The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 03, 1979, Page 2, Image 2

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... .by phil frank!
| Food for thought |
The issue of introducing a deli on campus gg
gghas raised quite a few arguments betweengg
ggpeople who are striving for the same thing, gg
ggan alternative food service.
While all sides seem to agree that angg
¿g alternative food source is needed, none cangg
jig:meet eye to eye about anything.
The biggest problem seems to be that ifgg
ggthe College did house a “deli,” where wouldgg
ggwe put it? Suggestions to have it put ingg
gg:the Randall Hall concession stand that sitsgg
ggand gathers dust most of the year, havegg
ggbeen turned down strongly. It seems that agg
gg community college with an enrollment ofgg
ggn early 4,000 could easily find space for agg
gg small-sized deli; apparently not.
The deli issue is currently being stewedgg
ggover by everyone but the students. Maybe gg
ggthe students are the ones who have the an-gg
ggswer. The deli will serve the students, sogg
gg why not let the students have a part in it. Ifgg
gganyone has an idea of the best place togg
gghouse the deli on the campus, come forthgg
ggand voice your idea.
It’s not so much that we are sick of thegg
gg cafeteria’s food(although I speak only forgg
gg myself), but the change would be nice, gig
ggEating is a way of life to some, and the dailygg
gg routines we go through are bad enoughgg
ggwithout having to eat the same stuff day af-gg
ggter day.
Not only would the change of taste begg
ggnice, it would also give some of the studen-gg
ggts more time to enjoy their lunch hour,gg
ggwhich goes by quickly when you have togg
gg stand in line for 25 or 30 minutes. Thegg
^alternative food source would “pick up ongg
ggthe overflow,” according to one backer ofgg
ggthe idea.
All this talk about a deli has probablygg editorial appeared in the
25 edition of the Daily
ggmade you hungry, but it is giving many in-gg May
Barometer from Oregon
gg digestion. The best cure for all is to go togg State University:
ggthe students. Maybe the pains will subside, gg
Guest Shot
“Colorado Kool-aid,” a
brand of beer popularized by
singer Johnny Paycheck cMjhis
“Take This-Job and Shove It”
album, is coming to Oregon in
spite of the objections of the
Teamsters pnion.
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Office: Trailer B; telephone: 656;2631, ext. 309
editor: Leanne Lally; news editor: Mike Koller
arts editor: Elena Vancil; feature editor: Kelly Laughlin
sports editor: Brian Rood; photo editor: Duffy Coffman
assistant photo editor: Kevin Almond
staff writers: Susan Hanneman, Ramona Isackson, Don Ives
Lee Jeffries, Chris Merritt, James Rhoades, Tom Rhodes
Dea Shepherd-Kent; staff photographers: Cathy Gross
Robert Hand; advertising manager: Jack Tucker
business manager: Ron Allen; professional adviser: Suzie Boss
The Oregon Liquor Control
Commission (OLCC) last week
voted 2-1 to allow non-heat
pasteurized beer to be sold in
Oregon. The change wilj.allow
the sale of Coors, a popular
brand of beer brewed in
Indirectly, Oregon State
University had a hand in
bringing Coors to Oregon. A
study completed by the univer­
sity in 1978 showed that a
filtration process, similarto the
one used by Coors „ is: as effec­
tive as heat pasteurization/’
serving. In 1977 the H
workers who operated t|
Golden, Colo, brewery told t|
C°QW|m c°rp0|ti|
management to take their >
and shove ’em.
So, as Coors prepar®
assault | on its new OH
market, the teamsters pH
The teamsters disagreed. . an appeal of the 03
They argued that Coors
decision. But no one shod
expect that decision to be ove
Oregon—without approval of turned because the teamH
the state legislature—because . credibility on the issuH h
of a law enacted in 1933 which
deteriorated too far.
was intended to require heat
At any' rate, the dispti
processes in use at the time.
should make for some Igoe
The real reason the team­ tavern conversations whe
sters don’t want, Coors in Oregonians can start orderin
Oregon, of course, is more self- Coorson tap.
The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible.
Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those
of the CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student
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Clackamas Community Colle«