The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 01, 1979, April Fool's, Page 16, Image 16

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By Hunt Ing
Of the Misprint
Opening day nears for
Campus Elk hunting
dream of a campus filled with
bountiful game has become a.
pleasant reality.
“Look at those antlers,”
Steve whispered excitedly to
To combat the uncon­
Marvin, his hunting com­ trollable breeding of Oregon elk
panion of several years. “I’ve the OEWC has designated over
been to Eastern Oregon, the 7,000 healthy elk to the
Rocky Mountains, and even College to do anything they
British Columbia and I’ve never want with them.
seen more elk than here on
Clackamas -Community
Horizon, president of OEWC,
College’s campus.”
“Shoot!” Marvin screamed' the elk have rapidly developed
frantically. “Here comes a big into public menaces thoughout
rural Oregon.
Steve calmly pressed the
“They have been breeding
of zhis
faithful faster than rabbits and all they
Remington. The streaming do is run around destroying
silver bullet made a hissing gardens and knocking down
whine and then suddenly there fences. We had no choice,
was silence as a stunned elk some must be eliminated fast,”
staggered then fell silently to Horizon said.
wet ground below.
in' cooperation with the
“Hell of a shot,” Marvin said
OEWC the College campus will
be opened to all hunters in­
■“Well, I just don’t miss that
terested in aiding a good cause.
often,” Steve replied cooly.
A license fee will be installed for
“Anyway, that’s our seventh
hunters who do not attend
elk for the day. Let’s call it
school at the College, but
quits for today.”
students can hunt for free with
Once the scene described
a valid student body card.
above may have been an im­
Season opens April 31 so get
possibility for College students,
but thanks to the Oregon Ex­ out to the campus early for the
cess Wildlife Commission the best hunting.
Trout fishing makes
waves on campus
This promotional photo of beautiful elk shot on the Judson Baptist College can
last year was sent to wet the appetites of College hunters eagerly awaiting the seal
opening on campus.
Thumbs up for night course
Students interest!
signing up for this transfl
three-credit couse can fl
“My class will not be a so by finding Runn ou|
pushover for anyone who ticing along the larger
thinks it’s qoing to be easy in the Portland area and]
credit,” Runn
emphasized. him a ride to find out ml
“For the final, the student will formation. RunniscurrJ
have to hitch-hike from 82nd training for the world
Avenue near Gladstone to the hiking championships t
Portland Airport and back to held this spring in ■
Gladstone in a class period.”
usually find the course much
easier than men.
For those of you who have a
sense of adventure and a
never-tiring right arm, the
College will offer an exciting
summer course titled, “Late
Night Hitch-Hiking.”
Dr. Hit N. Runn, a veteran
tthumber who has bummed
rides all across the greater
metropdlitan area, will teach
this unusual course.
„ According to Runn, 82nd
Avenue will be the location for
his class, to put the ancient art
to the test, every Friday and
By FleanneFolly
Saturday night from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m.
“You can’t very well make a requesting “fish crossing” signs
“I feel everyone should
meal out of a salmon that has be placed in appropiate areas»tc&thumb, a ride
tire tracks all over it,” said around the lot.
fishing enthusiast Todd Trout
Don Williams, spokesperson properly. I mean,§why. waste
about the dispute between for the lot users, commented, 45 cents on a Tri-Met bus ticket
college fishermen and college “It’s not' our fault. I mean, when you can get a ride in a
parking lot motorists.
those little dickens just jump comfortable car for free?” Runn
The argument has to do with right out in front of the cars and asked.
the supposed “carelessness” of it’s hard to stop.” Williams said
motorists. Many of the fish irir motorists have no malicious in;
Runn went on to say that the
the lot have been suffering
tent. “Do you know how hard class will be opened to both
from carbon monoxide suf- it is to peel a salmon off of a men and women, though he
emphasized z that women
fication and “tread skin,” a studded snow tire?”,he asked.
condition which appears on the
Don’t bother with
scales of the fish after they have
been run over by a car.
umbrellas or costly
Of The Misprint
BBQ class has
French in//uen|
Spring term brings the
promise of better weather, and
no weather is better than
barbequing weather.
The College will offer a class
in gourmet barbequeing to be
held in the football field Mon­
Fridays from 3 to 4p.m.
The class is open to anyone
who is interested in perfecting
“It doesn’t make the fish
taste very good,” said Trout,
“and the parking lot has been
known for having the sweetest
tasting salmon and steelhead
this side of the Cascades.”
Trout and other fish catchers
have drawn up a contract
course, I think
the college
stinks,” he
Field courses
Two corresponding courses
in land maintenance will be
taught this Spring term.
The classes, Field Burning
and Field Plowing, will be
taught by ex-farmer Mel Mac­
Donald, affectionally called
“Old MacDonald,” and may
take place on the football field.
Page 16
outdoor cooking technil
the beginner who just!
get down the basics. I
Tfiis new course ■
taught by Chef Loj
Domaine from Paris,
Domaine is a gradua
University of Texas Ba
College in Dallas. His j
tials include a mast
in spit cooking and a
shaking and baking. |
rain coats.
Try new
The Air Shoe
Just add this to your
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. “The- only problem,” said
MacDonald,“is that we have a
bunch of irate barbeque
students causing us some
problems so we may have to I Name-
dig up the parking lot, if the I City—
fishermen don’t mind.”
For more information, con­ I State-
tact MacDonald at 635-EIEIO.
It’s like walking on air!
(Because you are!)
at all fine
shoe stores,
■ I
Fluorescent paint and glue
available on request.
Sunday. Apr«
The Misprint
D50 Illuminant, 2 degree ob«-n,or
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