Men eye state champlonshi By Brian Rood Of The Print Mental attitude, stroke production and doubles play” were cited by men’s tennis coach Rich Taylor as the top priorities for the 1979 men’s tennis season. It appears that if these priorities are met. the Canine groomer bowls big Kathy Warner of Oregon City went to college to be on the bowling team and now she has rolled her way to Tucson, Ariz. The 19-year-old College student recently placed first among nearly 100 women at the Association of College Unions-International regional competition at Oregon State University. The victory has earned her a trip to Tucson for the ACU-I nationals, April 8-10. “I wanted something to do, so I went to school to be on the bowling team,” said Warner, a 1978 Oregon City High School graduate who is taking general studies at Clackamas. Warner, who bowled six days a week during the college season, placed first at Oregon State by totaling 1605 for nine games over three days. She earned the all-events title for her nine-game total and took the women’s singles crown by bowling a 561 series on the final day. “I knew 1 was near the lead during the final day. But if I had known that I c.ould win by only bowling 130 in the last game, I would have been too nervous to bowl,” laughed Warner. She has been bowling for nine years. She began the sport in a league for youngsters and was encouraged by her paren­ ts, Mr. and Mrs. Harold War­ ner, both avid bowlers. She has since developed into a 174-average with a high game of 266 and a high series of 614. Warner’s athletic ability carries over to swimming. She was a member of the Oregon City High School team, swim­ ming freestyle, backstroke and relays. “I was all right as a swimmer, but I never make it to state or anything like that,” she said. To fill the time between high school and college, Warner at­ tended dog grooming school and now earns money to sup­ port her bowling by beautifying canines. For now, though, she is sharpening her game for the trip to Tucson. “1 don’t know how I’ll do, but I know it’s going to be fun,” she smiled. men netters could bring the state tennis crown to Clackamas. The men’s tennis squad is coming off an impressive 1978 campaign in which they cap­ tured third place in both the state and regional tournaments where they also took first and second place victories in singles competition. Neither of those players could return for the 1979 season because their eligibility has run out. So it was up to Coach Taylor to recruit talented players to Clackamas, and he has responded. Freshman recruit Steve Anast from Tigard High will probably take over the number- one singles position and will certainly be an important factor for Clackamas. Anast may also be one of the top players in the North west. Other players who will be Coach Taylor note« year’s team fell down bl of a lack "of depth’”' but “this year we have J Taylor will be taking hist J Northeast Washington! series ot tough matches! the quarter break. He I these matches will help pl his team for the ‘79 can! “You can’t get better if] don’t play tougher oppo| Taylor said. equally as important include the number five player from last year, Rick Bobzien and returners David Riggs and Phil Rider. Coach Taylor will also be depending on several other players to help round out this year’s squad: David Long from Lake Oswego, Tom Delaney from Central Catholic, Tim Qualls, a sophomore who at­ tended Rex Putnam, and Alan Clevinger from Clackamas. SAYBULL! TO YOUR STUDENT BODY. GET THIS UNIQUE "SAY BUITATHLET1C SHIRT CUSTOM-PRINTED WITH THE NAME OF YOUR SCHOOL FOR ONLY $5.50. Bull your way through college in style! With a genuine Schlitz Malt Liquor bull shirt. 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