The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, March 07, 1979, Page 7, Image 7

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    racksters look
j field good
tarn in spring
“We have a good crop of
milers and half-milers,” Tipton
said. “(Dan) Cobine, (Tom)
Winters, (Dave) Rudishauser,
and Joe Rubrecht are all good,
strong runners.”
In the field events, Tipton
sees the Forrell brothers as the
leading participants.
“Jeff and Greg (Forrell) are
our high jumpers and they’ll
also be strong,” said Tipton.
“Not only that, they also com­
pete in other areas. Greg is a
long jumper, and Jeff is a triple
Jim Holmes leads the CCC
pole vaulters as he is already
vaulting in the 13-14 foot
“Jim has an outstanding
chance for the league title,”
Tipton said.
As so often happens on the
community college level, the
Cougars will not be able to
compete in every event. There
are no high hurdlers on the
squad nor are there any
specialists in the long jump.
jod, solid and com-
e” were the words coach
ipton used to describe
ear’s men’s track team,
hree national competitors
ing from last year’s club,
jugars look to be a strong
iperienced team.
«rail we should have a
solid club,” Tipton said,
ave a lot of talent and we
ie of the talent Tipton
i of are the trio of Doug
i, Randy Bolliger, and.
ackson, all participants in
978 national meet in
paign, Ill.
ret, a steeple-chaser who
d seventh in the national
will head up the host of
rs the Cougars are
j with this year. Oberst
ualified for the national
:ountry meet this spring
his experience should
helpful over the course
! of CCC’s major field
“It’s always hard to fill out
etitors will be Randy
the roster on the community
ir, who finished fourth in
college level,” Tipton said. “I’d
als last year in the shot
say there is maybe one team in
ndy is an excellent shot the whole conference, with a
filled roster.”
and we look to him to be
lender for the national
The schedule favors any nor­
lionship,” Tipton said.
'but not least on the list thwest. entry in the nationals
national qualifiers is Dan this season as they will be held
on. Jackson finished in Eugene.Tipton sees this as
I in Illinois last year and motivation for his squad.
feels he is one of the
»four best this year,
season, theCougs are
d with many good
ie runners. Whether it be
lie, or the half mile the
its are well prepared to
inst anyone in the OC-
“We expect to do well this
year,” he said. “We should
have a number of our guys
qualify for nationals and since
it’s in Eugene this year, they
have an added incentive.”
CCC begins its league
season March 24 in Eugene.
Joe Rubrecht clears the high hurdle in track practice session.
Photo by Pat Carlson
spite inexperience
Women racketeers to be competitive
ttk McNeary
h only one
1st year’s squad, it would
to say that this year’s
is team is inexperien-
pach Gladys Michael’s
jnade up of, as she ap-
¡only have one returner
H be inexperienced;”
[Said. “But I would say
[have quite a bit of in-
of the newcomers
is hoping will be
well for the team is
[Stanley. Stanley is a
f of West Linn High
here she gained a var-
[lnfirst doubles.
tn’t even seen Sherry
iay, March 7,1979
pick up a racquet, but I hear
that she is a real good player,”
Michael said. “This* year she
will be playing singles as well as
doubles so she is going to have
to adjust to that.”
In high school, tennis players
are only allowed to participate
in singles or doubles, never
both. However, in college, par­
ticipation in both areas is ac­
Debbie Bugarsky, a graduate
of Canby High School where
she also played doubles, will be
another one of the players
Michael will be looking to to
perform well in both the singles
and doubles categories.
“Almost all of our players will
have to make the adjustment
from doubles to singles play,”
Michael said. “I really don’t see
this as posing too much of a
problem, though.”
Last on the list of players
with high school experience is
Shelly McNeel, from Oregon
City High.Shelly also played
doubles while in the prep
Michael will be breaking in
four players with no previous
tennis experience this year,
next to private practice that is.
Carrie Browning of Molalla
High School where she ran
track, Sandy Carter, a 1964
graduate of Clackamas, Julie
Bausserman of Oregon City
High, and Sheila Imdieke of
Canby High are all hopefuls
who have yejt to compete
The only returner on the club
is Debbie Copher. Copher is
coming off a year where she
was a first and second singles
player as well as a first doubles
in the OCCAA. Needless to
say Copher made the adjust­
ment from doubles to singles
quite well last year.
“So far I see Debbie as our
strongest player, definitely,”
Michael said. “She had by far
the most experience on the
team and I see her imporving
quite a lot this year. Not only
did she play well for us last
year, but she participated in the
“As far as the rest of the
team goes they will be playing
on the ladder to see where they
will fall in the line-up,” she
said. “But from what I’ve seen
in past years in the OCCAA,
we should be competitive.”
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