opinion FRANKLY SPEAKING .... by phil frank Guide helps With the initiation of a nursing home guide, the fears and anxieties of facing the fact that loved ones grow old and are in­ capable of caring for themselves is easier to face, thanks to the Senior Citizen Council. Bill Anton and his crew should pat them­ selves on the back for a job well done. Their thinking and production is sure to be ad­ mired and envied by other organizations. The senior citizens of the Tri-County area will more than likely be pleased that, at last, they have the fact out in front of them about nursing homes. Their fears of the so- called “filthy prisons” that we have heard so much about is over. They now do not have to worry about going to a nursing home where they will be mistreated or neglected, or where their particular needs will not be able to be met. As Anton said in a recent interview, we all grow old. Isn’t it nice to know that growing old doesn’t have to be a tough job? guest shot Editors note: This humorous article was taken from an issue of the Daily Emerald from the University of Oregon. By John Crowley Attention, campus security meter persons: you can stop looking for my car now. I will not be driving it onto campus anymore, so you can take your parking tickets and stick them in your tailpipes. No, don’t congratulate your­ selves. This is not your doing. I can handle a ticket a day with my eyes closed (just like I drive). Hell, I paper my walls with the little white slips. After a tough day of skipping classes and eating bagels, it makes me feel like a big deal to return to my cat, rip the parking ticket from beneath the windshield wiper and fling it into my glove box with a devil-may-care snort. 19600 S. Molalla A vmmm , Otago* City, Oragoa 97065 Office: TrailarB; talapbow 656:3631, a*t. 309 editor: I eaaae Lally; mwo editor: Mflw Koller art* editor: Eleoa Vaacfl; Irrtwa editor: Kelly IwflhHg eports editor: Maa Rood; photo editor: Daffy Coffiaaa aeetotacrt phpto editor: Kevla Alawad staff writery: Saaaa Haaaeasaa, Raamas lescfcesa, Daa Isas Lae Jaffrtaa, CMa Manttt, Jaaaee Rhoadaa, TeceRhodea Dea Sheperd-Kent, Ruby Smith staff photographers: Cathy Gross, Robert Hand advertising manager: Jack Tucker baataaaa maasper: Roa AHea; proCeeetoaal adviser Seale Booe The Priât, a member of the Orogoa Newepeper PabUalMn Aaaodattoa, aims to be a fair aad Impartial JoeraaRetlc medium coveriag* the campus comm salty ae thoroughly as poooible. Oplaiene represent la The Priât do hot aeceeeartty reflect those of the CCC admiaietratloa, faculty or the Aoee elated Student Govemmeat. Page 2 So don’t think it was yoUr lit­ tle white tickets that finally eradicated THIS parking problem. It was some goddamned woman in a yellow Pinto. At 8:25 a.m. I am not in sharpest form, as other drivers can tell you. So when I saw the open space in front of the EMU yesterday morning, I congratulated myself for such luck and started to pull in. Well, at that moment this dame in the Pinto was backing into the same space, 1 aiscovered. We met about half-way, my tail end sticking out into the street, her front end prominently un­ parked. She gave her horn a little toot and smiled patiently at me, as if to say, “Okay, you ass, I’ve got a class at 8:30.” I, however, remained .un­ moved. Perhaps it was just my intrin­ sic stubbornness, or the earliness of the hour, or maybe I just don’t like yellow Pintos, but I refused to budge. I gave my own horn a toot. Being a Volkswagen horn, it did little to intimidate her, but it did squirt out my defiance. She rolled her window down and stuck her head out. She was blond and very pretty. “Excuse me,” she said. “I was here first.” “How old are you?” I asked. “I’m 22,” she replied. “I’ve got you beat by a few years,” I said. “Now get lost.” I thought this intellectual tour-de-force would convince her (in retrospect, it does seem rather lame;, out it had no such effect. Now, my father told me never to fight with girls. But he also told me never to smoke pot because it would lead to heroin. But he was wrong; it only led to self-abuse and general squalor, so I decided that fighting with girls shouldn’t be much riskier. for—a svelte blond with a sleek yellow Pinto or a cranky] kinky-haired wiseguy with] a banged-up VW? You see what I was up against. We argued for a feul minutes, but it became clear that this was a matter which] would be decided by the public. The lookers-on, mostly ‘ male, listened carefully to the] arguments and debated among themselves. They decided that ] the lady was entitled to the space and told me so. One of them helpfully informed me. that he’d spotted a “real nice space” over near Springfield! about half an hour earlier. I By now I was waking up, I took the Volks out of gear and got out, but because the and the combination of aler­ parking brake is broken, the car' tness, peer pressure and the] Blond Factor was beginning to I started to roll, and it bumped into the Pinto. The woman got overcome my outrage and out of her car. We squared off general contrariness. In a final, gentlemanly concession 1 told there in the street. the woman I hoped she and By now, a crowd had her car were very happy] gathered, and although no together. polls were taken at the scene, it Then I got into my car. scat-, seemed that the crowd’s sym­ tered some pedestrians at pathy was not with me. University and 13th, and drove ] And I think I understand that on to Springfield. The guy: was J I mean', whom would you root right. It’s a real nice space. I Clackamas Community College