Clackamas Community College Vol. XII, No. 21 Wednesday, April 11, 1979 SG election eadline nears lection time draws near for College Associated Student lernment candidates and lents as they prepare for the 9-80 school year. etitions for ASG offices ! distributed April 3 and are ie filed by Thursday. A ting of all candidates and ! President David Riggs r ethics of election :edures will follow, and ¡116 and 17 is scheduled an open, forum, question­ answer period at noon ie students can observe ir candidates as they »nd to questions. luring the week of April 24 mgh 27, polls will .be open n 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If a run-off election is needed, the polls will be open May 2 through 4. After elections, the new and existing officers will attend a retreat where ideas and policies will be discussed. Mike McCarty, ASG president, encourages everyone to go to the polls and vote. Apathy on the part of the students is “no different than it is out there in the real world,” McCarty said. “As long as things are going well, the response is little.” A dance is planned for sometime before the elections as a get-out-the-vote tactic for students, he added. with the Shrine Circus. See Page 5 for story. based budget wins favor ■based budgeting system is to have met with favor college department tep one of the budget cess required department ds to prepare reduced gets and rank “decision jets”—requests for ad- mal funds—in order of im- iinny Weber, life science [person, believes the zero- d budgeting system is a »approach for the College. Basically, the new system is pod idea. I think it will ect a positive public [ion of the college because M document where the ol's budget is being used, ¡public will not think that I money is being thrown |nd,” Weber said. Ny only complaint was with ■ming,” Weber said. “The [sion packets were due the [week of winter term. With [Is scheduled then, the pion packets meant added “ I hope they won’t be due Hie end of the term next h Richards, language arts fitment chairperson, is [ber who believes the [mis working well. The zero-budgeting process !s everyone involved an of where priorities are in [department and division,” pdssaid. Randy Clark, college publication manager, sees the system as a good idea for any institution’s budget. “It gives departments a chance to justify what they feel needs to be budgeted. Depar­ tments which in the past have been under-budgeted can now plead their case,” Clark said. According to Gary Dirrim, director of fiscal affairs at the College, communication bet­ ween levels is the key to the zero-based system. “Zero-based budgeting lets everyone know exactly what is happening. Its all up front. You can’t play games,” Dirrim said. The Clackamas Community College Zero-Base Budget Manual for 1979-80 states that zero-based budgeting is “a budget-planning process based on the assumption that each expenditure must be justified.” After departments submit a list of. their priorities, the long review process begins for budget supervisors and budget committees on various levels. “It’s a process to re-evaluate, je-allocate and re-justify priorities submitted by the departments,” Dirrim said. But Dirrim stressed that those on thp first level —the department heads’-will be con­ stantly informed of what is being done at each level of the process. Lisa Thomas, Associated Student Government senator and ASG budget committee member, said the system generated a lot of debate over what should be ASG’s biggest priorities. “The system worked well for us, but it was hard to decide what our top priorities should be. We decided on two new foosball tables because they were a necessity to raise money,” Thomas said. Dirrim describes the zero­ based budgeting system as “less cumbersome.” He believes it will create a feasible budget for the College next year. The Zero-Base Budget Manual best summarizes the system’s main objective for the College, stating, “the process focuses on establishing decision packages and the selection of the best packages based on in­ stitutional objectives and priorities.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scholarships open to students Costs for college are ex­ pensive for students, and the 1979-80 school year will be no exception. However, some students can receive aid in the form of scholar­ ships. The College has already a small, but effective list of scholarships available to students for next year and the remainder of this term. The National Educational Society Scholarship, worth $50, is available to students this term. Other scholarships available for next year in­ clude, the American Association of University Women, AAUW, which is a $150 tuition grant. It is given to a second-year student who has completed all graduating requirements and plans on furthering education at a higher in­ stitution of learning. Ap­ plicants for this scholarship will be rated on work ex­ perience in the candidates field, diversified experiences (monetary, recreational, volunteer), type of ex­ tracurricular activities, organization of thought, at­ titude and need. Deadline for applicants is April 27. The Oak Grove Garden Club will be looking for an applicant for their three term or 9 month scholarship who has completed 42 hours in horticulture classes required for a Horticulture Certificate or associate degree and a 3.0 Grade Point Average. Applicants will be judged on academic ability, interest in horticulture, long range work goals and current school and community in­ volvement. Three people will be selected: a recipient, a first alternate, and a second alternate. In case the recipient fails to comply or leaves ’ the College, the scholarship will go to the first alternate and so on. Ap­ plication deadline is May 10. Whittier College in Whit­ tier, California, presented the College with two scholarships, the Alpha Gamma Sigma Scholarship, four awards valued at $2,500 each and the John Greenleaf Whittier Scholar­ ship,. ten awards valued at .$1,500 çach. both awards are based on outstanding academic performance. Taken into consideration are the student’s GPA, SAT score, strong recommen­ dations, and for the Alpha Gamma Sigma scholarship, membership in a college chapter of alpha Gamma Sigma is required. The student must also qualify for admission to the College.