The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 20, 1980, Page 6, Image 6

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Casey strives for
‘musical integrity’
by John Willman
Stag Writer
Clackamas Community-Collage
Comedians excellent ■
audience mediocre
by D.L. Weils
Contributing Writer
Brian Casey is a student who
They came, we saw,' we laugh­
plays bass guitar, sings backup
ed, they went. All pretty cut and
vocals and puts on a great act as
dried. Or is it?
an entertainer.
The newcomers were the
Newcomer Brothers, Mike and
Casey began his major studies
Ed (a.k.a. jerry’s kids).
here in the fall of 1985. Recruited
These professionals from the
by Lonnie Cline, head of vocal
world of humor had a rough time
activities here at CCC, Casey has
of it as do most performers
been attending school ever since
before a college audience, but this
Cline’s phone call.
trouble only seemed to add to the
Casey has a full schedule lined
build-up they were striving to
up for performing. Currently he
is a member of a bluesy-tvpe
Relating to everything from
rock-n-roll band, B.G. and the
spinach to slow motion, these
Automatix, a folk rock group
two were the perfect warmer for
called Sage, a big band named
what was to come, not too good
Just 17, and he’s collaborating
to overshadow the headliner and
with a friend of his, Steve
. not too bad to create a mass
Esnard, for a progressive rock-
group called Risk.
The timing was perfect, it
“There will be more bookings
allowed the crowd to release any
for the future with B.G.and the
prejudice it had toward stand-up
Automatix,” Casey pointed out..
comedy early and become attun­
The group will be playing .at
ed to the humor being presented.
Charlie’s Jan. 29 and 30 at
Then there was Art Krueg, a
Government Camp.
Portland native recently returned
“Being major, my first
from a successful engagement in
emphasis is the music department
Las Vegas. With a youthful and
I think it’s compatable with any
boyish presence, this professional
other musical programs in the
was at no “Las” for words.
state.if not better,” Casey said;
pho,° b* ■**’c<""¥
Although youthful in ap­
“The music program is really Brian Casey displays his musical talent
pearance, his stage was a
well rounded, and the emphasis is understand other artists perspec­ goals would have to be com­
playground of thoughtfulness
really important. The instructor tive,” he stated.
pleting my graduate study in jazz
and insightful maturity.
tries to emphasize profes­ “When playing a certain style I history and establishing myself as
Art Krueg displayed an in­
sionalism in an effort to get you try to epitomize that style to a performing artist to a point
working. By statistics their suc­ create the characteristic sounds where I can support myself solely
cess rate is very high,” Casey ex­ that correspond to that style,” with my music,” Casey said. “I
Casey said. “In my playing, I would like to be able to be involv­
“I don’t judge other artists. I basically use what I heard that I ed in the kind of performances
make a conscious effort not to be like.”
that I think have musical integri­
judgemental; I simply try to
“Two of my most important ty,” Casey stated.
by Stndentus Concemicus
valuable asset to any comic seek­
ing success, the capability to
sense the audience’s interest and
work the act around this interest.
His work leaves you feeling better;
about life and a little less disturb­
ed about the petty things it offers.
Now in closing, this was sup­
posed to be a critical review of
our guests Art Krueg and The
Newcomer Brothers, but the only
criticism to be presented should
be of the audience.
With so much so-called in­
telligence about in this con­
glomeration of learning, you
would think that the subliminal
intelligent joke and the direct cor­
nball humor would have fulfilled
the bone of comedy among the
audience. But for every laugh,
there were just as many
makeshift comics spewing their
own corn at our guests expense.
It’s a shame that we manage to
bring talent to this school only to
have those who are insecure,
heckle what was diligently work­
ed for. For those of you who,
even if you didn’t enjoy the
humor, sat with consideration,
you are to be commended. But
for those who found mocking
this necessary profession of com­
edian with your disrespect,
hopefully one day you will be
placed on a stage where your only
audience is a heckler with a chip
on his shoulder.
Catching up can be
fun If approached right
Bobs1 music rings true ¡Calendars!
of life’s realities
by Lisa Graham
Staff Writer
Bob, what a handy little name
it is! Light, easy to carry, rever­
sible, straight forward, and the
first name in honesty. The Bobs
are a group best defined by their
name. Name? Bob. Bob what?
Just Bob.
To elaborate on the previous
question, Bob what?, the Bobs
are four individuals, Jamie
Bob, Gunner Bob, Matthew
Bob and Richard Bob who
make up the world’s greatest a
| |
She’s pregnant.
She’s deserted.
She needs help.
She should call
Free Conifidential Counseling
1515 NE 41st Ave
Jan.20—Mini program, |
I noon to lp.m., CC Mall
Jan. 21— CC Victim j
cappella group. Says who? The
! Assistance, small dining
F.O.B.s, Friends of the Bobs.
All doubters of the mighty I room, 7 to 10 p.m.
-NW Astronomy and |
power of Bobism were convinc­ |
ed last Saturday night at the I Telescopes, ELC, 7 to 10 |
Reed College commons. With | lp.m.
Jan.22—Family movie, j
material ranging from neurotic
CC Mall, 7 to 10 p.m.
love songs of the eighties to acid
Jan.24—Winter Wildlife i
rock of the sixties, the Bobs
1 to 3 p.m.
sang, warbled and whooped
their way thru an energetic yet I' ETC...
Open AA meetings for j
relaxed show.
The evening started out with ! students and staff, Mondays^ :
“Helmet” a paean to blessed I and Fridays, noon to 1 p.m., .
I Trailer A, | Tuesdays and ' j
security. Like many of the
Thursdays, 12:30 to 1:30 |
Bobs’ original material, I I p.M,
^03, Wednesdays, I
“Helmet” confronts the fears
| noon to lp.m., P-103
and anxieties of modern living | . AA and AL-ANON
yet the Bobs overcome them by I meetings, Fridays,6:30 lo l
embracing the whole silliness
9i30 p,m., P-102 and P-104 j
and claiming it as their own.
Young People’s A A |
“Welcome to My Fog,” a song I meetings,
Thursdays, 7 to ||||
“dedicated to those who seem
to have a little more air than
Narcotics Anonymous !
God intended” takes on the
I meetings, January: Tues days j
simple joys of being very sim­ | 7;30 to 9:30 p.m., Orchard f|
ple. One of the highlights of the
I Complex 121, Wednesdays, I
evening was the Bobs’ renditioh- [ 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., P-104; 1
of the Talking Heads “Psycho
: February:Tuesdays and •
Killer.” Gunner Bob did David j Wednesdays, 7:30 to 9:30 j
Byrne better than David Byrne
I p^m., Orchard Complex 121 |
does David Byrne. In this ver­ I
Substance Abuse Support j
sion, the Bobs took “Psycho
I Group, Thursdays, 12:30 to I
Killer,” gave it therapy and j 1:30 p.m., B-l 13
turned it into a delightful swing
Gay/Lesbian Support !
version. Kind of a spring-time I Group, Thursdays, 12:30 to 1
for Norman Bates.
It’s that time of the year again:
Winter! Snow, rain (lots of
rain!), icy weather -- kind of
makes the heart warm just think­
ing about it doesn’t it? And just
think, we, the Corporate-
Mechanical-Student-Body who
only come here so we can write a
decent resume, get to go to school
in it! Driving on black ice -- now
isn’t that inspiring?
But anyway folks, I, Studentus
Concernicus (a complete
unabridged conglomeration of
The Mass CCC student’s per­
sonality) am here to help. To sort
things out, if you will. And,
possibly, get you caught up in
any of your classes you are
already behind in now that we
have reached the ever inspiring
week number three. But look at
the bright side, we’ve only got
nine more weeks to go, counting
this one!
I don’t know about you, but
when it comes to memorizing all
those complicated science words,
I’m at a loss. I mean, the teachers
can’t help - I’m not sure they can
speak English! If you think the
teachers are bad, try looking the
word up in the text - forget it
(totally bogus fer sure, or what?)
So, if you are behind, which is
healthy (it’s still week 3;, right?),
,1 have some definitions that you
might not know yet but will after
you read this. Well, here goes:
this is the ability to change from
one nose to another by way of
paying large sums of money to
people who think that they are
doctors. Best examples: Michael
Jackson, Jim and Tammy Bak­
this means to check out that
groovy lookin’ girl or guy (depen­
ding on what sex you are) at the
Mall before making your move.
STAGE CLIPS: the act of
tackling, from behind, the idiot
in a play who never ever gets his
lines right (but amazingly, this
guy is always in every play!)
much you can see in focus after
smoking some Mondo-Killei
weed. See also: FIELD OF
EXPERIMENT; is trying al
new kind of Mondo-Killer weed!
And remember, science is al
wigged-out fantasy trip that these!
instructors try to pawn off asl
Real. But, hey, we know better.!
Mass = Metetl
Length = Liter,
I hope I have been of sonttl
help to you dudes and dudettesl
and you shall hear from ntfl
P.S.: Almost forgot, ifl
you’re having any problem* 1 ‘
with any of your classes (I’m m ■
expert in them all, unfortunate!
ly) write me care of the Join«
nalism Department, Trailer B-
this goes for instructors toilI
Do it today!