The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 21, 1979, Page 4, Image 4

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    Career data more visible
The College’s counseling
department now offers a new
centralized career center. The
career information has always
been available to students, but
it is now visable and more
organized, according to Bernie
Nolan, college counselor.
which corporations are hiring a
certain group of college
graduates, such as engineers,
the “College Placement An-
There are several, books
available explaining various
careers and job opportunities.
“Occupational Outlook Han­
dbook” is one such book, up­
dated yearly by the 'Depar­
tment of Labor. The book atves
There are also several “how
to” books available on helping
a student perform a career
search. Also located in the
information on the nature of
various jobs, places of em­
ployment, training needed,
salaries, working conditions
and also the future outlook for
hundreds of jobs, according to
If students want to know
information on job discriptions, . are designed to give stu®
training needs and em­ formation that should'
ployment outlook for the Por­ them make career chi
tland metropolation area. such, as, the Edwards]
Anyone wishing to use the sonality Profile and the S
computer should contact the Vocational interest testa"
For further inform!
counseling secretary.
The testing department also career guidance, con N
offers several interest tests that
counseling departme nt]
nual” has that information and
also general descriptions of all
the major companies in the
United States.
Nolan voted new
Focus chairpersJ
career center are the college
bluebooks, which give descrip­
tions of college and vocational
schools nationwide.
Bernie Nolan, new Focus on
Women Chairperson, will
assume chairmanship today
during a steering committee
meeting. Bill Hargadine, ap­
pointed Ms. Nolan with the ap­
proval of the steering commit­
tee. She replaces. Bernice
Evans, who has been chairman
since the beginning of Focus on
In addition to books there
are other options available to
seraching students.
The C.I.S. ( Career Infor­
mation System) is a com­
puterized system open to all
students. This system provides
Bernie Nolan
“The Focus on I
program has been strl
volving women from!
munity with the Co
Hopefully, we will bfl
continue a strong pro'
the future. With the■
support of the women!
pus, Focus on Wol
continue its presentfl
said the new chairpeF
Tax mistakes can coâ
By Kelly Laughlin
Of The Print
The BOOK STORE will be open during
the spring break, March 19th, thru -
March 23rd.
It’s tax time again. And while
many people are hurriedly
filling out 1040’s and 1040A’s,
errors can make that wait by
the mailbox seem indefinite.
One taxpayer, when filing for
1977 tax returns, waited until
August merely because he
signed his name on the wrong
line. He alsogot stuck for a long
distance call from the main of­
fice of the Internal Revenue
Service, in Idaho.
Dale Potts, Public Affairs Of­
ficer for the Oregon IRS, en­
courages all taxpayers
“double check everything
before mailing.”
Potts also cited tax breaks
that some students and renters
may be overlooking.
Under certain conditions,
deductions in educational ex­
penses for employment, trade
or business can be made.
“Primarily; though, you
must be employed in the
profession that relates to your
education,” he said.
Specifically, however, em-
ployees must meet the ex­
pressed requirements of em­
ployers, or requirements of
law or regulations, for keeping
salary, status dr employment, if
the requirements imposed ser­
ve a bona fide business pur­
pose of the employer.
The education must main­
tain or improve skills required
in performing xthe duties of
present employment or trade,
or other business. Deductions
can not be made if they result
in classes taken to meet the
requirements for qualification
in employment or other trade
or business, or are part of a
program of study that will lead
to qualifying persons in a new
trade or business, even if the
education maintains or im-
proves skills required in em-
Educational expenses can
include amounts spent for
laboratory fees and similar
items, and some travel and
transportation costs. Expenses
for education are an itemized
deduction that appears on
Schedule A in form 1040 as a
miscellaneous deduction.
When parents are both em­
ployed or attending some form
of schooling, they may be
eligible for a child Care credit.
“This money, however is not
refunded,” Potts said, “it only
reduces the liablility.”
If a parent has one depen­
dent, maintains half the income
for a child’s care, and earns less
than $8,000 per year, they are
eligible for an Earned Income
Credit where a percentage of
what they owe in taxes is sliced
off the amount they owe.
“The percentage taken off,
depends upon their imcome
bracket,” Potts said.
Both students living at
home, and parents that pay
more than half of their support,
WE TRADE 1 FOR 2,3 FOR 5,5 FOR 8
want lists filled
hours 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. - CLOSED THURSDAY
End of winter term buy back
begins, March 13th and ends
March 23rd.
8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Phone: 656-2631
Ext. 248 or 249.
can claim a $750 e:
on their individual ret
Students may be eligi
a homeowner-rental
$15,999 or less. fl
amount of the refund d
upon the income |
student. Energy credit]
obtained for taxpay
homeowners and refl
spend money on enl
servation in their dwa
law, which is retrcf
April 20, 1977, proJ
tax credit up to $300
conservation materialfl
in the home, with a f
credit of as much as $2,
taxpayers who installa
energy source devices!
or wind equipment. I
The limited credit |d
table at 15 percent ofF
$2,000 used on suchf
storm or thermal wind
doors, insulation,■
stripping and caulking.j
replacement burnj
opening modification
trical or mechanical
systems to replace®
lights and clock tlfl
also qualify. Renters J
homeowners are eligibly
In an active effort®
plement the Colle®
department’s budgj
runners are filling out J
sheets in an effort tbl
eligibility to the upcom
Taking place at the!
track on March 9,1
p.m., the hour Ion®
designed to take in fl
per laps basis, fhougl
tual intake of funds will)
upon the amount offl
sponsors, the dff
heads have set aj|
Clackamas Communi«
D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer