Catalog receives 2-year plan by Heleen Veenstra Editor photos by Heidi Klein CCC students Jamie Ross (left) and Tye Phillips discuss Amnes­ ty International with Regional Membership Co-ordinator Cor­ nelia Cerf. Students plan group by E.A. Berg Co-News Editor In Spring 1988, the college catalog will change to a two year instead of the one year catalog. “The idea is to stay with the same format. We’ll change the cover, of course, and we’ll update the course description. There may be some minor improvements made where we see a need, but other than that, it will be pretty much the same kind of catalog as we have now,” said Bill Symes, Public Information Supervisor. One advantage of the two year catalog is that it will save about $3,000 because only one catalog needs to be printed instead of two. The other advantage is that it will save staff time. Staff in­ volved in producing a catalog is, counseling, admissions, public in- abuses rather than internal political change. Approximately 15 Clackamas “Students are the most Community College students met dangerous people on the face of Sherri Michaels Jan. 13 to discuss starting a cam­ the Earth to a dictator,” Cerf Go-News Editor pus chapter of the human rights said. “They have energy, care “Clackamas Community Col­ organization Amnesty Interna­ about things, and ask questions.” lege is the first college outside of tional. According to Cerf, one out of the United Kingdom to have Cornelia Cerf, Amnesty Inter­ three countries practices torture. received the Royal Society of Arts national Regional (Oregon) Amnesty International, winner Industrial Award,” said Jeff Membership Co-ordinator, spoke of the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize, Molatore. to the students about the has over 500,000 members in 150 Clackamas received the award organization’s efforts to free countries. The United States has in conjunction with Precision ,»» “Prisoners of Conscience over 200 campus chapters. Cast Parts with whom they have world-wide. “We’re not in- The organization’s member­ a working relationship. That terested in government,” she ship doubled following a 1986 working relationship consists of said, “We’re interested in fundraising and publicity two permanent full-time profes­ people.” She said that the rock’n’roll tour featuring U2 and sionals that are stationed at Preci­ organization is independent of Sting, among others. sion Cast Parts to assist them to any government, political group­ Interested students are en­ develop training at no cost for the ing, ideology, economic interest, couraged to call Jamie Ross at employees. The award is given as or religious creed. They work on 281-2101 or Tye Phillips at a recognition of outstanding individual cases of human rights 631-3347. cooperation between a higher learning institution and a business. “The Print” welcomes readers “Dr. John Austin, of Loxley to express their views by writing College, started the ball rolling letters to the editor. All letters when he started corresponding should be typewritten and sub­ with me,” said Molatore, who mitted to Student Publications was then assigned to Precision in Trailer B by 5p.m. Friday Cast Parts from Clackamas. before publication. Austin was interested in doing something similar with the sub- formation, publications, instruc­ tion, the department chairs, and assistant deans. “The idea has really been around for a couple of years, but we just got serious about it this last Fall,” Symes expressed. Lyle Reese, Dean of Instruction, pointed out that “I did recom­ mend we went to a two year catalog,” because of the issue be­ ing raised whether to convert to a semester system or not. “The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to stay current, with curriculums that are chang­ ing. Some doubts has been raised as to how timely the catalog is go­ ing to be towards the end of the second year,” Symes said. To solve that problem a sup­ plement will come out the second year to add extra course descrip- tions, but that won’t be a big pro­ blem. “The curriculum patterns, are not changing all that rapidly. I think there will be less of that with a two year catalog,” Reese explained. “A lot of community colleges have gone to a two year catalog recently for basically those same reasons, to save money and staff time. So, it is not as if it were revolutionary, it just makes sense,” said Symes. The first draft for the catalog is done. The final draft will go to the printer by March 14 and the due date is April 1. Instead of 10,000 copies, 20,000 copies of the two year catalog will be printed. “It (the catalog) doesn’t real­ ly get biggerr, it will just last longer,” Symes explained. College takes international award ASG President Frothingham’s sidiary of Precision Cast Parts in aware of the project,” com­ Sheffeild, England. mented Molatore. Austin came to Portland for Maurice Wilkinson, of the one week a year ago to study the Royal Society of Arts judge, relationship between the college presented the award to President and Precision Cast Parts from John Keyser and Corwin both the college’s and the Mathews, who represented the business’s point of views. college and Precision Cast Parts Austin then returned to respectively, at a luncheon, Nov. England and wrote “An Intrigu­ 22, 1987. ing Concept” that appeared in The colleges will be entering in­ the Training and Development to a formal sister college relation­ Journal in England (May 87). “It ship in the near future. This could was through Austin’s article that open opportunities for students the Royal Society of Arts became and staff to do exchanges to the United Kingdom. The Print The Print aims to be a fair and impartial newspaper covering the college community. Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those of the College ad­ ministration, faculty, Associated Student Government or other members of The Print staff. Articles and information published in The Print can be reprinted only with permis­ sion from the Student Publications Office. The Print is a weekly publication distributed each Wednesday except for Finals Week. Clackamas Community College, 19600 S. Molalla Ave., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Office : Trailer B. Telephone: 657-8400, ext. 309. Editor-In-Chief: Heleen Veenstra Design/Sports Editor: Christopher Curran Opinion/Copy Editor: Stephani Veff News Editor: Sherri Michaels and E.A. Berg Feature Editor: Caree Hussey Photo Editor: Beth Coffey Reporters: Mark Borrelli, Tom Golden, Jodie Martini, Michelle Taylor, Jerry Ulmer, Michelle Walch, Lisa Graham, John Willman. Michael Walker Columnists: Jim Evans, Joseph Patrick Lee, Tammy Swartzendruber Cartoonist: Jim Adams Photographers: Julie Church, Ken Warren Roger Hancock, Heidi Klein, Tim Zivney Business Manager: Jim Brown Typesetter: Crystal Penner Rhapsody Editor: Judy Singer Advisor: Linda Vogt State of the Student Body Address To the Editor by ASG President Frothingham recommendations can now be formulated to make textbooks more affordable; however, much more work still needs to be done The State of the Student Body before students will see the price Address of textbooks brought under con­ When I assumed the office of trol. This is not the case with Associated Student Government other issues though. (ASG) President last April there Affordable student health in­ were several issues of extreme im­ surance has become available and portance to students. Much has is no longer an issue being pur­ happened on these issues and sued by ASG. The Dean of many new issues for students Students Office with the have emerged since that time. assistance of the Student Ac­ Issues topping the list last April tivities Office made affordable were primarily economic issues health insurance available at the that affected students ability to beginning of Fall Term this year. afford college. ASG set to work Students can now get essential on issues such as textbook prices, medical coverage that they were affordable student health in­ unable to afford before. surance, financial aid, and tui­ Financial Aid, unlike student tion. Some of these issues have health insurance, is still an issue been resolved and the rest of that ASG is pursuing. Strong lob­ them still are top priorities for bying by ASG on Behalf of the ASG as it works for students. students in the congress has Much research was done on preserved the level of federal textbook pricing policy here at financial aid at the last year’s the college and around the state. level. This was critical in light of With over 200 pages of informa­ an enrollment that has increased tion gathered and analyzed, Neale SN: OL0055 almost six percent over the same time last year and attempts to cut federal financial aid by other groups at the national level. ASG also was able to convince the col­ lege to increase the “Emergency Student Loan Fund” by raising traffic fines. In spite of these suc­ cesses there is still not enough financial aid to meet the demand because the demand has increas­ ed dramatically with the higher enrollment and because of in­ creased costs. One of those costs is tuition which will go up $2.00 a credit hour in July despite very intense lobbying of the Clackamas Community College Board of Education by ASG. Many new issues have been raised since April as well that will affect students such as the college operation levy, the quantity of leadership and volunteers available to serve students, the decision by the Oregon State System of Higher Continued on page 4 pidMil wauki^ PIZZA FACTORY 15300 S.E. MCLOUGHLIN MILWAUKIE • OREGON 4AA/X 004* ■ VZU Ä HOURS: MON-THURS 11-11 • FRI & SAT 11-Midnight • SUN 1-10 50% OFF ANY LARGE OR MED PIZZA! Buy any Large or Medium Size Pizza and receive 50% I off the regular price with this coupon. I Dine-in Orders Only I ..(.CG ■<« I not valid with other otters |