Enrollment coordinator quits By Elena Vancil Of The Print I The Clackamas Community College school board accepted [“with regret” the pending ¡resignation of Gary Haroldsen, enrollment coordinator, at the board meeting March 14. [ A member of the College staff since September 1977, Haroldsen held the position of night school supervisor before becoming the enrollment coor- dinator 10 months ago. The position was in an embryonic state at that time. Haroldsen’s resignation will be effective Friday. a One of the main causes for discontent, described by Haroldsen, was the lack of adequate assistance with detail work, so he could go ahead with the actual development of programs. k “This job is taking more out of me than I care to give,” he said. “I would rather not stay Land only make half an effort.” I Described as “phenomenal” by his secretary, Kathy Nelson, Haroldsen’s duties are mainly concerned with increasing the visibility of the college’s various Opportunities and programs within the community. Other reasons for discontent had their roots in what Harold­ sen described as the “political climate” among teachers and administrators on campus. “There are a lot of good people here, that I like to work for, and great potential benefits for me as an employee,” he said. “But I felt as though I was compromising my integrity in certain situations.” Haroldsen explained that this would occur when he felt compelled to agree with fellow employees on certain issues for the sake of their working relationship. “I think that I have seen a little bit more of that here, than in other places where I have worked,” he said. A veteran of the education business since 1967, Harold­ sen was supervisor of the educational career program at Portland State, which involves teaching mentally, retarded adults. His experience in that . field also included training teachers to work with retarded adults. The construction business holds the future for Haroldsen’s efforts, along with the com­ pletion of a doctorate degree in During the process of dismantling the banners which announced Spring registration, Haroldsen speaks of his pending resignation. Photo by Douff Flsk college student services. In spite of the change in oc­ cupations, Haroldson stressed that he will “be an educator for the rest of his life.” - “I feel that I will be more of a benefit to the business from the decision making for the outside looking in . I might work college.” Fryett also praised on the school board, or on an Haroldsen for increasing “the advisory committee for con­ visibility of the college to the sultation,” he said. “I do feel public. For instance, this is the the need to get away lor a first year the college has had white, and I have an oppor­ banners hung to announce tunity to do business with a registration.” friend who is in construction.” Fryett expressed hopes that Haroldsen’s succes sor will be Howard Fryett, assistant to someone from within the the president, expressed regret college staff, a person aware of at Haroldsen’s pending depar­ future trends as far as students’ ture. overall age and interests, and' “I am saddened by his the effect that it will have on the decision,” he said. curriculum. “Gary is a skillful person with abundant integrity,” Fryett “We expect the position of said. “He has singlehandedly enrollment coordinator to convinced the Board of become more and more Education ancT College staff of challenging as students and the importance of objective curriculum gradually change,” data, research and fact, in Fryett said. What’s inside X Legislative page JoAnn McCaully, college night student, tells of her duties as a ligislative page at the state capitol on page 5. Green thumbs It’s that time of the year again. Gardens will be blooming at the College through a program called Greenfingers, See page 5 to get in the green ghumb spirit. Women trackers While most College students were enjoying the local sunshine over spring vacation, a few traveled as far as Death Valley for relaxation and learning. See more photos about the trip by Eric Holstrom on Page 8. See how the college’s women track team tore.,up the track at the Oregon community college Athletics ^rack meet last weekend on page 12. J