The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 10, 1979, Page 2, Image 2

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Whatabout us?
Times may be tough for students of this
College if the teachers decide to strike.
That is becoming more and more evident.
The students need to be aware that there
is a problem between the teachers and the
school board and the result may be a strike.
How can the students help? Well, they
really can’t unless they want to walk on
picket lines with the teachers, or take the
board’s side. It’s frustrating to know that
when something includes us, the students,
we really do not have a say over the out*
So, we wait, and go to classes that
someday might not be taught, or will be
taught by a substitute.
While there is nothing we can do, there is
one group of people who can help. The
board. They can come out and make public I
their views just as the teachers have done. I
Don’t leave the students of this college in a I
cloud over their future.
And both parties, while you’re running I
around screaming about what you both II
want, take into consideration what you’re I
here for: to teach the students. So think I
about us.
Champie says...
Kennedy favorite for president
vatives. This group has ;
amassed $50 million, with i
Recently, when discussing which they will back many ex­
with some friends who I wan­ treme right or extreme conser­
ted as our next U.S. president, vative candidates. They have
I was trying to get them to targeted $700,000 of this
realize that we, the nation, against six U.S. senators
need Ted Kennedy as our next (Frank Church is one), but they
president. My reasons for this are trying to win 10 separate
are other than his being Jack’s seats, which would give them
and Bobby’s brother.
the majority, provided they
— Now, we have two, well don’t lose any seats.
make that three candidates
The reason this is so impor­
who have a reasonable chance tant is that, if the Republicans
of winning: Kennedy, Carter get the majority, they will also
and Reagan.
gain control of all the senate
¡The main reasonwe need committees ^or instance,
Kennedy as dur president is. Strom Thurman would be
because of the activities of a chairman of the Senate
group called the New Right, a Judiciary Committee, which
group of extreme conser- screens appointments of
By Dan Champie
For The Print
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Office: Trailer B; telephone: 656;2631, ext. 309
editor: Leanne Lally; hews editor: Mike Koller
arts editor: Elena Vancil; feature editor: Kelly Laughlin
sports editor: Brian Rood; photo editor: Duffy Coffman
assistant photo editor: Kevin Almond
staff writers: Susan Hanneman, Ramona Isackson, Don Ives
Lee Jeffries. Chris Merritt, James Rhoades, Tom Rhodes
Dea Shepherd-Kent; staff photographers: Cathy Gross
Robert Hand; advertising manager: Jack Tucker
business manager: Ron Allen; professional adviser: Suzie Boss
The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible.
Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those
of the CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student
Supreme Court Judges. Orris and leadership, could and ferently. He would have lefl
Hatch would be chairman of would initiate some gover­ controls intact.
the Committee on Labor and nmental intervention, when
Kennedy is also trying t(|
Education. With Hatch, and and where needed, to get us his national health plan pa
ultra conservative, in charge, out of this recession.
but right now a cheap ¡mill
places like Clackamas Com­
The leadership of Kennedy is is blocking his plan. It wast
munity College would suffer one of his strongest points. He ceived by Carter. KennF
nation’s is the chairman of the Senate plan gives a much more■
educational budget would be Judiciary Committee, which plete coverage and incf
cut back.
makes him one of the most cost controls, and would!
The only way to prevent the powerful senators, if not the down the cost of health|
take over by the New Right is to most. Reagan is only one claim Carter’s plan has none ofI
elect Kennedy president. Car­ of any significance: being ex­ items. Another detail that!
ter is a weak, ineffective and ill- governor of California (and nedy helped us with in
advised president who has the some times actor).
deregulaion of airline pj
minorities and labor (to name a
As I said earlier, Carter and , which resulted in ¡owe
few) mad at him. Hence, if we Reagan wouldn’t and don’t fares.
As you can see, j
were to have him as our next. know when to initiate gover­ nedy believes in governij
Democratic presidential nmental intervention. Evidence intervention, only whenlii
nominee, a good majority of of this is Carter decontrolling oil benefit the public (lea^iru
Democrats would either stay at prices (you remember when
controls on and taking ■
home or vote for Reagan (who gas went from 70 cents to $1
controls off).
is a pretty sure winner of the gallon?) .All these price rises are
I know
you’ve f
due to the oil controls being saying to yourself while rel
Republican nomination).
Reagan is just the person we taken off. The gas stations this commentary, Kennedy
don’t need for our next didn’t get a raise until recently,
not yet come out and saffl
president. He is an ultra con­ and that was only 2 to 3 cents a
will run. Well, in then
servative and would sit back gallon. Carter thought that was
future, Kennedy is going M
and not initiate any sort of a wise move, because he had
nounce he is running
governmental intervention to his windfall profits tax to get
president. This is support«
get us out of this extremely back 40 percent of that 30-cent
an announcement that
poor economic situation. Car­ raise. He was going to use that made to the AFL-CIO cfl
ter, if elected, would be to initiate programs to help us in Massachusetts recent!
somewhat better than Reagan, become less dependent on ' saying in the near future d
but with a senate where the foreign oil, and for alternative * would make a statement«
Republicans are the majority, it sources of energy. But the tax his candidacy and that#
might as well be Reagan in doesn’t say what the oil com­ would not be disappointed.
panies have to do with that 60
We all have a choiO
Kennedy, on the* other percent that isn’t taxed, that make. We can either go]
hand, if nominated and elec­ they wouldn’t be making in the treme right or moderate Id
ted, would bring out the first place, if it hadn’t been for The choice is ours and isf
Democrats and the majority Carter taking the controls off.
Here is where Kennedy portant.
would still be Democratic.
Kennedy, with this strength would have done things dif-
Page 2
D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer