The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 21, 1979, Image 1

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    tenance worker repairing one of trailer roofs inadvertently poses for still life, ladder-bordered photo. Photo by Kelly Laughlin
Clackamas Community College
Vol. XII, No. 17
Wednesday, Feb. 21,1979
us service could save steps
ge students may no downpours while making the
ave to battle torrential long trek from the main cam-
pus to the remote outpost of buildings. If the Associated
Orchard Student Government’s (ASG)
lar eclipse
More than meets the
ere will be a total
eclipse on Monday
Ing, visible across a
ow area of the Nor-
t. If you are going
e this phenomenon,
AT IT. The lens of
eye could focus
sun’s rays to the back
our eye and burn a
In it, causing blin-
arting at 7:15 a.m.
e first dangerous
said Mike Aron-
I physics instructor
teacher of a solar
pse observation class
e College. Aronson
only two minutes
ng the hour will be
for viewing, but ad-
i students not to
Is when the “safe
onson said the best
od of viewing the
Be is with a projec-
i pinhole camera,
e two index cards
a straight pin out-
Tri-Met committee can get
enough signatures on their
petition, a proposed plan for
Tri-Met to extend the bus route
on campus, the route will in­
clude stops at the two outlying
Joe Woods, ASG senator
and committee coordinator,
said the committee has already
submitted a proposal to Tri-Met
for a route change that includes
a cover letter documenting the
proposal and a map with the
proposed route color coded
over the original route.
“The plan is for Tri-Met to
have their buses make a cir­
cular route around the campus
instead of just stopping at the
Community Center Mall,”
Woods said. “Possibly Tri-Met
could install a short ride fare for
students wishing to go from the
Community Center to Clair­
mont or Orchard.”
Woods said if they can get
enough response from studen­
ts, and Tri-Met agrees with
their proposal, it will be
benificial to both sides.
“A short ride fare of 20 cents
would raise revenue for Tri-Met
while creating a needed service
for college students,” Woods
pin and poke a hole in
one card. With that card
align it over the other
card. The sun’s image
will project through the
pinhole and you may see
it on the othercard.More
than one person may see
it this way. Remember to
always keep your back to
Any students interested in
signing the petition should con­
tact Joe Woods at Associated
Student Government, ext.
• t-i
SN: OL0055
Colors by Munsell Color Services Lab