second win of the week. The game was tight through the first half, much the same as Wednesday’s contest against Umpqua with the Cougs taking a 29-25 lead into the locker room at the break. The CCC eagers opened up on an eight­ point lead with a little over 14 minutes to go. The Crusaders came back, apparently taking note of Umpqua’s comeback attempt, and narrowed the margin to one with two and a half minutes remaining. J.B. failed at their attempt to take the lead as Bobby Barber pulled down the errant Crusader shot and sent a pass the length of the floor to Dan 1 Alexander who had broken af-’l ter the shot, 49-46 CCC.i Darren Slusher was fouled with I 28 seconds to go. Slusher con- i nected on the front end of the one-and-one before missing the penalty. The Cougs’ lead • was now two, 50-48. An at-.1 tempt by the Crusaders to tie the game and possibly send the ’ contest into overtime was not to succeed as Dan Alexander added the clincher with 11 seconds. The Cougs will be back oil the road tonight as they travel to Salem to take on the Chemeketa Chieftans * Matmen host tourney By Kelly Laughlin brought home second in the finals. Roy Bonner, 190, who sat out the last two weeks because of ineligibility, should return af­ ter the Cougs meet COCC at home Friday at 7 p.m., and Grays Harbor, who they edged earlier in the season. “We will have 10 guys out there this Friday,” said Coach Norm Berney. Against North Idaho, the Cougs lost, and could only muster one win, as Lance Wilson grappled to a weight division win. Currently, the Cougars are “regrouping,” ac­ cording to Berney, with about 50 percent of the team in ac­ tion. “We can get back to our wrestling potential by mid­ season,” he said. Of The Print As host team at the ninth annual College Invitational, the Cougar wrestlers had only five weights covered and six wrestlers competing, but still managed sixth place behind Oregon State University, North Idaho, Pacific, Central Oregon Community College and Southwestern Oregon Com­ munity College, who cashed in at the non-league event. Even with wrestlers Duane McNaulty, Steve Wheeler, Darvin Tramal, Randy Twid- well and Wally Olsen out with injuries, the tournament still had a few bright spots for CCC. Bill Blackford, 167-pounder, took his weight division, while 142-pounder Lance Wilson CCC STUDENTS These specials are for you only. Please show copy of this ad and your student body card for these prices. STEELHEADREEL SHAKfcSPEAMI S|| \KI Sp| \R| ( $1500 s \ /tn./ GARCIA PACK RODAh. $60C jacket $200 AF TE PjDE CE MRE R BRING VC »• K »• N Rf I . GARCIA LINE free UP TO 600 Ft I Lrlrlix A DDVG SPORT CENTER I O & SKI HAUS ORN.ON (IIS SHOPPING ( I Nil P ,0|*| N I> Nil N Page 6 Women eagers lose twice By Sue Hanneman Of The Print “We all get along excellently, and we are having a good time playing basketball,” women’s team captain Kim Coffey said in reference to their 0-8 stan­ dings. The Cougars, who have yet to win, dropped two ;xAA?AA'nA$2000 SKI SOCKS u ... COUPON VOID COME BACK HERE! — Pacific University wrestler puts the clamps on CCC’ Eric Mar­ tin during tournament held over the weekend at the College. Photo by Duffy Cof­ fman. games in women’s basketball action this week. Clackamas started the week -off facing Umpqua here Wed­ nesday. With four players out because of fouls and minutes still left on the clock, the Cougars were forced to finish the game with only four players on the court. That, combined with 41 turnovers, aided the Umpqua team in a 72-41 vic­ tory. Kim Coffey led the team with 12 points and six rebounds, followed by Teresa Walton with 12 and Debbie Syring with nine. To finish the week off, the Cougars, traveled to Judson Baptist for a head-to-head bat­ tle with the Crusaders. The first half was marked with good play by both teams. Going into the locker room at the half, the score was a close 20-19 in Jud­ son’s favor. Neither team was • able to build a strong lead going down the final stretch. They traded points back and forth with Clackamas down only four points with seven minutes to go in the contest. Judson turned on the power With only minutes left, scoring inside and hitting with the outside jum­ pers, to eventually win the con-1 test, 42-31. Kim Coffey and Debbie Nolz combined for 24 points to lead' the Cougars in the effort. The Cougs are on the road i this Wednesday, playing Chemeketa. They will be back] on home turf Saturday to face j . v Lane Coiprqunity College -1 Clackamas Community College ]