The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 24, 1979, Page 3, Image 3

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    ¡Juggling lessons offer
uch more than just fun
By Brenda Nolan
fcf The Print
■ Who said education can’t be
■in? Loren Wolfford, part-time
¡psychology instructor, believes
K can and should be fun.
■Education can be enjoyable,
[and you might as well have a
■ood time doing it,” said Wolf-
BWolfford’s most recent in-
■hovation is teaching his studen­
ts in “Personal Development
Rd College Success” how to
Bggle. Their text is Juggling
Kt the Complete Klutz by
■ohn Cassidy and B.C. Rim-
■How in the world did he
wink of juggling? According to
Elfford, a family member
Ecieved the book as a Christ-
Mas gift. He watched the reac-
| tions of his family as they
Essed it around. Everyone
Eve juggling a try and when
Bey couldn’t succeed, they’d
By, “This is silly,” or “I could
Ever do this.” If someone
Bughed at them, they’d feel
Bolish. Wolfford then realized
Eat this was exactly what his
Ridents were dealing with at
■They were trying something
Ew: learning.
■Juggling is an opportunity»
¡ft students to explore how to
approach something new.
They can learn how they learn;
'find out what gets in the way of
their learning and do less of it,
and also find out what helps
them learn and do more of it,”
said Wolfford.
“The main factor in learning
is how a person feels about
himself and what he believes
his limits are,” said Wolfford.
If a student can accomplish a
goal which once seemed im­
possible, such as juggling, he
will improves his own self-
concept and realize his poten­
tial, according to Wolfford.
Wolfford hopes to improve
his students’ self images by
helping them gain confidence,
determination, concentration,
and also pride in their abilities.
Juggling will help a student
learn to deal with frustration. It
will' change, “This is im­
possible” (after dropping the
Ball for the 300th time), to “I’ll
keep going, I’ll get it yet,” ac­
cording to Wolfford.
Another benefit of juggling is
that everyone (except one
person) in the class is starting
at ground zero. “Education is
usually too isolating. Kids are
forced into competition. With
juggling, students can share a
common experience and
develop mutual support,”
stated Wolfford.
Wolfford’s students are
assigned to practice five
minutes a day, twice a day,
every day. Five minutes of
ciass time will be dedicated to
practice and all other practice
time is to be recorded in the
students’ journals, Wolfford
Wolfford himself doesn’t
know how to juggle. He will
learn step by step along with his
The. teaching method is a lit­
tle unorthodox, yet the studen­
ts are responding to it well.
“I never thought I could
juggle but I’m already, starting,
to do it,” said Walt Hamilton, a
class member. “I’m really glad
I’m taking the class. Loren’s got
a level head on his shoulders
and he knows how to teach
what he’s teaching.”
“I feel it’s important to know
about myself,” stated Martin
Kennedy, “and out of all my
classes I think Loren’s will be
the most beneficial.” •
Wolfford really knows how
to relate to his students, accor­
ding to Denise Kline. She
thinks his teaching style en­
courages students to learn.
Learning to juggle is helping
her build her confidence and
determination. “I’m proving to
myself I can do anything if I set
Loren Wolfford practices his juggling technique along
my mind to it!”
with his psychology students.
Photo by Greg Kienzle
Against the clock
Contest pits best of student wits
■It wasn’t exactly the GE
[College Bowl with Harvard and
Yale battling for academic
superiority before a national
I TV audience, but the second
Rliminary matches on Mon­
Bay in the Community Center
I came a close second as intellec­
ts displayed their flair for
¡trivia in the intramural com-
swered correctly, but if the toss-
up question was answered in­
correctly, the incorrect team
was penalized five points.
On toss-up questions only
individuals were allowed to an­
swer, but on the bonus
questions teams could pool
their ~ resources to find the
elusive facts needed for more
bonus points.
A few of the questions were
“easy points” as moderator
Woods commented after
asking where Pearl Harbor
was located, but overall
questions were tougher such
as, “In 1911 there were two in­
dependent countries in Africa.
Ethiopia was one. Name the
other.” If you knew it was
Liberia, then you should > have
participated in the College
Bowl yourself. But if you were
like the millions who don’t
know the answer to that one,
then it’s easy to realize the
questions provided by the
Readers Digest are no piece of
“So who cares
history?” one might- say, but
questions •>
mathematical skills. Without
using scratch paper, find the
answer to this equation2 plus
By Mike Koller
Of The Print
■earns A and B answered
Estions ranging from John
Lennon to Joseph Stalin in the
Rning match at 2 p.m. The
[game went along smoothy with
Moderator Joe Woods con-
irollinc the tempo with the
Besse of a young Alan Lud-
den.Woods’ style combined
[excellent phrasing of each
BUestion and
Bnorous remarks during the
Bourse of the heated com-
■ Each match lasted ap-
■rbximately 45 minutes with a
pve minute halftime break to
I give the teams a chance to cool
| their overworked brains. The
Bing system consisted of an
Era toss-up question worth
110 points and additional bonus
Mstions for the team that an-
Look for Mickey's in
the famous Green
Big Mouth Bottle with
the Ring Pull Opener.
Mickey’s Malt Liquor
When just a beer isn’t enough
Rtckamas Community College
Colors by Munsell Color Services Lab
4 minus 6 plus 12 minus 6 plus
6 minus 6. It’s not a simple task
when you only have 10 secon­
The first match ended with
team B winning 235-130 and
possibly moving a step closer to
the regionals, but in this type of
game it doesn’t matter whether
you win or lose. It’s the thought
that counts.