sports Dana Dunn picks up more points in this match versus a Central individual title himself. Oregon wrestler. Dunn helped Clackamas gain the title by winning an Photos by Kelly Laughlin Grapplers cinch state tourney By Kelly Laughlin Of The Print The men’s grapplers scrap­ ped, sweated and steamed their way to a well deserved state victory last Friday at their CCC home ground. They sur­ passed the nearest competitor, Central Oregon by 32.5 points, 98-66.5, and slated five of 10 individual state honors. An arbitrary decision that made the Umpquy Community college squad place third, will be resolved at regionals this Friday. The CCC squad dominated the tournament. All but one member of CCC went into competition: Craig Groner had a near miss in his match. Darvin Trammal, Tim Jones, Dana Dunn, Rich Smith and Dan Bergsma became state champs last Friday. Trammal won handily in the 134 pound class, while Dunn, who lost three weeks ago to a fine Um­ pqua competitor Tom Peter­ son, came back to slate an in­ dividual win, at 142. “He dominated the match,” said Coach Norm Berney. Jones won in a tight match, by one point. He was out for almost an entire week with strep throat before competing in the state tourney. “He needs this week of workout, to get back into his peak,” Berney said. Essentially, the goal for this Friday’s regional competition is to face up to some of the top- ranked teams in the nation: Rick’s College, North Idaho Perry Miles (right), tries to CBC‘and Gray’s Harbor. “There will be a little bit of a . 126-pound class,” Berney different team at regionals, said. right now we’re a little confused Berney considered the com­ about our weights. We might petition last Saturday not quite have a switch at 190 pounds, equal to the team’s tournament and a possible change in the potential. Oh Thank Heavens for OPEN 7 Days ELEVER HH® a Week 24 HOURS 1 Hot to Go and Cold to Go ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * t Enjoy our February * *Bpuprflap