opinion No draft We’re being taken to the cleaners and treated like some politician’s dirty laundry. The only thing they are not doing is sorting us into whites and colors. Instead, we’re all heavily soiled, if we’re between the ages of 18 and 25. Congressional supporters of the draft are trying to ram draft registration down our throats, but our faces are not yet turning purple. Senate Joint Memorial 8, introduced by the Senate Juciciary committee at the request of Senator Jan Wyers, is scheduled to be introduced to the senate this week and sent to committee. The memorial, if passed, will put Oregon on record asking Congress to oppose any reinstatement of the draft. I I I Senate Joint Memorial 8 asks that “ ... no citizen of the United States be required to rehgister for, be classified for, or be inducted into the Armed Forces of the United States except following a declaration of war by the Congress of the United States.” We need to make sure that the legislative assem­ bly knows that we do not support draft rein­ statement. But, they’re not mind readers. We have to do our share and tell them, today. Pick up the telephone or drop a note to Senator Dick Groener from Milwaukie. Tell him that you support Senate Joint Memorial 8. Sure, everything will come out in the wash, but it all depends on what laundry detergent you use. CB Now, before we move In together, there are just a few things I’d like you to agree to........ guest shot- By Kathy McMahon For The Print Today our newspaper headlines not only inform us of environmental disasters and political scandals, but of men raping their wives and cohabitation partners, and suing each other for what they claim is rightfully theirs—ac­ cording to whom, or by what standards, no one is quite sure. Yet this seems to make little dif­ ference, for the number of cases is steadily increasing, possibily even becoming the basis for a new American fad. A perfect example of this is the Lee Marvin—Michele Triola Marvin incident. The two had lived together for seven years; they split up and he remarried. She filed suit against him, claiming she was due one half of his income for that time they spent together—which amounted to a mere $3.5 million. Unfortunately, the court didn’t see things quite her way, alloting her only $105,000 of the requested sum. Now her lawyer is demanding $500,000 for his. services which leaves poor Michele Triola in quite a predicament. However, due to her inability to pay, the state has graciously taken over her debt. As can be seen, Miss Triola and Lee Marvin had not been married and had no legal commitments; they had only lived together, which obviously must have been a' joint gprint ' 19600 S. Mollalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Offices: Trailer B; telephone: 656*2631, ext. 309 or 310 editor Cyndi Bacon * news editor Mike Koller arts editor Leanne Lally * sports editor Mark McNeary photo editor Kelly Laughlin * staff writers Happie Thacker, Elena Vancil, James Rhoades, Brian Rood, Ramona Isackson staff photographers Greg Kienzle, Charlie Wagg, Pat Calson, Eric Holstrom, Doug Fick cartoonist Mary Cuddy * production manager Janet Vockrodt business manager Mark Barnhill * advertising salesman Jack Tucker professional adviser Suzie Boss The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, aims to be fair and impartial Journalistic medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those the CCC ad- mihlstration, faculty or the Associated Student Government. Page 2 decision. But, because Miss Triola shared an intimate relationship with Mr. Marvin and had devoted her precious time to him, she felt justified in demanding one half of his in­ come during those seven years. In essence this situation is implying that because two people share an intimate relationship and spend time together, they are automatically entitled to a per­ centage of the other person’s income, belongings or whatever else the court will countable instances to which this pracitice will apply: the living together situation where things just don’t work out; the weekend romance-get away to the cozy, isolated, intimate ravine; the businessman’s frequent out-of-town excur­ sions where he and his secretary become on more than “friendly terms”; the bar pick-up occasion where you spend the night with your newly found, short-lived lover or the Saturday night date where things get just a little too hot ‘n heavy in the back seat. In other words, every in­ timate relationship can poten­ tially cost you if there is a sexual involvement, and .if you spend some amount of time devoted to that person. How, then, can we protect ourselves from this infringing injustice? My proposal to this newly arisen perplexity is that a con­ tract be formed, that would protect each individual’s finan­ ces and personal belongings from all of his or her intimate acquaintences. It would read something similar to: “Let it be understood on this date forth, that our relationship does not entitle you to any of my finan­ ces or personal belongings (with one exception, you are well aware of), unless I so desire otherwise. Please sign your full name on the dotted line. Thank you!” (And it would be recommended that the contract holder explain in detail the one exception, if by chance it hasn’t already been presented.) This contract would be a legal document, holding, as high value and regard as all other legal documents do. Its purpose is strictly to protect oneself from all sticky affairs such as the Marvin-Triola in­ cident, without having to restrain from or give up the en­ joyable encounters that lead to that sticky, undesireable situation. The old saying, “It’s better to be safe, than sorry,” holds more truth now in relationships, than ever befdre. However, the benefits of this new contract don’t stop with just personal protection for each individual, but just think what they can do for the adver­ tising industry. I can see it no! “protect yourself—get yoil legal contract,” advertised 1 magazines and newspapel next to the familiar contracel five ads; not to mention tH promising TV commercials a» billboard attractions this coul create. As for sales, these contra! could be purchased through! booth similar to Fotomat ■ your favorite community shot ping center, or behind the dr! counter in line with “thol types of things,” and for all i! know they may become I familiar sight in dispensors ol bathroom walls of gas stations! bars ... the possiblities al unlimited. Of course, reviewing th! problem we see that anothl solution is possible, but it! highly unlikely of the America! people. This solution calls f! thinking ahead and preventin! oneself from getting into an! situatuion that may bl damaging to one’s well be« However, this preplanning! reasoning and use of optimist! is too much to ask for ana highly improbable at best. I Thus, my proposal for leg! contracts remains the mol warranted, well thought ol solution to our modern d! dilema of how much are we acl tually losing of ourselves ail putting up for grabs per il timate acquaintance? 1 Wednesday, May 23,199