The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 24, 1979, Page 8, Image 8

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    College bonds family pair
By Brenda Nolan
Of The Print
Most people seem to think
it’s hard enough to deal with
their parents or children at
home. Yet, Della and Ginny
Riggs are attending the college
together in addition to seeing
each other every evening.
Ginny Riggs is Delia’s 18-year-
old daughter.
Della is planning to graduate
from the college in June with
an associate degree in
business. Ginny plans to tran­
sfer to University of. Oregon
next year, then to the Univer­
sity of Washington to get her
bachelor’s degree in tele­
Ginny says the main benefit it. Her husband was or
of going to school with her first students to atti
mother is free transportation. college. He earni
Della says having Ginny associates degree in;
around “is fun.” Both are two sons, John and Bn
in hope to attend the;
Psychology 203 and plan to someday, according to
study together.
“We’ve always b
The only disadvantage, ac­ volved in a lot of co
cording to Ginny, is that activities — Jay-Cees
sometimes she feels her mother Oregon City Junior1
is “spying” on her. However, Club. The kids have
she quickly added, “she keeps helped out,” said Dell
me in line.”
attended Oregon Ci
Della stated, “Not enough School. She was las
people take advantage of the queen of Territorial Di
college.” Yet, it seems as now keeps herself busj
though her family has, and will cheerleader for th
continue to take advantage of wrestling team.
Don’t call us
Ginny and Della Riggs pause during day on College cam­
Student takes over post
Following the recent rash of
resignations, the Student
Government office has seen
many of new faces, the most
recent being, Beth Thompsen,
Majoring in history, Thom­
psen has found her new job to
be “a little more involved than 1
thought it would be.”
“You just can’t sit around
and type minutes,” she said.
“You are immediately in­
cluded, and expected to know
a little bit of everything.”
Aware that filling the vacan­
cy of the energetic Joanne
McCauley, who is now a page
the State Capitol, could be
more than a little challenging,
Beth stressed that there were
pressures, but everyone was,
helpful and she is “learning
“I wish that I had a little more
procedure, and government
structure, but 1 am learning a
requirements for certification,
Students needing school there are only about 30
closure imformation on bad programs nationwide which are
weather days should listen to a certified and Clackamas is the
local radio station, according to only school in the state of
Joni Johnson, college switch­ Oregon with certification, said
board operator. The college Madsen.
information center was swam­
Upon graduation from the
ped with^ calls relating to drafting
closures during the recent “ice Clackamas, each student will
storm” and prefers to avoid now receive a certificate stating
such incidents in the future.
that he or she has graduated
“It puts an overload on from a program so apporved,
everything,” said Johnson.
which, said Madsen, “will
Most local radio stations definitely be an asset for em­
should have school closure in­ ployment.”
formation by 5:30 a.m. and 3
p.m. for night classes here at
the College.
After eight years of sailing in
the South Pacific, James John­
son has returned to Oregon
The American Institute for and will be sharing his ex­
Design and Drafting has awar­ periences this term with in­
ded a certificate of excellence terested students at the
to the drafting department of College.
Clackamas Community
“Celestial Navigation” is the
title of a class being offered
According to Dave Madsen, Tuesdays at West Linn High
drafting instructor and depar­ School.
tment 'chairman, the American
Johnson visited many exotic
Institute for Design and Draf­
ting is the only professional j ’.uces during his trip, siich as
organization in the U.S. for Tahiti, Hawaii, Samoa, the Fiji
Islands and New Guinea.
Sailing class
When he started his trip
two partners who help
his ship, the “Demar
They only went as far
Diego and Costa Ri
Johnson had to pickup
he traveled.
One partner he pick
New Zealand became I
Their first child was
New Guinea.
“Celestial navigation
only way you can sail
you use technology,
Johnson’s wife. “Basil
uses points of refere
guide you, such as
stars and the moon."
New doctoi
Dr. Dan Dunlap, <
practioner from Milwaul
introduced Tuesday
Dunlap will take
tments in the college
Service’s Trailer (A) belt
and 11 a.m. Tuesday
4p.m. Wednesday.
For more informal«
appointments, contac
2631, extension 250.
for sale
New opels, $3995.00! 4 Speed,
rear defogger, colors. Call Mike:
Armstrong Buick, Inc. 656-2924
Two available rooms in Christian
Page 8
Community. Would prefer non-
smokers. Call 656-5549 or 657-
4927 for information.
Need a good transportation car?
Call Mike at 656-2924 days. Pin­
tos, Toyotas, Datsuns, etc. Dealer
For sale. One “J.C. for a Day”
coupon. Best offer.
Please contact R.P.
Lady 28 with 1 year son looking for
family to share home. Must be on
busline in Clackamas County.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! One day late.
Helpl Help! I’m a prison
I haven’t had a hug H*
Wednesday, January fl