The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 14, 1979, Page 3, Image 3

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    College moving ahead
n serving handicapped
Peabody said the legislation,
at the workshop by John
College formally called Section 504 of
president; Len Monroe, dean the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
of student services; Don Fisher, states that “ no person shall be
planning officer; Judy Smith, discriminated against on the
coordinator of the College basis of handicap in the areas
RSVP program, and Judy of academics, employment or
access to public buildings. The
The workshop, to help post­ law includes a timeline for
secondary educators under­ compliance, Peabody added.
Peabody said more detailed
stand the new handicapped
■Judy Peabody, project direc- civil rights act, was sponsored information
br for the disadvantaged and by Project HEATH. “It was legislation will be provided to
andicapped at the College, aimed at clearing up miscon­ the College staff in the coming
Lid “several activities are ceptions concerning this recent weeks.
¡ready underway” here to bet- federal legislation,” Peabody
Peabody said several ac­
| serve handicapped studen- said, “as well as pointing out tivities are already underway at
vague areas of the law yet to be Clackamas regarding College
compliance with the legislation.
The College was represented reconciled.”
“These include the appoin­
tment of a compliance officer,
the completion of a campus­
wide self-evaluation, the
beginning of an advisory
committee as a next step
The committee is now toward implementation, ad­
The Clackamas Community
lollege Handicapped Self- seeking
input, vanced work on improved
Ivaluation Committee, com­ suggestions, comments and campus accessibility and barrier
bed of students and staff, has criticisms of its tentative copy removal,” she said.
lompleted its study of services before making a more formal
In addition, she said, Dr.
[handicapped students at the and complete copy of the study Hakanson has been appointed
president of the Association of
An advisory committee of Colleges of the Columbia En­
[The study was conducted to students and staff is now being couraging Special Services to
Id out if the College is com­ formed to oversee the program the Handicapped Persons.
ing with the Rehabilititation being developed and to make
“Those of us who attended
let of 1973 which says that no sure it is meeting the needs of this conference were pleased to
Photo by Kelly Laughlin
Indicapped person should, students. The committee also detect that our College is
noticeably ahead of other in­
■cause of a handicap, be
Handicapped students like Susan Bowles, pictured
Iscriminated against under done
federal stitutions in meeting the
above, will find going to school easier after the College
k program receiving federal regulations. Nominations are challenge of this law,”
complies with the Handicap Civil Rights Law.
Peabody added.
now open for members.
■Clackamas Community
lollege is “noticeably ahead”
If other academic institutions
I meeting the requirements of
■new federal rights law regar-
[ing services for handicapped
Irsons, according to College
Ipresentatives who attended a
■cent workshop on the
Study examines
student services
Crisis line to serve all needs
| Don Ives
Il The Print
|A forty-eight year old man
It alone watching television in
■dirty apartment. His life had
ai Ice held promise, now it was
nne. He lost his marriage two
Bars before, his job yesterday.
Iiongst the trash oji the beer
Lined carpet lay' a loaded 22
liber revolver. Picking it up,
I fired five shots into the
■evision screen.
lacing it against his own head
I fired the final shot that en-
Ld his life.
■A sixteen-year-old was
Jiving aimlessly down the
Ighway with an undecided
jstiny. He was both homeless
Id friendless. His last dollar
lad been spent on gas, night
las approaching with no place
■ sleep. He hadn’t eaten a
leal in days. He thought of
filing his parents, but finally
jecided against it. They
jouldn’t understand. In a fit of
jneliness and depression, he
■ddenly accelerated and
■erved towards the guard rail. -
■second later he was gone,
fctinedfor eternity.
■A nineteen-year-old college
■I, sat alone in her room. Her
■friend had just called. They
■ouldn't be seeing each other
■in, he didn’t say why. He
fc all that she had lived for in
V past two years. She had
■voted all of her time to him,
■ had no other real friends.
She felt worthless’ and alone.
Her body rocked with sobs as
she pulled open her dresser
drawer. Beneath the clothes
lay a jar full of sleeping pills.
Beside the pills lay a small
piece of paper, with the words
“Crisis Line” scrawled across it.
She hesitated a moment,then
picked up the receiver and
began to dial. A calm female
voice answered on the first
ring . . . “Clackamas County
Crisis Line.” Twenty minutes
later she hung up the phone -
volunteers to work on the line
with a new lease on life.
These situations, although at present.
In order for the Crisis Line to
purely fictional, show a clear
reflection of reality. The work effectively, it should be
Clackamas County Crisis Line available to the public 24 hours
is a new volunteer program a day, seven days a week. The
designed to help people in any program,
kind of crisis, large or small.
operation last Thursday, is now
According to Cathy Rode, providing service from 6 p.m.
Crisis Line Coordinator, the to 8 a.m. Without more volun­
program provides a “general teers, they will be forced to stay
problem line” for people in at this level.
trouble. The idea is certainly a
“Volunteers are not expec­
good one. But, Rode said, ted to have experience,” Rode
there is a drastic shortage of said. “We are just looking for
goo.d listeners with a -positive
attitude about life.”
Volunteers will be trained to
react to virtually any kind of
emergency, calmly and ef­
ficiently. Training sessions in
suicide, rape, child abuse,
domestic violence, drug abuse
and alcohol abuse will be
Students who are interested
in saving lives and serving
others in their community
should contact Rode at the
Community Action Center,
Mickey Mouth
Big Mouth from
Mickey's Mult Liquor