Page 4 CAMPUS NEWS .. ...................................... . Student leaders attend CCOSAC workshop by Tom Golden Staff Writer Ten “Print” staff members plus advisor, Linda Vogt, and four Associated Student Government (ASG) students along with Debbie Baker at­ tended the “Community Col­ leges, of Oregon’s Student Association and Commission! Workshop for Student Govern­ ments and Publications,” at Mt. Hood Community College Jan. 15 and 16. Twelve colleges and approximately 150 people attended the two day event ac­ cording to Baker. “The most valuable thing about the conference was the training that was available for student government and publications people,” said Neale Frothingham, ASG Presi­ dent. The conference was a multi-faceted event designed to improve skills of student leaders and journalism students. The event opened Friday at 1 p.m. with a luncheon which featured a witty yet informative speech by Paul Linnman of Channel Two News. At 3 p.m. students proceeded to their choice of six various workshops while the second round of that, “ helped us to sharpen our “speak offs” began. ASG leadership skills,” said Cathi President Frothingham was one Pearson ASG Senator. “We of six chosen to advance to the learned how to improve our finals of the “speak off.” ASG ability to communicate—to put members again held “job our skills to good use.” The i alikes” at 11:30. Meanwhile student journalists workshops were repeated at 4:30 to allow students to attend had a speaker review libel laws and also listened to free-lance two of the six workshops. At 6 p.m. dinner was served writer Jeff. Kuechle and the and a competitive “speak off” Publishing Editor of “The began. The first round of the Business Journal.” Saturday’s lunch featured the competition entailed groups of eight people each taking a turn final round of speak offs. at speaking for one minute on Frothingham did not place. “I information provided to them was up against some very good stated from various pamphlets. Each competition,” group then elected one represen­ Frothingham. Journalism students met at tative to continue on in the com­ 1:30 for a critique of their petition. At 7:30 the students attended newspapers by journalist Tony “Job-a-Like” sessions in which Kneidek. “I did learn some things presidents, senators, publica­ from that critique session,” said tion students, etc. broke off in­ “Print” Editor Heleen Veenstra. to groups to discuss bettering “It’s helpful to see other papers themselves at their positions and it’s helpful to get comments with their various schools. At on what’s wrong with our paper. 8:30 the conference adjourned It was a lot of fun meeting other people.” for the day. Advisor Linda Vogt agreed. At 8:35 the next day the jour­ nalism students broke off to at­ “People from our staff made con­ tend a publications workshop nections. It was very helpful.” Counseling center remodeled by Caree Hussey Feature Editor “There are going to be ad­ justments,” commented Art Hames, Counseling Director, on the remodeling in the Community Center. “It was an abrupt change.” He also adds that the modifications are “tremendous!” The changes were brought about due to overcrowding in some of the CC offices and other such problems. “Most of the major work was done in the week between Christmas and New Year’s,” ex­ plained Debbie Baker, Director of Student Activities. There are little things still being done. The changes are as follows: 1. The Handicap and Veteran’s office is now connected to the rest of the Counseling department. 2. There is now a private con­ ference room for students with transcript difficulties and other related problems. 3.The Evening Research and Enrollment office continued from page 3 Student address Education (OSSHE) to convert to a semester academic calen­ dar, and cost efficient quality entertainment programing and extra-curricular activities for students. Whether students will be able to receive an affordable, quality education at Clackamas Com­ munity College depends on whether or not the college’s operating levy passes on March 22. The two-year rate-base serial levy of $1.32 per $1000 of assessed valuation must pass in order to avoid cuts in class of­ ferings and pressure to further increase tuition. ASG continues to experience personnel. The OSSHE decision to con­ vert to a semester academic Clackamas Community College ___ News Briefs__ Scholarship established The Clackamas College Board of Education has established an endowed scholar­ ship honoring board member Bill Gregory, who died last Oc­ tober. Interest earnings from the William C. Gregory Memorial Endowment will pro­ vide one scholarship each year to a deserving CCC student. The college will provide up to $6,000 in matching money if an equal amount can be raised in donations. Board member Larry Wright and Earl Zinck, a retired business instructor, will lead the fundraising effort. Gregory, a West Linn resi­ dent, has been a member of the CCC Board since 1970, serving four terms as chairman. In 1986, he was awarded the Clackamas Community College Board of Education Award for Excellence. Also that year, Gregory received the Distinguished Service Award from the Oregon Community College Association. He had been a principal in the West Linn School District for 39 years and in Oregon City for two years. calendar could be one of the issues that ASG could not res­ pond to on behalf of its students. This decision will have a drastic effect on the cost and variety of an education at Clackamas Community Col­ lege. It is an issue that will re­ quire intensive effort on the part of ASG. The decision must be overturned to protect students from the negative ef­ fects of semester conversion. Quality cost effective enter­ tainment for the students has also been an issue. ASG through its Entertainment Coordinator and Senators has been working successfully to meet the student demand for programing that will reach a larger and more diverse group of students for the dollar than it has in the past. Attendance at this year’s first dance was well above last year’s average, as was the attendance at the mini­ programs in the Community Center Mall. ASG would like to continue to meet the demand for these services for its consti­ tuents. The student body has accomplished a lot through the leadership it has directly and indirectly selected for its Associated Student . Govern­ ment. Still many of these issues need considerable attention to be successfully dealt with. There are also many issues for students that have not been brought to the attention of ASG that will require hard work as well. Many challenges are suc­ cessfully behind us, many are before us, and many more lie ahead. This years issue of Folio, CCC’s Art Publication, is in the works. There is advertising space available for your business or organization. For additional information and ad rates, call Lenda at 657-8400 ext. 386. ASG meets GPA’s All of the members of the Associated Student Government met academic requirements to re­ main in ASG. At the conclusion of Fall Term no one was academically ineligible to hold of­ fice the following term. The overall average GPA of ASG for Fall Term was 3.03. The overall average credits of ASG were 14.3 credit hours. Student on board The Clackamas Community College Board voted Jan. 11 to allow a student to sit on its Board and Executive Commit­ tee. Ann Haller, Associated Stu­ dent Government assistant to the president, has been ap­ pointed by ASG President Neale Frothingham to fill the student representative position. The Foundation is a non­ profit organization supportng Fines increased college related programs with Fines for campus parking ana private funding. traffic violations will increase March 28. General parking fines will be Classics due soon Two animated Disney classics raised from $3 to $5. Fines for parking in a handicapped zone will be shown Jan. 22 from 7 to will increase from $5 to $10. 9 p.m. in the Community Revenue earned from the fines Center Midi. Admission is $1.50 goes into the Emergency Stu­ for adults and $1 for children aged four to 17. dent Loan Fund. Sky-viewing Margaret Lantos and Russell Bennett Photo by B«th coh •» talking in newly remodeled counseling center. ' “The services stayed the has extra space. 4.There is an area in which computers with col­ same,” emphasized Baker. This lege transfer information will be project cost under ten thousand available to students. 5.Financial dollars. Reactions to the changes Aid is now located next to Stu­ have been “mostly positive,” according to Baker. dent Activities. Submit to Folio Survey the best of sky-viewing operations for planets, galaxies, nebulae, and other stellar phenomena. Basic and in­ termediate information on the wonders of the northwest skies are featured in this “Northwest Astronomy and Telescopes” course sponsored by Portland State University and the John In­ skeep Environmental Learning Center. Opportunities for hands- on experience in learning the design and uses of reflector, refractor, and catadioptik telescope instruments will be in­ cluded 7-11 p.m. Thursdays, Jan. 21 and Jan. 28. PSU credit is available. The nonmember fee is $40. For further information and registration, call 657-8400, X351, Tuesdays-Fridays. Baptists host party The Baptist Student Ministries is hosting a “Howdy Party” Jan. 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Community Center’s Fireside Lounge. Refreshments and a video will be featured. Preview WOSC Western Oregon State Col­ lege will host its annual Preview Day Jan. 23 from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Potential transfer students are encouraged to attend. Infor­ mation is available by calling 1-800-232-9653. How to use texts A brown bag luncheon on reading and underlining tex­ tbooks and other study skills Loftus shows will be offered Jan. 26 from slides 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Ron Loftus, a Willamette Room 101 in the Community University professor, will pre­ Center. sent a slide show about the peo­ Cyndi Andrews, Basic ple of Japan Tuesday, Jan. 26, Skills/Developmental Programs at Clackamas Community Col­ chairperson will lead the ses­ lege. sion. The presentation, which is free, will be held from 3-5 p.m. in room 101 of the Pauling Ski trip slated The Enviornmental Learning Center. Loftus’ talk is spon­ sored by the Oregon Committee Center is sponsoring a cross­ for the Humanities, an affiliate country ski trip Jan. 23 from 8 of the National Endowment for a.m. to 6 p.m. The cost of the trip is $25, tfie Humanities. Call Nancy Tufts, CCC humanities instruc­ which covers transportation and tor, at 657-7215 for more infor­ lunch. For information, call 657-8400, ext.351. 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