The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 20, 1980, Page 7, Image 7

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    Cougars attempt to conquer
woes Friday vs. Lane Titans
Bowlers rolling ahead
by Mark Borrelli
Staff Writer_________________________
by Mark Borrelli
Staff Writer___________________ ______
After getting off to a great
league start, the Clackamas
Cougars hit the road for two
tough league games and came
up empty in both contests.
The first stop for Clackamas
was Umpqua and a very tough
league opponent. Clackamas
fell behind 41-35 at halftime,
battled back with strong
defense, but lost the game
83-82. “We played better
defense in the second half and
we executed better,” Coach
Royce Kiser noted. “Our team
played hard, but Umpqua is a
really good team.”
Clackamas had a well spread
I scoring attack, led by the 16
points from Todd Harris, Nate
Pyatt also chipped in 16, Jeff
Stein added 12, Trev Kiser 11,
and Jeff Hoffman scored nine
i points. For Umpqua, Donald
Bolston led all scorers with 24
i points and Anthony Steward ad-
The Cougars, according to
: Coach Kiser, played a good
game, but “we were not quite as
[ tough in the first half, we played
a little more tough, physically,
: in the second half.”
Clackamas seemed to have
things going in the right direction
| on Friday when they traveled to
■ Southwestern Oregon State Com-
I munity College (SWOCC). The
■ Cougars jumped out to a 36-35
■ halftime lead, but were unable to
■ hold it as they got out scored
I 39-31 in the second half, on their
■way to a 67-74 loss. “We really
■ got beat on the boards,” remark-
■ ed Coach Kiser, as his team got
■out rebounded 35-26. “The
■players were trying to play hard,
■but we could just never get going
■and put it away.”
Once again the Cougars
■featured a balanced scoring at-
■ tack: Trev Kiser lead with 23
■points, Jeff Hoffman added 13,
■Todd Harris scored 10, and Jeff
Second place...
Photo by Julio Church
Where’s the ball? Jeff Hoffman(20) goes after a lost ball while
teammate Nate Pyatt(44) energetically looks on.
Stein connected for seven points.
For SWOCC, Leon Thompson
led all scorers with 24 points,
while Lance Michel chipped in 11
to the winning cause.
“We didn’t seem to be able to
get the rebounds and pick up the
loose balls like we had been do­
ing,” observed Kiser. Kiser feels
that his team had a chance to win
both of the games, but some bad
breaks led to the losses. “In the
game against Umpqua, we could
have won, and we didn’t. In the
game against SWOCC we should
have won, but didn’t, put those
two combinations together, and
that’s bad.”
The men will be back in ac­
tion this weekend, hosting Lane
Friday, and traveling to Linn-
Benton Saturday. Kiser feels
that for his team to win there
going to have to play better.
“We’re going to have to play
smarter, better defense, and
better rebounding.” The 2-2
Cougars will have to battle to
catch league leader,. Umpqua,
but Kiser feels his team has the
ability to do just that. “1 think
we have a chance to win the
league championship and get in­
to the playoffs again.” Kiser
feels that a lack of height has
hurt his team some. “We’re
small, we probably get beat
some down low.” But Kiser en­
courages you not to worry
about Clackamas, “We will be
|Did you
Clackamas Community College
has a bowling team? If your
answer is “no,” the right
[answer is “yes.” Yes,
Clackamas does have a bowling
team and they are having a very
good season to date.
The bowlers’ season started
the beginning of fall term and
they got rolling along, finishing
in second place behind Portland
Community College and
finishing ahead of league
favorite OSU.
“Oregon State was favored to
win the first half title, but we
bowled very well and finished
second ahead of them,” noted
coach Mick McMahon.
The seven team bowling
league holds their matches
Thursdays at 2 p.m., with
Clackamas’ home matches be­
ing held at Canby Bowl.
Some of the top bowlers for
Clackamas are Blaine Wen-
inger, who is averaging over
200. “Blaine held the high
average last year in the city of
Portland,” said McMahon.
Two other top bowlers for the
squad are both averaging in the
high 190’s. Richard Laurie has
rolled two 300 games in league
play so far this season. Joining
him in the 190’s is Jim Lebak-
Coach McMahon hopes his
team can continue their success
in the second half of the season,
but to make the; playoffs,
Clackamas will have to be in
first place at the end of the
season. The biggest problem for
the team now seems to be lack
of people. A few of the top
bowlers from last term are not
on the team this term and
McMahon feels that for his
team to have a chance he must
have some more team members.
“We need some more people to
come out and bowl with us. We
lost a few players from last term
and that could hurt us.”
The team is open to anyone,
you only have to be enrolled for
one credit hour to be on the
team and bowl in league play.
Clackamas will hit the lanes
this Thursday with a home
match vs. Lower Columbia at
Canby Bowl at 2 p.m.
Ski Club ready for event
by Mark Borrelli
Staff Writer________________________ _
The Clackamas Ski Club is
about ready to enter its first event
of the year, when it takes part in
the College Ski Ball, Jan. 25 at
Mt. Hood Meadows.
The Ski Club, led by advisor,
Mark Essig, is anxiouslyawaiting
the start of the its season. “We
are a non-competitive group that
likes to ski.” explains Essig. The
Ski Club is a student organiza­
tion, not a sport. It is open to
both students, as well a faculty,
for an annual membership fee of
So far the Ski Club has 30
members, but Essig feels that that
number will increase. The Ski
Club mainly focuses on downhill,
however, as Essig explains,
George Warren spearheaded the
cross country style widening the
membership’s interest in all
Last year’s Ski Club took part
in 12 group trips, planned clear
into July, extending the ski
season into four or five months
This year, Essig hopes that the
Ski Club will be able to take place
in as many, if riot more, events.
After the College Ski Ball, the
next Ski Club meeting will be
March 30 in another College Ski
Wrestlers West Helfrich and Sean Dolan practice intensely for an
upcoming meet with North Idaho, the team CCC placed second to
at last year’s National Championship.