9 My Calendar’s Prison Crystal thoughts though clearly projected, Reach objects of density mishapen. Forms of letter by letter; word by word, Enter in and out, around and under, some to soothe, some to stir and there are, some unlike any other. Methinks I’ve caught many I shouldn’t Tipping the delicate scales of reason. Opening the hands of my calendar’s prison, I step around those thoughts not meant for me. I listen, I observe, I enjoy all I need, For today is all I have to fulfill. Yesterday was only part of my earth’s season, Tomorrow is as far as my mind’s improved vision. Carol Sanford Hall The Girl Her body, how graceful it flows, free as a breeze. K Her eyes, how deep the shades of brown ;t always knowing and understanding, me, as if our thoughts were in unison. Her smile, as radiant as sunlight, shines upon me, capturing my gaze foraslong as she wishes. Her grasp on my heart is immeasurable; insatiable is my desire for Her. I can only pray, she loves me as much. J. Chris Hoyt photo by Mike Cookingham