The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, March 07, 1979, Page 3, Image 3

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    Farming contest
slated for April
By Darren MacFarlane
For The Print
[College floodlights cast an eerie glow on a cold winter evening, but that glow is not
he that comes cheap. Recent cut backs at the College have resulted in an energy
kings equivelant to the amount typically used by 45-50 homes. Photo by Kelly Laughlin
Summer job prospects
difficult to predict
By Elena Vancil
within a couple of days.
recreation departments are also
taking applications at this time,
with the deadlines around April
15. Jobs in this department can
include anything from lifeguard
to clerical work.
For students who would
really like to relocate for a few
months, the State of Alaska is
employing students for such
jobs as blazing trails and
working on fire crews.
“The largest input we get
from local employers, has been
agricultural,” said Sue Ford,
youth representative at the
Oregon State Employment
Division in Oregon City.
“There is always demand for
berry pickers, although we
don’t get much response from
college students in that area.”
“We will refer 60 to 100 ap­
plications to the park and
year,but we recieve no feed­
back on how many of those are
picked up. We do know that
highway jobs, which involve
road maintenace and' lan­
dscaping, give previous em­
ployee priority, and will pick up
a few new ones here and there
to fill in the gaps.”
■The Print
■To the enterprising college
■dent with a llittle ingenuity,
me job search for summer ‘79
lossibilities. Although spring
has not yet arrived, it is not too
lark' to develop a resume and
■art looking, according to Kate
Kams of the
■ocrastinators may find them-
Bves out in the cold this sum-
Brochures for summer jobs that
Involve relocation, back in
lecember,” said Adams.
Borne employers like to have
■eir summer help all wrapped
■pas early as mid-January.”
Bn spite of this, it is not too
late to apply for relocation jobs
at summer camps, parks and
Irrangements generally
lovided at reasonable cost, an
Bployee in this area may find
■»self doing anything from
Hinseling children at summer
■mp, to working in a gift shop
It ¡Yellowstone Park. An in-
Bmational catalog, which
■tains a state-by-state listing
EHobs of this sort, will be
Ivailable in the Placement
tenter and College library
possibility of an enterprising
young entrepreneur doing well
with his or her own business
during the summer weeks.
“We always get lots of calls
from people in need of yard
workers,” she said. “If a
student had a lawn mower, he ,
could advertise, and with our
referrals, get a route and do
pretty well.”
Openings for such jobs as
store clerks and restaurant
workers are always “slower”
according to Ford. She at­
tributed the cause of this to
many things, but mentioned
that many employers in these
areas fill the spaces with frien­
ds, employees’ children, and
generally people they already
know, cutting down on the
possibilities for the general
requests for help aré “a little
slow for this time of year,” Ford
emphasised that the em­
ployment climate for summer
‘79 is “hard to foresee.”
“Job placement has been
coming in spurts all year,” she
said. “My feelings are that em­
ployers are nervous about the
state of the economy, and
hesitant about putting on more
people. It is hard to tell,
though. It might pick up. ”
Oh Thank Heavens for
7 Days
a Week
Enjoy our March
Sandwich Special
groceries j
* ★ Beverages
{ *Beer
**Plus Imported Beer **
^sorted Pastries and Hot Coffee for your Morning Delight
HhandWashington, Oregon City
pnesday, March 7,1979
The Oregon Association of
Future Farmers of America will
be conducting their annual
contests on April 28, hosted by
the Clackamas Community
College agriculture department
and the Ag. Business Club.
FFA chapters from all over
the state will be participating
during the contest, the first one
to be held at CCC.
The tournament will consist
of an Ag. mechanics contest
chaired by Bill Sherman and
Ken Evans; crops division, to
be run by Leanna King and
Dave Jensen; farm business
management, to conducted by
Ted Urich and Burch Guild;
meats contest, to be run by
Reed Capbell and Jim Newby.
For the first time in Oregon
FFA history, a poultry class will
be held,hosted by Darren Mac­
Farlane and George Shay.
The ag. mechanics contest
will consist of a written test,
problem solving, demon­
stration of skills in gas welding,
tool reconditioning, electric
motors, electric wiring, com­
bine maintenance and small
gas engines.
Crops competition will deal
with judging hay and potatoes,
identifying seeds and plants
with a written test on produc­
tion practices. Farm business
management competition will
have a written test on
management, financing and
records. Meat contest will in­
clude the judging of beef,
sheep and swine carcasses plus
grading these carcasses and
identifying retail cuts. FFA’ers
will be evaluating classes of
layers, broilers,, and turkeys in
addition to grading eggs and
dressed birds in the poultry
Local FFA advisors will be
assisting the college chairmen.
The first place team in each
division, except crops, will
represent Oregon at the
National FFA convention in
Kansas City, Mo., where they
will compete against teams
from throughout the United
Lawyer donates
legal services
Students needing legal
counsel or advice can find it
here on campus. Retired
lawyer, Don Krause, is
donating some of his time to
provide this service to the
College community.
Krause is available in Trailer
A, Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 4
p.m. He can offer legal counsel
and advice to persons willing to
make use of the service,
although he cannot represent
them in court.
Krause is a .graduate of the
University of Oregon and prac­
ticed in Portland for 30 years
prior to his retirement two
years ago.
Krause, who is a member of
Association, now spends about
three mornings a week at his
Portland office and spends
some of his other time giving
lectures on various topics. He*
also has, as he puts it, “a whole
raft of hobbies,” including
building stained glass
dows, chair caning and wine
making. “All of these things are
kind of challenges to me,”
Krause said.
availiable free of charge to in­
terested persons .Appointments
may be made by calling the
secretary, ext. 250.
Needs meetings slated
all around the county
Anyone having problems
with social services, transpor­
tation, jobs, housing and other
social needs should be aware
that the Tri-County Com­
munity council is holding a
series of meetings to discover
what problems currently exist.
The Tri-County Community
Council is sponsored by United
Way and co-sponsored by
Community Action Agency.
The council is encouraging
people to talk to them about
the problems that exist, so they
can better meet people’s
All meetings will be held
from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the
following locations: March 12
at Estacada High School for the
Estacada area; March 13 at
Clackamas High School for the
Clackamas, Damascus and
Milwaukie areas; March 15 at
the new Molalla High School
for the Molalla area; March 19
at Clackamas Community
College in the Community
Center, room 117,for the Can­
by, Oregon City, and Glad­
stone areas. Free child care will
be available.
For more information, call
the Community Action Agency
at 657-1132.